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Questions tagged [electron-vue]

The aim of electron-vue is to remove the need of manually setting up electron apps using vue. electron-vue takes advantage of vue-cli for scaffolding, webpack with vue-loader, electron-packager or electron-builder, and some of the most used plugins like vue-router, vuex, and so much more.

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3 answers

Multiselect of Primvue becomes null data when the data is passed to v-model

<MultiSelect id="Color-input" v-model="DesignData.ColorQty" options="DesignColors" optionLabel="colorName" label="Color&...
Ehe's user avatar
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How to add `tailwindcss` to my Vue + Electron Forge project?

I'm doing my first sample project using Vue + Electron Forge with the template vite+typescript. Now I want to add tailwind but I can't seem to find any useful documentation online. This is my project ...
David Peña's user avatar
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how to play video of h264 encode in the Electron

have checked and tried the following solutions and a few others: Cannot play offline video in production electron app Video tag in electron Electron video cannot play Playing local mp4 file in ...
Dreams's user avatar
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Having issues with electron-builder when using extraResources and extraFiles

Environment: node --version: v18.19.1 package.json: "dependencies": { "@electron/remote": "^2.1.2", "@voerkai18n/runtime": "^2.1.5", "@voerkai18n/...
胡张驰's user avatar
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Electron with shadcn/vue config (src) confusion

As you can see I have two src/components (assets), one is in the root, the other in the /renderer. The root one was created when I added resizable components via "npx shadcn-vue@latest add ...
okkko's user avatar
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How to add a new Top menu in ElectronJS without any submenu items?

[ { role: 'help', submenu: [...] }, { label: 'Upgrade', submenu: [], } ] The new menu is also visible if the submenu is an empty array: I want to show this menu without ...
Dương Thành Nhân's user avatar
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Electron JS/Vue Router Packing Not Working with Electron Builder

Hi I have been trying to trouble shoot this problem for hours and can't figure out a solution. I created an Electron App using Vue 3 Composition and now I am trying to use Electron Builder to package ...
Ali's user avatar
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How to Detect Dynamically Added or Removed Sources with Electron DesktopCapturer?

I am working on an Electron app that utilizes the desktopCapturer module to fetch sources (both windows and screens), I now need assistance in detecting when new sources are added or existing ones are ...
Himanshu Rahi's user avatar
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Will Websql stop for already built Electronjs Application as the Websql will stop next year or it will keep working

Really appreciate your support I Built a couple of ElectronJs Apps that use Websql (they already working), I recently learnt that Websql will stop completely next year, my question is -will this Apps ...
Jalyn's user avatar
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Win10 system, using electron-app to open a shared folder, it gets stuck to the point where other apps won't open either, why?

This electron-app has only one button, clicking on that button will execute the following 3 commands to trigger the opening of the shared folder net use * /delete net use \\\ /user:...
famousmai's user avatar
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Exposing an object in Electron via contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld results in Error 'Cannot read property ... of undefined.'

I am having trouble accessing an object in App.vue that should be exposed via exposedInMainWorld. Tried this with a plain Electron application without electron-vue and it worked out of the box. In my ...
seventy2eleven's user avatar
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My electron app was recognized by the windows system as a virus and directly deleted,how can i fix it

I used electron to develop a windows app, it was recognized as a virus by the windows system and deleted directly, but because the app we only use for a small number of people within the company, it's ...
famousmai's user avatar
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How to fix this issue using sequelize and electron with vite?

I have created a fresh electron-vite on vue-ts setup from this source and installed sequelize. now i am having an error attached here: error on npm run dev from the package ...
Jhusss's user avatar
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If there any methods to disabled Window key in electron js?

I've been working on developing an Online Examination System where it use to prevent students from cheating during the exam. I want to disable window key and other combination key like win + PrtSc.....
Chey Sreylin's user avatar
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Is <img :src="require`${JSON.parse(string)}`"> in electron vue is safe from XSS?

