Stern Energy

Stern Energy

Fabbricazione di semiconduttori per il settore dell'energia rinnovabile

Parma, Parma 11.457 follower

Costruzione, Gestione, Manutenzione e Revamping di impianti fotovoltaici

Chi siamo

Stern Energy is a leading service company for utility scale and industrial photovoltaic power plants. With five subsidiaries in Europe, 200 employees, 1.5 GW on more than 400 plants under management in Italy, Germany, England, France and the Netherlands, Stern Energy is today a reference point in the european solar industry. Founded in 2008, the company offers design, construction and technical services through remote control, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance including revamping and repowering services. Stern Energy accompanies its customers along the path of energy transition through the construction of ground-mounted and roof-mounted photovoltaic systems of industrial size. EXPERTISE, RESPONSE, TRANSPARENCY AND PASSION: OUR VALUES GUIDE OUR DAILY WORK.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di semiconduttori per il settore dell'energia rinnovabile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Parma, Parma
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Photovoltaic, Extraordinay Maintenance, Commercial Management, PV Construction, Technical Services, PV Revamping, PV Repowering e Operation & Maintenance


Dipendenti presso Stern Energy


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    🌞 Stern Energy has successfully completed two more important revamping projects on Obton Italy’s PV plants! 🌞 🔧 With a total power of 2.5 MWp, these two plants located in the province of Bergamo have seen the replacement of modules, inverters, and the adjustment of existing biaxial trackers: improving stability, reducing the capturing surface with more efficient modules, and consequently decreasing the supported weight ⚡ These technological modernization interventions not only increase efficiency and reduce occupied space but also extend the technological life of the plants, ensuring long-term production beyond the expiration of incentives. The updates made to the two plants in Bergamo will save approximately 2,350 tCO2/year, for a total of almost 60,000 tCO2 during the useful life of the new modules installed on the biaxial trackers ~ 🌞 Stern Energy ha completato con successo altri due importanti progetti di revamping sugli impianti fotovoltaici di Obton Italy! 🌞   🔧 Con una potenza complessiva di 2,5 MWp, questi due impianti situati nella provincia di Bergamo, hanno visto la sostituzione dei moduli, degli inverter e l’adeguamento dei tracker biassiali esistenti: migliorandone la stabilità, riducendo la superficie captante con moduli più efficienti e diminuendo di conseguenza il peso sostenuto   ⚡ Questi interventi di ammodernamento tecnologico non solo aumentano l’efficienza e riducono lo spazio occupato, ma prolungano anche la vita tecnologica degli impianti, garantendo una produzione a lungo termine oltre la scadenza degli incentivi. Gli aggiornamenti apportati sui due impianti bergamaschi permetteranno di risparmiare circa 2.350 tCO2/anno, per un totale di quasi 60.000 tCO2 durante la vita utile dei nuovi moduli installati sui tracker biassiali #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of an extraordinary maintenance project for one of our Clients in the UK. Stern Energy UK has successfully rewired the main DC cable of 60 combiner boxes totaling 24 kms in cable length, marking a significant milestone. This project also involved the excavation of new cable trenches, spanning approximately 4 km, and the subsequent installation of ducting and cables. These crucial steps were necessary to resolve ongoing insulation issues due to poor design and installation practices, enhancing the overall performance of the solar farm. Despite facing unexpected delays in material deliveries and the inherent challenges of excavation and cable installation, our skilled team delivered exceptional results. Thanks to their great effort and collaboration, we completed the entire project one week ahead of schedule—without any Health & Safety incidents. This achievement underscores our unwavering commitment to a safe work environment. A big shoutout to our team for their hard work and dedication! This successful project is a testament to our capability and reliability, encouraging investors to continue entrusting Stern Energy with the maintenance of their valuable assets. #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    Review of Solarplaza on June 27th in Paris. Our General Manager, Giorgio Guidi, shared his vision of the future prospects of the French photovoltaic market. In an uncertain political context, facing strong constraints and legal frameworks that still need to be clarified, companies that have invested in photovoltaic power plant projects are increasingly seeking to enhance their assets and maintain, or even safely develop, their level of performance. This is what we have been doing at Stern Energy France since our entry into the market in April 2023. Highlighting, for each of our investor clients, the optimization potential of their asset portfolios, but also reassuring them, having already carried out this type of project in France, about our expertise in study, engineering, and management of revamping and repowering projects. All this while ensuring mastery and good knowledge of the regulatory framework. Thanks to the entire Solar Plaza team for giving us the opportunity to share our vision, which we ultimately see, along with all our table companions, as resolutely optimistic! The path is long and sometimes fraught with obstacles, but our determination is strong and the future full of promises! ~ Retour sur Solarplaza le 27 juin dernier à Paris. Notre Directeur général, Giorgio Guidi, donne sa vision des perspectives d'avenir du marché photovoltaïque français. Dans un contexte politique incertain, face à des contraintes fortes et des cadres juridiques qui restent