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Questions tagged [flask]

Flask is a lightweight framework for developing web applications using Python.

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Problems adding column to Superset User model (ab_user, Flask, Flask-Migrate)

I am trying to extend the user model in Apache/Superset and add that change to the migration folder. I want to add a new column called "solution_uuid" to the model. I made my own fork of ...
Erik Ahlund Helguera's user avatar
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Website User Management for a python flask application hosted on a VPS

I'm 16 years old and building my first website, but I just encountered a problem that I have not been able to solve: I have a python flask app as well as several HTML files that make up my website, ...
Adrien Reiser's user avatar
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Flask swagger is not loading - flasgger

I have used flasgger to create Swagger UI for my flask application. On local it is working fine & swagger is loading properly but when I am running it on the server I am getting below error: **...
Ashrita Gupta's user avatar
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Stuck in handling incorrect input data on web app for model training

I am trying to add an exception feature in an ML project I am working on, I create a web app which accepts student performance data as a CSV file and then performs different machine learning ...
Harshit Kedia's user avatar
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Graphql or rest in RT chat in a spa running on flask and react?

I have a react app using flask backend. I have changed from rest to grapgql now for user reg, login, auto. Also posting services and for the feed to GET the posts. I am going to implement a one-to-one ...
Jensus's user avatar
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How can I implement jwt in my next js app using next auth with google provider as the first step to connect to a flask api?

I'm creating a web application that needs to consume a flask API. Authentication is initially done using next auth, but I would like the web application to consume a service from a route from my flask ...
ZenDev's user avatar
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Flask html templates aren't working with HTMX

So I'm working on a web application in which I need a basic switcher between types of "posts". Now I have an html file with some templating in order to generate the basic structure, but when ...
m00nsh1n3's user avatar
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How to implement real-time responses in a Flask-based chatbot with OpenAI Assistants API?

I have a basic chatbot that currently waits for the backend to fully process and generate a response before displaying it to the user. During this wait, the user sees a "Typing..." message. ...
Josh's user avatar
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Flask 405 when Pusher JS calls the auth route

I have Pusher Presence channels working fine on my local machine, with a Flask back end. When I go live, however, it falls over, with Flask returning a 405. Locally there is a preflight call being ...
Alex's user avatar
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How can I build my Flutter app to use Python for OpenCV and Numpy? [closed]

I'm developing a Flutter app for iOS that requires image processing using Python, specifically with OpenCV and NumPy. I'm facing several challenges and would appreciate guidance on the best approach: ...
user26409301's user avatar
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Flask app searched result in route returns previous one

I can't handle it for a long time. it returns previous search (test) in address - :5000/search/?key=test (but query works - I get list) header.html <form method="POST" action="{{ ...
Vadim Popoff's user avatar
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Deployment Failed with error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'urllib3.packages'" error?

I've been using AWS CodePipeline to execute a CI/CD pipeline. The 'build' stage performs correctly, which uses both the 'Dockerfile' and 'requirements.txt' files, whereas the 'deploy stage' utilizes ...
Retrospect's user avatar
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How to resolve Internal server error in flask and summary not fetched error in a text summarizer application that I'm trying to build?

I'm building a simple text summarizer using HTML , CSS and Flask. It is a simple web application that I'm trying to build, it should give summary when .txt file is uploaded but I'm getting internal ...
user008's user avatar
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How to launch a flask application with a domain name on a computer? [closed]

I have this simple flask application that I want to deploy. I want to use my own computer as the application's server and I want to give it a domain name. Please give me step by step instructions on ...
Willem's user avatar
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Sending Lists values in a post request from HTML/JS to bckend(python) [closed]

English is not my first language , so escuse my grammer mistakes :) its my first time workung with JS , i will start by showing the tables in the database and then explain the problem so hopefully any ...
ayal khier's user avatar
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Can't recognize audio file in Flask backend

I am having difficulty processing an audio blob I am sending to a Flask backend. I want to process the blob into a mel-spectrogram using librosa/pydub, but I get the following errors: ERROR:root:...
Lan Do's user avatar
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flask application running on docker container cannot access Chromadb running on a seperate docker container

enter image description here Hello So I have two docker containers running as shown in the image... One is a Chromadb for vector search and the other one is a flask backend for RAG chatbot. Here is a ...
Daniel Song's user avatar
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Why my nlp model reload many times when processing question?