QUESTION UPDATED I am inspecting a client's application written with Vue.js and I found there a following construction. // Somewhere else in the code var data = JSON.parse(jsonString); // In the vue ...
Max's user avatar
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In Electronjs <webview> guest page can not get cookie by document.cookie

in guest page <script> console.log(document.cookie) // "" </script> But in Developer Tools` Application Cookies has values.
xiaoyang's user avatar
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PlayWright Electron: Is it possible to get BrowserWindow from Page?

I'm trying to find the electron window object that contains the loaded page. I want to take the following action: let window1 : BrowserWindow | null = null let window2 : BrowserWindow | null = null ...
Nikhil's user avatar
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PlayWright: Page.title() returning empty value. Trying to add automation in electron-vue project

For automated testing, I'm attempting to incorporate Playwright into my electron-vue project. I run the test, and Page.title() returns "". Here is the code: test("renders the screen ...
Nikhil's user avatar
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Controller not found after publishing project in Core

I am having an issue with a controller not being found after I publish my project and run the api application with my front end application in Electron. I can access the controller with visual studio ...
DRW's user avatar
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Google Oauth2 consume authorization code to get refresh token with Core Web API backend

I am working with VUE 2 and electron with an Core Web API backend Backend. Currently I am working to integrate some functionality with google drive the first hurdle that I am running into is ...
DRW's user avatar
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Electron Vue Router Page Change Not Working

I am calling this.$router.push({ name: "signin" }); in my Electron Vue application (in the BrowserWindow I am loading), but the page is not changing. No error message and no page change. ...
user2500558's user avatar
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Stop Auto Hide Menu Bar (Electron on Mac)

How can you make sure that the menu bar stays active when a BrowserWindow in Electron is visible? Case Explanation: Once you click on my Tray icon, a BrowserWindow is opened with some HTML. Once the ...
user2500558's user avatar
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Is there a way to call a function in contextBridge, that won't be read in renderer.js, from main.js in electron?

I hope you are having a good morning. I was wondering if there was a way to call a regular function in contextBridge in preload.js from main.js that will not be read by renderer.js. For example when ...
Ryan Johnson's user avatar
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Electron built app, set minimum display size

I need to set the minimum width and height on my desktop app when the user runs it after installation. As you see the electron browserWindows changed I already add minWidth & minHeight to ...
Max Behzadi's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined

I'm working in a project with electronjs + vue to implement adb operations in desktop application. For the implementation of this i am using the node library adbkit. When I tried to load script i get ...
Santiago Galiano Segura's user avatar
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Vue.js-Electron application with an Apollo client does not receive cookies from a remote API server

I try to build an application with a GraphQL backend (based on Node.js and graphql-yoga). The server is hosted on a Linux machine with nginx as a reverse proxy. The proxy configuration is listed below....
MichaelT's user avatar
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Sending messages through Electron IPCmain channel to vue instance only works one way

I'm tyring to send messages back and forth between the main electron process and the vue instance. What i have so far is Preload.js: import { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } from 'electron' window....
Oirampok's user avatar
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Trouble importing electron-updater

I have trouble integrating electron-updater into my project. I'm working on a windows system. First I install electron-updater (via npm or yarn) which works without problems. Then I load the package ...
fseydel's user avatar
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vuetify electron reset form

i'm developing an app with vue, vuetify and electron. I have a form that i can submit, but once submitted,after the reset i can't compile it again, i have all input blank, if i click on an input they ...
peppeg85's user avatar
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Error: ERR_FAILED (-2) loading electronjs when closing and opening new window

I'm trying to open a app loader like window that will open first upon running the app just to cover some async scripts running and upon completion, the loader window will close and open the main ...
Juliver Galleto's user avatar
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Quit Electron from VueJs

I am using vue-cli-electron-builder. So how I can quit the application from a button in vue. Thanks.
Anupam Krishna's user avatar
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How to integrate monaco editor with electron-vue?

