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Questions tagged [event-dispatching]

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Where should I locate an Event Listener? Basics of OOP

After a few years I'm trying to get back to programming and therefore i am trying to programm a relatively simple app in android studio. Im still at the part of thinking how the programm should be ...
Walter's user avatar
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Create a symfony console command and DI (autowiring) of service in the command

I want to create a symfony console command that list the listeners subscribed to the doctrine event dispatcher. something like symfony console app:debug-doctrine-dispatcher. For that I need access ...
Frédéric Hébert's user avatar
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1 answer

C++ Event Dispatcher - callback casting problem

I'm venturing into creating an EventDispatcher using C++ 17 in Visual Studio 2022. Basically I store a string (id) to identify the event and a callback (lambda, function or method of a class) in a ...
Donavan Carvalho's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

TYPO3 EventDispatcherInterface

I try to inject the $eventDispatcher in my Repository private EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher; public function injectEventDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher): void { ...
mackie's user avatar
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3 answers

Reliable Webhook dispatching system

I am having a hard time figuring out a reliable and scalable solution for a webhook dispatch system. The current system uses RabbitMQ with a queue for webhooks (let's call it events), which are ...
Arthur's user avatar
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1 answer

Javascript - Dispatch event to all objects in a set

How do I dispatch a custom event to all the custom objects in my set? class Node{...} a = new Node(...); b = new Node(...); var nodeSet = new Set(...); let myEvent = new CustomEvent(...); for (var ...
Tim's user avatar
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javascript add Single Event Lister for multiple events like ajax function callbacks succss, fail etc

I want to crate javascript object that accepts setting and provide multiple events with single addListener function. for example addListener({success: callback,fail:callback}) etc. I hope my ...
user3673915's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Dispatching drag-end event

I want to programmatically fire the "end" event of d3-drag. I have some circles and have the drag-handling of them implemented like so: ... .call(d3.drag() .on("drag", ...
Jonas's user avatar
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1 answer

Dispatch event from custom objects in JavaScript

Is it possible to create custom events in objects? Something like this var myCustomClass = function (param) { this.param = param; }; myCustomClass.prototype.start = function(){ //Do staff //fire ...
yalpsideman's user avatar
-1 votes
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When should I switch from Symfony EventDispatcher to RabbitMQ (any *MQ library)?

What I am currently thinking about is that on our platform, number of events generated by users encreases every day (call started, call ended, call record ready, user blocked etc), so when should be ...
AndrewShmig's user avatar
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1 answer

JavaFX - StackPane with Pane as EventDispatcher

In the event dispatcher pane occurs an mouse pressed event. The pane one should show the context menu of it's combobox when a event occurs. That works fine if the event is only dipatched to pane one. ...
RobRoy's user avatar
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How can I trigger click event of LinearLayout when I click on a EditText in it?

<LinearLayout id="ll"> <TextView id="tv"> </TextView> <EditText id="et"> </EditText> </LinearLayout> When I click tv,I can trigger click event of ll. But,...
tiny sunlight's user avatar
0 votes
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can the three.js EventDispatcher be used to communicate between classes?

Core question An event emitted on one class that supports EventDispatcher doesn't get picked up by another class that supports EventDispatcher. How do I get the communication working app-wide so ...
rtpHarry's user avatar
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How to set event handlers in a compact form in Symfony?

I'm writing a Symfony 4 application. Its core is a process with some nested sub-processes. In general, the idea, how to handle it looks like this: There are some processes (hierarchy of the main ...
automatix's user avatar
  • 14.9k
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How to trigger an event in an EventListener?

I'm writing a PHP application and want to implement the Mediator pattern for the core part of my business logic. This "core" is actually some kind of game with a lot of events and statuses. So the ...
automatix's user avatar
  • 14.9k

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