Attracting and retaining top talent drives technology adoption and innovation

As expected, organizations are deploying a number of innovative and emerging technology tools, but there is significant disparity in the findings that seem to depend, in part, on the maturity and proven benefits of each technology.

For example, cloud and the Internet of Things are, predictably, used extensively by a majority of organizations globally. Virtually all of those businesses not using these technologies have plans to do so.

These rates of adoption demonstrate that organizations are willing to deploy established technologies to improve their operations and customer experiences. Although a technology like cloud is no longer in the “emerging” category, its capabilities are growing daily, demonstrating that even established technologies can be used to fuel innovation.

On the other end of the spectrum, technologies such as augmented reality/virtual reality, robotics, and Web3 are not widely used today, but a majority of organizations have plans to implement them, some within the next three years.

Interestingly, there are mixed perspectives among IT executives with regard to the metaverse. One in three organizations plan to implement metaverse-related technologies within the next three years. However, more than one in four organizations (28%) are not currently using it and have no plans to do so.

Which of the following type(s) of technologies, if any, does your company use? (Multiple responses permitted)

  Currently using Not currently using but plan to implement within the next 3 years Not currently using but plan to implement in 3+ years Not currently using and no plans to implement
Cloud 75% 18% 7% 0%
Internet of Things 70% 19% 10% 1%
5G 53% 29% 12% 6%
Artificial intelligence/machine learning 49% 27% 19% 5%
Edge computing 46% 29% 22% 3%
Blockchain 43% 34% 13% 10%
No code/Low code 34% 38% 19% 9%
Augmented reality and/or virtual reality 29% 36% 23% 12%
Robotics 25% 38% 20% 17%
Web 3 24% 41% 23% 12%
Quantum computing 21% 42% 26% 11%
Metaverse 8% 34% 30% 28%
Investments in people, talent and culture fuel innovation

What skills-related gaps, if any, impede innovation at your company?

Global technology executive survey chart 9

Innovation can be impeded by a lack of the right skills. Interestingly, organizations cite design thinking, solution architecture and enterprise agility as areas in which skills-related gaps are most frequently impeding their innovation efforts.

Attracting and retaining top talent in technology-related areas that will fuel innovation in the near and long term will be an ongoing challenge for organizations, especially amid a talent war that shows no signs of ending any time soon. Or, put another way, a growing number of authorities are proclaiming that the war for talent is over … and talent has won.

This makes focusing on talent and addressing skills gaps in areas such as design thinking, solution architecture and even enterprise agility a strategic imperative. As part of these efforts, it’s also vital to build the right culture – one that supports an innovation mindset and encourages risk-taking and exploring new ideas. Keep in mind that investments in people, talent and culture fuel innovation.

Investments in people, talent and culture fuel innovation

A call to action for technology leaders

Notable Observations – Industry and Region

  • Within financial services, there appear to be significant skills-related gaps in solution architecture (44%).
  • For consumer packaged goods organizations, design thinking (52%) is a major skills gap.
  • Within technology organizations, solution architecture (55%) and design thinking (40%) represent areas where there are significant skills gaps.
  • 35% of the government sector believes that enabling an agile technology environment is critical for maintaining innovation.
  • Organizations based in China (42%), United Arab Emirates (40%) and Germany (40%) face more skills gaps in strategic thinking compared to the U.S. (28%) and India (30%).
  • India (24%) and China (20%) face significant skills gaps in leadership.
  • The UK has significant skills gaps in design thinking (43%) and solution architecture (45%).
  • When it comes to agility, India, Italy, France and Hong Kong have a higher than average skills gap.
  • Organizations based in India have a higher adoption rate of emerging technologies, such as AI, ML, VR and blockchain.
  • The Netherlands, India, Singapore and Hong Kong are more likely to use no-code and low-code technologies.
  • Organizations in the Asia-Pacific region tend to use AI and ML technologies more than other markets.

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