I tried the monaco samples in I had some success, but when I use the electron-vue, I receive the following error: Uncaught ...
w m's user avatar
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electronBuilder can't bundle my resource at all

It's my vue.config.js: module.exports = { pluginOptions: { electronBuilder: { preload: './src/preload.js', extraResources: ['resources/myengine'], ...
A1Gard's user avatar
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electronjs camera not found on raspiberry pi

So I created an electron app that will open a camera ang scan a QR code, this is the plugin that I'm using The html files was done using Vue and tested the output ...
Juliver Galleto's user avatar
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Electron build failed

Electron build failed. Error: Cannot find module 'fs/promises' Require stack: /Users/abhimatta/Documents/abhishek/accura-electron-dev/node_modules/builder-util/out/fs.js /Users/abhimatta/Documents/...
Abhishek Matta's user avatar
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My window in Electron doesn't appear no matter what I do, there is something wrong with my code?

Firstly I'm using Vuejs and Electron, the package.json will be in the end of this post. I'm trying to use this listener to show my window as the Electron's documentation recommend. win.once("...
Lucas Guimaraes's user avatar
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How to set application icon in eletron-vue js

I am working with electron-vue js for building cross platform desktop app. I want to set custom icon when i make build file and want to add product name on app. But when i set custom icon, it work ...
Ahsan farooq's user avatar
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How to bring window into foreground in electron-vue

I want to bring the main BrowserWindow into the foreground after a countdown finished. When calling electron.BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow().show() in App.vue, i am getting the error Uncaught ...
eli2003's user avatar
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Window doesn't receive message from IpcRenderer

I'm using Electron + Vue to build my application. I send a message to the main process to create a new window. Inside the main's method I'm trying to pass a message to the newly created window but it ...
Carolina de Moraes's user avatar
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Preload not working/compiled correctly in production (Electron-vue SimulatedGREG)

I have a preload script that is working well in development. I've seen here that I either need to use a static file or webpack. I went with the static approach because my knowledge is zero with the ...
Jaeger's user avatar
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Electron NativeTheme: Cannot set property 'themeSource' of undefined

currently I am trying to setup a system/light/dark mode switcher in my electron app. For the electron app, I have used the electron-vue library and upgraded then the electron version to 7.3.2. So now ...
Julian's user avatar
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npm run build: ValidationError: Invalid options object. Copy Plugin

I'm trying to package an electron app but I'm getting this error: ValidationError: Invalid options object. Copy Plugin has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema. ...
SRR's user avatar
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__dirname is not defined importing electron remote

I have a problem. I want to set up the minimize, maximize and close buttons on a frameless window but I can't due to this problem importing the electron remote. Thanks. import { remote } from "...
Juan Morelle's user avatar
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fs.writeFile does not resolve

I'm trying to save an image from a canvas to a file on disk with fs in an Electron app. I'm using async/await but as soon as the function gets called, I see the file gets created but no data is ...
SRR's user avatar
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vue-material mdAutocomplete inside electron-vue app - setup problems

I am experimenting with electron-vue seed app and have upgraded electron to 8 and vue to the latest versions. I am installing vue-material components in my src/renderer/router/index.js: import Vue ...
notbrain's user avatar
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vue-router should route on click, not working

I am trying to create a navigation and when someone clicks. It should navigate to another Vue.component. Note: This app is Electron+Vue based, but it should work as normal Vue Project, as i've tried ...
welcomegkm's user avatar
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How to use multi scss in Electron-Vue Project

I want to use multi scss Files in Electron-Vue and i am able to use single scss file in Electron-vue with the help of this solution By adding this in webpack.renderer.js . Note: Using Bootstrap ...
welcomegkm's user avatar
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Why does textmate modify the file mtime after closing the tab?

I use electron-vue to automatically reload the page, and every time I close the file, textmate automatically update mtime of the file. This was not the case before, and I don't know why.
plusor's user avatar
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electron-vue with webview cannot bypass/access Cloudflare-powered websites

I have installed the template from Electron-vue and I'm experiencing an issue with specific websites. These websites work on Chrome and Edge, yet, fail to completely load in webview. The following ...
Jaeger's user avatar
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Mac application asking for accessibility permission repeatedly

I have created a Mac application written in electron-vue. It requires keyboard access and screen recording access. Ideally, when I give permission it should start working immediately. But my app ...
Pramod's user avatar
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