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-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to be notified any time a drag-and-drop operation begins in the current application?

I'm working on a framework that's intended to be added to a native macOS application so that it can post events into the application's event queue in response to touch-screen events. In order to ...
0 votes
1 answer

The methods for Drag and Drop in NSOutlineView are not getting called

I'm trying to enable drag and drop functionality for NSOutlineView in my MacOS app. I want to drag a child from a folder to another folder within the outline view. I want test asset 1 to be dragged ...
4 votes
4 answers

Drag&Drop NSURL without "file://"

I'm implementing my drag&drop method. I need that when user drags something on my app window I can get that file URL. NSURL needs to be converted to char. Thats OK. But how to remove file:// from ...
0 votes
0 answers

Setting text color of cells in outline view while dragging

I have a split view window with an outline view on the left and a table view on the right. I want to be able to drag items from the table view and drop them onto items in the outline view. The ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I add a border to NSWindow for a drag operation?

I'm trying to add a border to an NSWindow for a drag operation (in the same way that dragging into a Finder window puts a blue border around it). The problem I'm experiencing is that the border is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Swift - Notify when the user is starting to drag an object outside my app

I have an App that handles files dropped into the window using the Swift Drag-and-Drop mechanism. I would like to implement whenever the user starts dragging an object outside my app, that my UI will ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cocoa: drag and drop inconsistency

In my cocoa code, I’ve implemented a drag & drop for a file path. It is triggered not by a mouseDown, but as a result of a callback I receive from javascript code (after click-dragging an HTML ...
0 votes
1 answer

iOS 11 DropInteraction Session from Photos returns invalid file path

When dropping images from the Photos app into my custom application, at - (void)dropInteraction:(UIDropInteraction *)interaction performDrop:(id<UIDropSession>)session I receive an NSURL* whose ...
3 votes
1 answer

iOS Drag & Drop. How to replace a cell with a custom view while dragging

Is it possible to completely replace an element from draggable UITableViewCell to custom UIView? For example, I drag a cell, and I want to display a circle when I click on the cell, and in the ...
12 votes
2 answers

Cocoa NSView subview blocking drag/drop

I have an NSView subclass which registers for drag files in init method like this: [self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]]; The drag drop works perfectly ...
2 votes
2 answers

UICollectionView drag and drop remove translucent cell

I'm using iOS 11 drag and drop API for reordering and want to remove translucent cell which appears on start dragging. Is it possible? For dragging I use only required method of ...
0 votes
1 answer

implement Drag and Drop in UITable view

**I need to implement Drag and Drop in my table view.I have a table View in left side of my screen and i have an image View on right side of an screen. I need to Drag a image from my table view to ...
9 votes
6 answers

iPhone App: implementation of Drag and drop images in UIView

In my iPhone App I want to implemented functionality as shown below user can pick a shape(an image) from one view and put in other view How can I achieve this?
0 votes
1 answer

Can't access property sourceIndexPath on UIDragItem

I'm creating a viewcontroller that contains two separate UICollectionViews. I'm allowing for cells to be dragged from one UICollectionView to another. In the method -(void)collectionView:(...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I drag & drop and center an image between UIImageViews?

I am developing a chess app and currently I have a simple setup: background of the board and UIImageView for all the cells. So far I have managed to successfully drag & drop images around the ...

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