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Questions tagged [import-maps]

Import maps allow control over the resolution of bare import specifiers (e.g., import x from "x"). They define what URLs get fetched by JavaScript import statements and import() expressions.

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Symfony 7.1 fresh install with asset mapper / stimulus bundle gives "@hotwired/stimulus was a bare specifier" when rendering page

I am installing a new Symfony 7.1 / PHP 8.3.8 app with asset mapper and stimulus bundle and I am encountering issues with making stimulus functional : symfony new my_project_directory --version="...
Teka B's user avatar
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Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling: Assets Not Served from /builds Directory

Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling: Assets Not Served from /builds Directory I'm working on a Rails 7 application where I'm using Import Maps for JavaScript and CSS Bundling via Yarn instead of ...
bonhoffer's user avatar
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error trying to import module pinned in import map

I have a rails 7 app and I'm trying to add hotwire functionality. I am getting an error with pinning stimulus and importing it in application.js importmap.rb pin "application" pin "@...
Fred Willmore's user avatar
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javascript_importmap_tags is creating a link to "application.js" with error

I am working on adding javascript handling to a rails 7 app. I want to use import maps to import external libraries for turbo and stimulus. The current issue I'm having trouble with is that ...
Fred Willmore's user avatar
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JS file is blocked due to bad MIME in production

In my Rails 7 project I have been using importmap for importing JS modules. here is the config: # config/importmap pin "application", preload: true pin "@hotwired/turbo-rails", to:...
rony36's user avatar
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Use environment variable inside importmap - single-spa

I'm trying to use a environment variable inside the importmap that is used for single-spa configuration: <% if (isLocal) { %> <script type="systemjs-importmap"> { &...
Step's user avatar
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Heroku router error ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/modules/seat_builder.js")

The error that I am getting, in the Heroku server logs is this: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/modules/seat_builder.js") This error is popping up for every ...
TheCodeSommelier's user avatar
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Lightbox2 navigation images missing when using importmap

In a rails 7.1 project I'm using importmap to load lightbox2 importmap.rb pin "lightbox2", to: "[email protected]/dist/js/lightbox.js" This works but none of ...
Houdi's user avatar
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Toastr rails using importmaps in rails 7

I am having trouble displaying my toast messages in rails using importmaps default setup. This is my code. This is my layout file <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>...
Muhammad Ans's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: The specifier alpinejs was a bare specifier, but was not remapped to anything. Relative module specifiers must start with ./,

I am using Ruby on Rails with Import map but I got this error on Firefox 115 / Windows 8.1. Dev console error Uncaught TypeError: The specifier alpinejs was a bare specifier, but was not remapped to ...
sparkle's user avatar
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One Stimulus controller not loading after migrating Rails 7 app to importmaps

I am trying to move away from yarn, npm and webpacker to importmaps. I clearly did a lot of things right cause some of my JavaScript is loading. Some of my Stimulus controllers are not being ...
Lisbeth Purrucker's user avatar
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Import powerbi-client-vue-js.umd.js with importmap leads to Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'defineComponent')

below follows the code sample that should work out-of-the-box by Microsoft documentation: I would like to integrate the module powerbi-client-vue-js ...
fero's user avatar
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Lightbox2 with Rails 7.1 not initialising

I'm trying to use the javascript library Lightbox2 with a rails 7.1 application. config/importmap.rb: pin "jquery", to: "[email protected]/dist/jquery.js" pin &...
Houdi's user avatar
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Making Prism JS to work in Rails 7 with Import Maps

I would like to use Prism in my Rails 7 project to highlight code in specific pages. To make that: I downloaded the Development version of Prism for Markup + HTML + ..., CSS, C-like, and JavaScript ...
user502052's user avatar
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Rails 7.1.2 + StimulusJS: Issue with Stimulus controller action after triggering a custom event on window

I am working on a Rails 7.1.2 application with Ruby 3.2.2 and facing an intermittent problem with Google Maps loading. The map sometimes loads in Firefox, but rarely in Brave. There seems to be an ...
Bruno Costanzo's user avatar

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