encore à clarifier, les sociétés qui ont investi dans des projets de centrales photovoltaïque cherchent encore plus à valoriser leurs assets et à maintenir, voire développer en toute sécurité, leur niveau de performance. C'est ce que l'on fait chez Stern Energy France depuis notre arrivée sur le marché en avril 2023. Mettre en lumière, pour chacun de nos clients investisseurs, les potentialités d'optimisation de leur portefeuille d'assets, mais aussi les rassurer, pour avoir déjà mené ce type de projet en France, sur nos compétences en matière d'étude, d'ingénierie et de conduite de chantiers de revamping & de repowering. Le tout en leur garantissant la maîtrise et la bonne connaissance du cadre réglementaire. Merci à toute l’équipe de Solar Plaza de nous avoir donné la possibilité de partager notre vision que nous voyons finalement, avec l’ensemble de nos camarades de table, résolument optimiste ! Le chemin est long et parfois semé d’embuches, mais notre détermination est forte et l’avenir plein de promesses ! #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    🌞 Excited to announce the completion of two major revamping projects by Stern Energy on Obton Italy's PV plants! 🌞 🔧 Ancona, 1 MWp: This Marche PV plant has been upgraded with new modules, inverters, LVCBs, and transformers, boosting electricity production by 12%, with the same installed power. Completed in just 30 days, preserving the existing infrastructure and involving local collaborators. 🔧 Caltanissetta, 1 MWp: This Sicily PV plant went through a complete replacement from modules to the transformer, aiming to increase the plant’s production by about 15%, with the same installed power. This revamping activity was completed in 40 days, involving local collaborators. Thanks to careful planning and proceeding with partial plant shutdowns, downtime losses were minimized. ⚡ These projects not only enhance efficiency and reduce space but also extend the technological life of the plants, ensuring long-term production beyond incentive expiration. The upgrades will save approximately 2050 tCO2/year, totaling over 42,000 tCO2 throughout the new modules' lifespan. These are the first of many revamping projects from the collaboration between Stern Energy and Obton. Currently, 14 more projects are underway, to be completed before summer holidays. Stay tuned! ~ 🌞 Siamo entusiasti di annunciare il completamento di due importanti progetti di revamping eseguiti da Stern Energy sugli impianti fotovoltaici di Obton Italy! 🌞 🔧 Ancona, 1 MWp: Questo impianto fotovoltaico nelle Marche è stato potenziato con nuovi moduli, inverter, QGBT e trasformatori, incrementando la produzione di elettricità del 12%, mantenendo la stessa potenza installata. Il progetto è stato completato in soli 30 giorni, preservando l’infrastruttura esistente e coinvolgendo collaboratori locali. 🔧 Caltanissetta, 1 MWp: Questo impianto fotovoltaico in Sicilia è stato oggetto di un rinnovamento completo, dai moduli al trasformatore, con l’obiettivo di aumentare la produzione dell’impianto di circa il 15%, mantenendo la stessa potenza installata. Questa attività di revamping è stata completata in 40 giorni, coinvolgendo collaboratori locali. Grazie a una pianificazione accurata e procedendo con chiusure parziali dell’impianto, le perdite di tempo di inattività sono state minimizzate. ⚡ Questi progetti non solo migliorano l’efficienza e riducono lo spazio, ma prolungano anche la vita tecnologica degli impianti, garantendo una produzione a lungo termine oltre la scadenza degli incentivi. Gli aggiornamenti permetteranno di risparmiare circa 2050 tCO2/anno, per un totale di oltre 42.000 tCO2 durante la vita utile dei nuovi moduli. Questi sono solo i primi di numerosi progetti di revamping frutto della collaborazione tra Stern Energy e Obton. Attualmente, sono in corso altri 14 progetti, che saranno completati prima delle vacanze estive. Rimanete sintonizzati! #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    New 1.9 MWp PV Plant: A Leap Towards Clean Energy! We have completed the construction of a new PV plant at an industrial production site for our client, Renantis, which consists of rooftop and ground mount systems for a total capacity of 1.9 MWp. This project required meticulous installation of structures, modules, inverters, and cables, completed with the construction of two delivery cabins and one reception cabin, equipped with state-of-the-art panels and transformers.   The challenge was considerable, given the variety of coverings involved - from sheds to pitched roofs, from corrugated sheet metal to sandwich panels. We managed every aspect, from site authorization to connection to the electrical grid, ensuring that each phase of the work respected the safety and integrity of business operations.   The results speak for themselves:   👉 Self-consumption: up to 67% 👉 Savings on electricity bills: up to 60% 👉 Payback period: 4 years #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    Stern Energy France will participate in the Solarplaza Summit in Paris on June 27th. A new edition that will facilitate high-level discussions on vital trends and challenges in the French solar photovoltaic market.   Our president, Aljosha Stefan Torri, and the General Manager for France, Giorgio Guidi, will be present.   Giorgio Guidi will intervene to offer his perspective on the future dynamics of maintenance and retrofit of photovoltaic plants in France, highlighting the growing importance of revamping and repowering in the sector.   📌 June 27, at 16:40, Salons Hoche, Paris   We look forward to sharing visions and strategies towards a sustainable energy future together! #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    Transizione Digitale ed Energetica: Sfide e Opportunità 📢 Scopri il nostro WebTalk “Transizione Digitale ed Energetica: Sfide e Opportunità. Il caso studio Stern/Raptech”. Non perdere l’opportunità di approfondire il futuro dell’energia. 🔗 #TransizioneEnergetica #Digitalizzazione #Innovazione

