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Questions tagged [google-analytics]

Google Analytics is a free web analytics solution that uses JavaScript to send data. Use for questions only about implementing the JavaScript portion. Questions related to Google Analytics data or usage should be submitted to

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How to stop google analytics from setting _ga cross-site cookie when using resources from site A on Site B

I have a website (A) on which I've placed google analytics tag. I have a second website (B) on which I am loading resources from When I visit site A (...
nunsy grey's user avatar
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Tracking booking event using GA4 analytics without GTM

I am trying to create an event on GA4 Analytics account that detects whenever someone clicks the Confirm Booking button and books an appointment, but I am not sure that set the correct matching ...
ShadowKnight's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics first_open and session_start events not sent when consent granted

In our project we switched to Consent Mode v2 and therefore set the initial consent of analytics_storage, ad_storage, ad_user_data and ad_personalization_signals to false. After this change we were no ...
AnSrwn's user avatar
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Adding events along with Params and User params not working

I am trying to create an audience based on exit and entry events i create in GA4. To achieve this, i want to be able to pass the userproperty and event properties. Events are getting created without ...
Bala Murali's user avatar
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Can't get article properties from web page published in Zendesk

When I add the following in script.js in a ZenDesk template, user properties are returned successfully: var userRole = HelpCenter.user.role; console.log(userRole) This works also var isAdmin = ...
hcdocs's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics for website is not sending any data in production (https)

I have a React + React Router + Vite application working in production. Now I'm trying to integrate it with Google Analytics. This is my code: import { getAnalytics, logEvent } from 'firebase/...
Sandro Simas's user avatar
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google analytics doesn't assign user id in user explorer

I'm trying to see what each user do in user explorer and I want to get the id of the user, I followed the documentation, but sometimes, when the user logs in, it doesn't get the user id what did I do: ...
Esraa Abodeif's user avatar
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Google Analytics UA: How to show the sessions from Google and a specific URL

I'm trying to export historical data from Universal Analytics before its closure. I want to get the sessions that came from Google results and launched ''. For that,...
Hookstark's user avatar
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GA4 tag triggering

My GA4 tag is firing via the "DOM Ready" trigger (the user has not yet accepted or denied consent). Shall I fire it again, when the user makes a choice and the consent value is updated? ...
feyen01's user avatar
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How to export GA3 custom variables with the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on

The Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on works fine for exporting page views, sessions, users, events, etc. However I also want to export my custom variables (key01-04 with value01-04). According to ...
basZero's user avatar
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Finalizing GA4 migration - are Universal Tags going to become inactive?

We are finalizing our migration to Google Analytics 4. Our current client base has a bunch of accounts that are using Universal Analytics tags. Do I need to go through and remove those/replace all ...
Andy Wallace's user avatar
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"Session Google Ads Query" displays no data on Google Analytics

When I go to Acquisition -> Overview -> Google Ads Campaign, I can see the click and impression for each day of the campaign, but when I want to add the dimension "Session Google Ads Query&...
Jean François Manatane's user avatar
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Google Looker Studio Segments with GA4

The old segments from Universal Analytics are not available anymore with GA4 in Looker Studio. Is there any workaround, that also includes historical data? I´m migrating dashboards from a UA property ...
Janis B's user avatar
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Filter revenue by event in gtag

puchase => event all order puchase_1=> event cash order purchase_2 => event installment order I send event data to gtag with (purchase and purchase_1 and purchanse_2). Why the total revenue ...
Javohir Xoldorov's user avatar
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Backfill Google Analytics (GA4) Data in Big Query [duplicate]

I enabled BigQuery export from Google Analytics GA4 yesterday, I understand that from now on I will get a daily export; which I confirm it works. However, I am interested in exporting data from before ...
user2232305's user avatar
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Tracking traffic across two sites, one a subdomain of the other

Context As the title mentions, I have two sites, one a subdomain of the other. To be clear: Landing page (hosted on Webflow) - Application (hosted on - Desired ...
Lawrence Humphrey's user avatar
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Google analytics hit returning 302 for purchase events

Purchase event of checkout success page is returning 302 error. We have recently enabled enhanced conversion to collect user data. I am not sure if that have cause this problem. Below is my datalayer ...
Habib's user avatar
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How to exclude users when eventName exactly matches {event name} at any point in time using API?

