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Questions tagged [scala]

Scala is a general-purpose programming language principally targeting the Java Virtual Machine. Designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way, it fuses both imperative and functional programming styles. Its key features are: an advanced static type system with type inference; function types; pattern-matching; implicit parameters and conversions; operator overloading; full interoperability with Java; concurrency

197 votes
10 answers

How to select the first row of each group?

I have a DataFrame generated as follow: df.groupBy($"Hour", $"Category") .agg(sum($"value") as "TotalValue") .sort($"Hour".asc, $"TotalValue".desc)) The results look like: +----+--------+-------...
Rami's user avatar
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611 votes
7 answers

What are all the uses of an underscore in Scala?

I've taken a look at the list of surveys taken on and noticed a curious question: "Can you name all the uses of “_”?". Can you? If yes, please do so here. Explanatory examples are ...
Ivan's user avatar
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281 votes
12 answers

Difference between method and function in Scala

I read Scala Functions (part of Another tour of Scala). In that post he stated: Methods and functions are not the same thing But he didn't explain anything about it. What was he trying to say?
Anantha Kumaran's user avatar
438 votes
2 answers

Where does Scala look for implicits?

An implicit question to newcomers to Scala seems to be: where does the compiler look for implicits? I mean implicit because the question never seems to get fully formed, as if there weren't words for ...
Daniel C. Sobral's user avatar
390 votes
11 answers

How do I get around type erasure on Scala? Or, why can't I get the type parameter of my collections?

It's a sad fact of life on Scala that if you instantiate a List[Int], you can verify that your instance is a List, and you can verify that any individual element of it is an Int, but not that it is a ...
Daniel C. Sobral's user avatar
41 votes
7 answers

Resolving dependency problems in Apache Spark

The common problems when building and deploying Spark applications are: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException. object x is not a member of package y compilation errors. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError How ...
user7337271's user avatar
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79 votes
3 answers

Querying Spark SQL DataFrame with complex types

How Can I query an RDD with complex types such as maps/arrays? for example, when I was writing this test code: case class Test(name: String, map: Map[String, String]) val map = Map("hello" -> "...
dvir's user avatar
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167 votes
9 answers

How to store custom objects in Dataset?

According to Introducing Spark Datasets: As we look forward to Spark 2.0, we plan some exciting improvements to Datasets, specifically: ... Custom encoders – while we currently autogenerate ...
192 votes
16 answers

How to define "type disjunction" (union types)?

One way that has been suggested to deal with double definitions of overloaded methods is to replace overloading with pattern matching: object Bar { def foo(xs: Any*) = xs foreach { case _:...
Aaron Novstrup's user avatar
232 votes
4 answers

Scala 2.8 breakOut

In Scala 2.8, there is an object in scala.collection.package.scala: def breakOut[From, T, To](implicit b : CanBuildFrom[Nothing, T, To]) = new CanBuildFrom[From, T, To] { def apply(from: ...
oxbow_lakes's user avatar
289 votes
1 answer

What are Scala context and view bounds?

In a simple way, what are context and view bounds and what is the difference between them? Some easy-to-follow examples would be great too!
chrsan's user avatar
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243 votes
4 answers

What does `:_*` (colon underscore star) do in Scala?

I have the following piece of code from this question: def addChild(n: Node, newChild: Node) = n match { case Elem(prefix, label, attribs, scope, child @ _*) => Elem(prefix, label, attribs, ...
amorfis's user avatar
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258 votes
11 answers

Task not serializable: when calling function outside closure only on classes not objects

Getting strange behavior when calling function outside of a closure: when function is in a object everything is working when function is in a class get : Task not serializable:
Nimrod007's user avatar
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173 votes
16 answers

Write single CSV file using spark-csv

I am using , I am trying to write a single CSV, but not able to, it is making a folder. Need a Scala function which will take parameter like path and file name ...
user1735076's user avatar
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69 votes
10 answers

Write to multiple outputs by key Spark - one Spark job

How can you write to multiple outputs dependent on the key using Spark in a single Job. Related: Write to multiple outputs by key Scalding Hadoop, one MapReduce Job E.g. sc.makeRDD(Seq((1, "a"), (1,...
samthebest's user avatar
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