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    Stern Energy 🤝 Education   Last weekend, we had the great opportunity to present ourselves at the "Company Mile" of the "Information Day" at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Köthen, Saxony-Anhalt. We met lots of interested students and were able to talk to them about a dual study programme at Stern Energy Germany. We look forward to perhaps welcoming some of them as part of our team soon. 🎓🔧☀️   Many thanks to everyone who came by and spoke to us! ~ Stern Energy 🤝 Studium   Letztes Wochenende hatten wir die großartige Gelegenheit, uns auf der Unternehmensmeile des Hochschulinformationstages der Hochschule Anhalt in Köthen präsentieren zu dürfen. Dabei haben wir viele interessierte Studierende getroffen und über ein duales Studium bei der Stern Energy GmbH sprechen können. Wir freuen uns darauf, schon bald den einen oder anderen von ihnen als Teil unseres Teams begrüßen zu dürfen. 🎓🔧☀️   Vielen Dank an alle, die vorbeigekommen sind und mit uns gesprochen haben!   #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    In the month of May, we had the pleasure of hosting at our headquarters two third-year classes with an electrical focus from the IPSIA 'Primo Levi' of Parma. The students had the opportunity to better understand our reality, visit our offices, and discover the characteristics and peculiarities of our work, particularly the activities that our Control Room carries out daily. They were two beautiful days in which we appreciated the active participation and interest of the students! We believe that the relationship between schools and companies is of fundamental importance and should be cultivated with initiatives like this one! A special thanks goes to Professor Massimo Barezzi for his invaluable contribution to this initiative. #wemakeithappen #renewables

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