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Questions tagged [statistics]

Statistics is the mathematical study of using probability to infer characteristics of a population from a limited number of samples or observations. Non-programming statistics questions are off-topic here, and they should be posted at instead.

5,585 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
10 votes
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Is scipy.odr computing total least squares or a special case of it?

An answer to this question claims that scipy.odr should compute an orthogonal regression and that it will be equal to the total least squares solution. You can use scipy.odr it will compute ...
Galen's user avatar
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"commons-math"-like Implementation for BigDecimal / BigInteger

I'm looking for suggestions regarding a third-party library to use for statistical analysis on numbers encoded in BigDecimal / BigInteger. Apache commons-math contains all the ideal functionality (it'...
jwa's user avatar
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How can I calculate the median and standard deviation of a bunch stream of numbers in Perl?

In our logfiles we store response times for the requests. What's the most efficient way to calculate the median response time, the "75/90/95% of requests were served in less than N time" numbers etc? ...
Ask Bjørn Hansen's user avatar
8 votes
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Why are my "loadings" offset in my PCA biplot? (Python, Matplotlib)

I know there are packages that will do biplots for me but I want to understand how these loadings are plotted because as of now it seems like wizardry. My understanding is the following: Get the ...
O.rka's user avatar
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How to interpret gradient and parameter histograms in tensorboardX?

I ran AlexNet on an ImageNet database for 3 epochs and got this while plotting grads/params. - Params in epoch 2 Epoch 2 params distribution Grads in epoch 2 Epoch 2 grads distribution Parameters ...
raghhuveer-jaikanth's user avatar
7 votes
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How to set continues labels in Matlab Pattern Recognition Toolbox (PRTools)

I have a dataset with labels and datapoints, problem is that rather then a classification problem I want to get a linair estimator, for example : dataset=prdataset([2,4,6,8]',[1,2,3,4]') testset=...
Thijser's user avatar
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R: VAR model accuracy error

I have two questions. (Note: The first part of the question has been resolved in the comments below) Firstly, I'm trying to determine the Mean Absolute Error of a VAR forecast based on this tutorial ...
youjustreadthis's user avatar
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Regression output is different on different computers

We are fitting a generalized linear model to a set of data using R on Fedora 33. We are 3 people that have the exact same data set, exact same OS (Fedora 33) , exact same R version and package version....
compIssues's user avatar
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Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in Grafana

When reading through the DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, I came across this interesting tid bit of information - Apparently there is native functionality within Grafana that allows you to perform the K-...
Charles Lillo's user avatar
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Calculating p-value associated with a slope in Postgres

In postgres I am calculating an R2 and a slope using the below functions: regr_r2(y,x) regr_slope(y,x) Is there any way to calculate the p-value associated to the slope within postgres?
Illya's user avatar
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Specified covariance matrix in lmer in R for penalized splines

I have been trying to fit a penalized spline regression model in R using the connection between penalized splines and linear mixed models. While I am quite familiar with the R function lme, using its ...
JohnK's user avatar
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Multivariable linear regression in JS

I am trying to perform multivariable linear regression with a single dependent variable Y and two independent variables x1, x2. This is simply an OLS regression with an additional dependent variable:...
Martin's user avatar
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How do I implement multiple linear regression in Python?

I am trying to write a multiple linear regression model from scratch to predict the key factors contributing to number of views of a song on Facebook. About each song we collect this information, i.e. ...
Lina Linutina's user avatar
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Stationarity Tests in R, checking mean, variance and covariance

Preamble I am not sure if this question belongs to stackoverflow or stackexchange, I posted it on stackoverflow as it contains R-code. However, you are free to move it, if you feel it belongs to ...
David's user avatar
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Plot won't fit in R window

I am using the meta package in R to do a meta-analysis of proportions. I have about a hundred studies in my analysis. When I type forest(result) to create my forest plot, it works, but the graphic is ...
Alexander's user avatar
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