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What does calling 'done' do in the context of asynchronous testing?

In Louis' answer, there is the following code: describe("ModuleName", function() { var mod; beforeAll(function (done) { // This loads your module and saves it in `mod`. ...
pixelpax's user avatar
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Karma/Jasmine tests fail with error: 'Uncaught Error: Module name "simple_test.js" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([])'

I am using Karma and Jasmine to run tests on my project built with React. When I try to run my Karma tests I get this error in the console: Running "karma:test" (karma) task WARN `start` method is ...
CascadiaJS's user avatar
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Where is this object now?

I have to test some RequireJS JavaScript code and don't understand how to replace a special object. This is the code (simplified) of one function within a RequireJS Module: changeView: function (view)...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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require using AMD pattern gives error for jQuery UI events

In my code test.js is dependent on jquery-ui which does not uses require AMD pattern and test.spec.js dependent on jquery-ui, test.js which uses AMD pattern. Can we load dependency of jquery-ui in ...
Rahul Rajput's user avatar
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"Error: Mismatched anonymous define()" with Karma + RequireJS + Jasmine

I am stuck now for a while trying to get unit testing set up and runnning. I have an AngularJS front-end loaded with RequireJS and r.js optimized for production, so it's all nicely in one single file....
robbash's user avatar
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Can't figure out where to put require.config when using TypeScript, RequireJs, and Jasmine

I've been following the pattern for setting up TypeScript, RequireJS, and Jasmine that Steve Fenton describes here:
Bernard Hymmen's user avatar
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How to start jasmine tests with grunt?

I want to create a grunt task for running jasmine tests automatically when the code changed. For AMD support I installed grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs. I added these lines to my gruntfile: connect:...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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require.config TypeError: undefined is not a function

I want to write some tests with Jasmine. Therefore I first want to load RequireJS. Thus I put a reference in the Jasmine.json file: { "spec_dir": "spec", "spec_files": [ "**/*[sS]pec.js" ], ...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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Jasmine test case in maven with requirejs

I want to use jasmine for unit testing javascript application. My application uses requirejs. I found Jasmine maven plugin This plugin works great for non requirejs application. It also has requirejs ...
dmay's user avatar
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Javascript Jasmine Testing: Prevent tested function to call function from object that was created within tested function

I want to test a Javascript function with Jasmine that has a structure like this: showEditUser: function (...) { // more code here... var editUserView = new EditUserView(); // more code ...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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BlanketJS + Jasmine + RequireJS no code coverage

I am trying to get the same setup as this tutorial. First Off. My file structure is: /assests /css /font /img /js /collection /lib /model /plugin /spec -> Tests in ...
Filipe Teixeira's user avatar
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How to use RequireJS properly?

I need to test a JavaScript project. There are described several modules but when I try to load them something goes wrong. define([ 'core/BaseModel' ], function (BaseModel) { var MessageModel = ...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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RequireJS error: Timeout

I am testing a JavaScript project with Jasmine. Everything went well but suddenly nothing works anymore although I cannot remember to have changed anything. I get this error: Error: Timeout - Async ...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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How can I load a module with RequireJS for testing in a testing framework like Jasmine?

I am new to JavaScript and try to test functions defined in a RequireJS Module. That means i have some code like this: define([...], function(...){ var ModuleName = Base.extend({ init: ...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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Writing Unit Testing With Jasmine , Require JS in Karma for Angular JS?

I have Done a Library Management App with Angular JS and Mongo Lab will Act as a DB Part, I am facing issuse with Require JS Dependency While Crating Unit test Case Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed ...
Siva G's user avatar
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