I am using BetaAnalyticsDataClient with python, and unable to filter users that have done this event out from the data. I have been able to download the full data OR users that have done this event ...
henricat's user avatar
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How to exclude traffic from users who click 'Login' to navigate to a subdomain in Google Analytics reports?

I have a website and webapp (Both are being monitored under the same GA4 property.) On the website, there's a 'Login' button in the navbar that directs users to our ...
Tom's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics log custom events from server

I want to send firebase Analytics custom log event from Firebase Functions (with node.js). I have searched a lot but I couldn't find any tutorial or ducumentation about it. Is there any way to send ...
shahram_javadi's user avatar
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How to add variable google analytics ids to index.html

I'm trying to add a Google Analytics config value to index.html. This value will differ from staging and production, so it should be configurable, preferrably via an env file. I've seen some answers ...
Tuma's user avatar
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SFDC data in tableau prep builder

while connecting to tableau prep builder, not able to export all SFDC objects data? what can be the problem. what can be other way to get database from SFDC, GA4, google AdWords, marketo, SEMrush and ...
Sourav Kalha's user avatar
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GA4 - Sessions source with credit card, paypal, gpay, and applepay

We started sending purcahse event through the measurement protocol to our GA4 property and we disabled the GA4 native purchase event code on the thankyou page. This was the initial event payload for ...
Mehrose's user avatar
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google analytics-api, java, how to declare OrderBys call RunReportRequest

String VIEW_ID = "0000000000"; String[] GA_METRICS = {"newUsers","activeUsers","totalUsers","addToCarts","cartToViewRate","checkouts&...
kim jason's user avatar
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"@google-analytics/data": "^4.x.x" add metricAggregations array. Throw error "Cannot serialize object to proto3 JSON since its .$type is unknown."

I'm using "@google-analytics/data": "^4.7.0" to request ga report, in the request array, I add some payloads which can be mocked by GA4 query explorer, payloads are like dateRanges,...
stevetanus's user avatar
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How to install Google Analytics in my Nextjs project

As the title says, I don't know how to properly install the code in this project... This is my Google Analytics code: <script async src="
Zerply's user avatar
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Quota User Deletion API

Can I change quota to User Deletion API? I found this quota: This quota applies to User Deletion requests: 1.5 queries per second (QPS) per property or Firebase project 500 queries per day (QPD) per ...
Serhii Pidlypaiev's user avatar
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Managing multiple Looker Studios reports from one Template

I manage multiple websites for clients. They all get monthly reports with web analytics (Google Analytics 4 data source) delivered to them. My problem is when I add a new metric to a report, or add ...
JWTechDesign's user avatar
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GA4: UTM Codes Not Appearing

Programmatic advertiser here. Many of our clients are experiencing issues where they're not seeing UTM data populate in their GA4 dashboards in either real-time or custom reporting. We are running ads ...
Andrew Geleff's user avatar
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After deploying the backend server on Firebase Functions, errors occur in Google Analytics

The backend is configured with Node.js and the front end uses Vite. We distributed what we were developing locally to Firebase Functions. I thought there would be no problem because I used a Google ...
NurgetQueen's user avatar
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Why Google Cloud API Access Token expires in 7 days?

I have setup Google Cloud service to access the Google Analytics data through the API in Azure pipelines. I used the Azure pipelines because I want to automate the process so that no manual ...
Pruthviraj Vachhani's user avatar
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How to Add Google Analytics to Astro Starlight Theme Without Layouts or Components Folder

Question: I'm trying to add Google Analytics to my website built with the Astro Starlight theme. However, the theme doesn't have a layouts or components folder, which is where most tutorials suggest ...
Ricardo Rosero's user avatar
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Google Analytics & Google Adsense in NextJS

I want to add Google Analytics and Google Adsense to my website in NextJS. I found this official doc:
Korer's user avatar
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How to send events from google tag manager to google analytics ? I already did all the steps but i cannot see the events in debugview/realtime

Recently i am trying to track users journey through my website. I started by adding a tag in google tagmanger and trigger it with element visibilty. I have tried adding a triger with elements ...
Parcel Delivery's user avatar
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GA4 measurement protocol event attribution, not working with event one week later?