After receiving question, my program calls the run_predict function then finds the best paragraph match with the question. After that, my model is constantly reloaded without knowing the reasons. from ...
Ngọc Minh's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError raised using flask run command but not in vscode debug

I have a flask app, the structure tree is like: ./backend │ .ENV │ │ │ ├───app │ ├───Main │ │ │ │ │ ├───Models │ │ │ │ │ ...
AoLiGei's user avatar
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Handling Flask WTForms Validation errors inside a bootstrap modal

I have dashboard endpoint where the user can view,edit,delete a campaign/form. <button hx-get="{{ url_for('campaign_action' , , username=username) }}" ...
Javets M's user avatar
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Flask web app redirects to login page instead of dashboard after successful authentication to an external website

I am making a Flask web application that clones a login page of a website and sending post request to authenticate to the original website. The request is made using session so to be able to preserve ...
Mihai's user avatar
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Waitress as a production WSGI server

What are the benefits of using Waitress as a WSGI server instead of running Flask directly? For instance, can it spawn multiple processes to leverage multiple CPU cores for handling incoming requests?
arsha_ex's user avatar
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How to Solve AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deployment Error: "Failed to deploy application"?

I'm encountering persistent deployment errors on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and codePipeline, and I need some assistance to diagnose and resolve the issue. The error message I receive is: Deployment ...
Charuka Tharindhu's user avatar
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flask url not showing in command line on importing zowe modules

I'm working on a Flask application which uses Zowe SDK to submit mainframe batch job & download o/p dataset. I'm importing below modules. from zowe.zos_jobs_for_zowe_sdk import Jobs from zowe....
Nupur's user avatar
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nothing is showing on my webpage when i run my flask program

Im a new coder and i dont know why even though there are no errors, nothing is appearing on my web browser! I am currently trying to create a program which can iterate through different pdf files and ...
briaNN's user avatar
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Unable to type texts to chatbot user input

Description I am trying to add a chatbot for the backtesting platform built with Flask and there is a button on the right side that toggles the sidebar. If the user clicks the button, it shows the ...
loupdaniel's user avatar
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Can Gunicorn allow error http status codes through from Flask app?

I have a Flask API app that returns some JSON with http status code set to 422. Example def post(self, current_user, data): return { "success": False, "message": "...
shawnim's user avatar
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Is there a way to get input data from a search bar in my flask navbar

I am trying to create a weather app where you search the name of a city in the search bar located in the navbar. I am using a context processor, but every time, it returns None. I've tried this: @app....
Brandon Chinyati's user avatar
-4 votes
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RuntimeError with python script [closed]

I'm running into a runtime error. I'm working on a backend development and im trying to connect postgres and with my webiste but I keep running into migrate errors. Ive tried to delete the migrate ...
user26384087's user avatar
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Flask "error": "415 Unsupported Media Type: Did not attempt to load JSON data because the request Content-Type was not 'application/json'."

I am building a backend for my react app using flask. Using an openai api to generate cover letters from submitted form data. from flask import Flask, request, jsonify from flask_cors import CORS ...
Yuri's user avatar
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How to execute python code by the click of a HTML button and what are the security issues? [closed]

I have an add a new prediction button and want users to be able to click on the button and upload a csv and then pick a machine learning model (with its associated python code) and then have it output ...
user26305916's user avatar
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Flask-Migrate: Run "flask db init" fail

sI am trying to use Flask-Migrate in my Flask project but I faced an error. I installed Flask-Migrate and add needed code, but when I run "flask db init", It cannot find my database models ...
DDManh's user avatar
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Session not persisting between Flask and SocketIO

I have been trying to build a real-time app, but unfortunately, I am not able to work around session management in SocketIO. I will not be pasting my original code; instead, I wrote the code below to ...
Nitin kumar's user avatar
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Apache2 Basic Authentication doesn't work in Flask app

I tried implementing the basic authentication in Apache on my Flask app. I did it via the host config, but the authentication popup is not showing up, it just works like normal. <VirtualHost *:80&...
Rav's user avatar
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flask docker container http request gives 404 error

I tried using flask with docker. I can run my container without errors but when i tried to connect to it on the browser i get 404 not found error: Browser error And my container console: container ...
Philippe Vallerand's user avatar
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What do I do with the YAML file when deploying my Flask application?