I have GA4 running on my site, and in my backend I store the user's client_id and session_id. With measurement protocol on our backend, I send a custom trial started event when a user starts their ...
Max's user avatar
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How to retrieve Purchase Conversion Rate in Google Analytics 4?

I want to build an API to retrieve the Conversion Rates of Purchases via Google Analytics 4. (I understand after reading blogs these are now called 'Key Events') I am new to GA4 so learning as I go. ...
Michael's user avatar
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GA4 changing values to numeric changes the values

Bascially, i have a code that filters the data coming from the API. The data is reasonable, however, the values of the active Users are in string format. Once I changed them (to integers), my max ...
Teko JR's user avatar
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How to see Custom Events in GA4 User Activity

I have set up GA4 for my website and used Google Tag Manager to create events and triggers. The tags are all firing and I can see event counts for these custom events in the Google Analytics Dashboard ...
Tas's user avatar
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Big Query export not able to exclude Events

I have configured a BQ export to get app_remove event and exclude all. But the firebase_campaign event is not getting filtered to be excluded. I have even excluded the same by specifying the event by ...
Ayush Goel's user avatar
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How do I grant a service account permissions to the Google Analytics Admin API?

What is this doing? It creates a new project and a service account json key for me? How is it granting the service account access to the API?:
red888's user avatar
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See keywords used by Google Ads campaign on Google analytics or Googe Ads dashboard

Is it possible to see the keywords taped by the users that triggered the display of the Google Ads? I have created some "intelligent" campaigns, that kind of campaign lets Google choose the ...
Jean François Manatane's user avatar
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UTM for a regular newsletter to my website

I need a link with a UTM to my website, which needs to go into another company's regular newsletter. (lets say the other company's name is earthco) Earthco's newsletter is created every month, and is ...
Ian's user avatar
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Tracking First-Time (or n-time) Activation Events in Mixpanel

I am using Mixpanel to track user interactions with our app, specifically focusing on three events: Message Sent, Add Contact, and Payment Generated. I have defined an "Activated User" as a ...
piku_baba's user avatar
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How can I use a different google analytics account on select pages on my Angular Application?

My application is a conference planning SaaS platform. The front end is written in angular 15. We have google analytics at the global level (index.html) and it works great. All the page views are ...
Chris Kooken's user avatar
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How to setup Google Analytics 4 with Quasar SPA Vuejs app

Having a hard time finding documentation or resources on setup of GA4 tracking for Vuejs 3 Quasar based app using typescript. Would be nice to figure out how to setup vue-gtag package with it. If ...
Mishka's user avatar
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How does GA4 deal with page unloads? Batching vs. Beacon API seems to prevent final events event being sent

This has been bothering me for a while, I think the problem is this: GA4 uses batching, i.e. a 5 second buffer to collect any events before making a network request. GA4 also uses the Beacon API i.e....
Viral Mistry's user avatar
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Google Tag manager - sending a custom event to multile tags

New to google tag manager, I have just moved my ga4 tags to it and I have the following set up, intentionally under 1 container. (gtag 1) (gtag 2) I am using a lookup ...
Ray_Hack's user avatar
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Sending data to GA4 from the server (return 200 but no data)

I try to send product payment data to google analytics from the server, in response I get a status of 200, but in google analytics itself neither in normal events nor in debug view, I don't see my ...
Egor Burkenya's user avatar
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how can I see event parameter in user explorer?

I integrated GA4 and Google Tag Manager in my website, I created new custom even in google tag manager for viewing the page and clicking any button and I added Event parameter to them now, when I ...
Esraa Abodeif's user avatar
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Which schema / table structure should I use to back up Google Analytics (UA) data to BigQuery?

We've written a JAVA application that pulls data from the Google Analytics API and pushes all client data into this BigQuery table (see current schema). We are then using Materialized views in our ...
Shilo Jones's user avatar

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