I'm pretty new to python and Flask development. I'm primarily a frontend JavaScript/React developer. I am building a tool that uses the Google Ads api, and their documentation had me create a yaml ...
Ryan Hemlock's user avatar
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Python Serverless Function exceeds the unzipped maximum size of 250 MB (Vercel)

I am attempting to deploy my NextJS/Flask application to Vercel, but I keep encountering an error stating "A Serverless Function has exceeded the unzipped maximum size of 250 MB." This error ...
John Flickinger's user avatar
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Flask One Dictory Pyinstaller App on Windows showing internall

I want to build and run a one-directory py installer Flask app on Windows and leverage preview for rendering. The data should all come from the One directory folder with the app next to it. When I ...
user1449249's user avatar
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Link device's gyroscopic orientation with that of 3d model on web

I am trying to build a model rocket that uses an old phone for reading gyroscopic data using a webapp (Flask and flask-socketIO). the "rocket phone" goes to /rocket and sends gyroscope data ...
SH3LDR0ID's user avatar
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I need help in explaing Outline Steps to make a website with a model Deployment With Python and YOLO [closed]

I want to make a website that will take a photo from a user and detect hummans and remove background by YOLO and return the photo but i dont know how to connect the model with the website ? do it by ...
marwan mostafa's user avatar
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I am unable to host flask applications

I am confused with hosting flask application. I am a student and I can only prefer the free hosting websites. also please suggest any good easy to host websites too (free). I use to use vercel, but i ...
UPPALAPATI DATTA's user avatar
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Why is my Flask app not running at all on any port and any IP?

I have just deployed Flask on my free tier AWS EC2 instance. My basic app runs just fine in the terminal, in the virtual environment that I created. from flask import Flask app = ...
Dragos's user avatar
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Flask app builder extend base model and add extra column to it

I want to know how I can extend flask app builder base models. Example I have User model in flask_appbuilder/security/sqla class User(Model): __tablename__ = "ab_user" id = Column(...
No one's user avatar
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My navbar is as simple as ABC and keeps returning URL not found [closed]

<div class="header"> <nav> <div class="nav-links"> <a href="#home.html">Home</a> <a href="...
chase abag's user avatar
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Fetch failure in Flask app/IIS with large uploads

I have a Flask app running on a Windows server using IIS as a reverse proxy to a Waitress app server. It sits behind my organization's F5 local traffic manager. A key function of the app is handling ...
Dan Shepherd's user avatar
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Deploying Vercel Python app, but still returning 404 error

Trying to deploy my application to Vercel, but its giving a 404: NOT_FOUND Code: NOT_FOUND Here is my vercel.json: { "version": 2, "builds": [ { "...
Ansh Ajit's user avatar
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Why is this error showing up when using the same number of placeholders and values? [duplicate]

"error":"more placeholders (?, ?, ?, ?) than values (6383000, 'Egg', 1, '2024-07-13 15:29:58')","success":false} If item and quantity: db.execute("INSERT INTO ...
user812271's user avatar
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Issue with running flask as a new process through a customtkinter GUI

My GUI lets the user play a crossword online using Flask. When it is used as a package and initialised through an executable (like the one defined in a in the entry points), it works fine. ...
tomasvana10's user avatar
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How to add extra column in Role model in apache superset

I am trying to extend Role model of apache superset and add channel_id as extra column. I have done it through and it looks like this. import flask_appbuilder.const as c import ...
No one's user avatar
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Request on a local server with Expo App is failing

i'm having a little truble here I created a Flask server running on my personal computer at IP, and by itself, it works very well. I tested the requests using Insomnia and through the ...
Thiago David's user avatar

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