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Questions tagged [automated-tests]

Test automation is the use of software to control the execution of tests, the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of test preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions. Commonly, test automation involves automating a manual process already in place that uses a formalized testing process (

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Playwright Test runner struggles with clicking combobox elements and opening option lists. Inconsistent behaviour

Video1: Video2: Video3: ...
tem's user avatar
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Problem accessing web elements using Cypress [closed]

I use Cypress and typescript. I ran into a problem. The page has a form with a button and input fields. Expected result: When you click the button, the input fields become available for editing. ...
Norlerion's user avatar
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Katalon Studio, Testcases disappear after pushing code and open other project

Recently, i made plenty changes and new testcases in my project. Then, i commited and pushed my code to my repository branch in Bitbucket. After that, i got some error like “Rejected bla bla bla”. But ...
Nielsen Superior's user avatar
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How to Test Performance, Scalability, CPU, and Memory Consumption of Rule Engines (Drools, NRules, Easy Rules)?

I am trying to test the performance, scalability, CPU, and memory consumption of my rule engine. I am using Drools, NRules, and Easy Rules but I'm new to this and don't know where to start. I haven't ...
Nejmaoui Shadha's user avatar
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Issue with tests generating (magento. mftf)

mftf is new experience for me and sry if this question is to lamer When i execute the following command vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests the following result is appears: Warning: DOMXPath::query(): ...
Dmitriy Denisyuk's user avatar
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How can I test that the PHP code under test calls the proper method on a trait?

Edit: After reading one of the comments, I realized I misspoke pretty badly in the original post, I've made some edits to clarify. Essentially, I need to check the results but am struggling with that ...
jrgilman's user avatar
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Run some tests in serial mode and some in parallel in the same file Playwright

In this example I have 4 tests in the same spec file, and I want 2 of them to be executed in serial mode and the other 2 to be executed in parallel. // a,b - to be executed in parallel mode test("...'s user avatar
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Is it feasible to run part of test cases parallelly and part of test cases sequentially at the same time in Playwright

I need to run my automation test suite on multiple workers to reduce execution time. There are a few test cases that use the same endpoint with different configurations. please refer the bellow ...
isuru prasad's user avatar
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Getting Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' - When calling a def in another py file [closed]

I am working on a ROBOT Python Framework for test automation I have this listener class 'TestStatusListener' after execution, which gets the count of Total,Passed,Failed,Skipped tests. I have another ...
AbdulQASDET's user avatar
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Is there any way to automate the check of Google Tag Manager tags and Data Layer values?

We manually check Google Tag Manager tags and Data Layer values on our website. I wonder if there is a way to automate it. If so, how can I do it? I searched Google but cannot find proper answers to ...
Mert Yalçınkaya's user avatar
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WebdriverIO still logs me in even though the input value is null

I am trying to write a simple test using WebdriverIO on the SauceDemo website. When I insert valid authorization values in the inputs and then clear these inputs, it still somehow logs me in on a ...
autojonski's user avatar
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Stuck on Running Tests

Does anyone knows why are my test not running? or visible not running? I can see that "something" is happening, but after a while (1h or more...) nothing is shown besides: [INFO] ------------...
David Gonçalves's user avatar
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api response in html. karate.readAsString() throws error when i try to save response

I am using karate framework, I am getting api response in html format and i am having trouble in verification the response:- <html> <head><title>400 Request Header Or Cookie Too ...
Ramii's user avatar
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Proper use of "assert True" in Selenium Python

I have written a simple automated test to test the login functionality of a Web-based application. I have a question about the if clause at the bottom and the assert True statement within it. Is it ...
Trevor's user avatar
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python selenium how can I create a personal class with atributes of webdriverWait? I need POLL_FREQUENCY so my test can run smoothly in every step

I have this class: class LoginPage(WebDriverWait,BaseWait,BaseStep): def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver And I need to inject the driver with ...
mppalilon's user avatar
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Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Operations - how to set up Regression Suite Automation Tool for non-admin users

I have set up one user on a single virtual machine with non-admin access to RSAT (Regression Suite Automation Tool) but I want to add additional users. I have followed instructions at: https://learn....
DanUK's user avatar
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Robot's key event locks the keyboard

I use the following event to escape a window's pop-up ("This page is ready for print. Would you like to ...") but it seems that the release event doesn't work. Once the test is finished, the ...
Mr Cas's user avatar
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Cypress - How to iterate through the values of an environment variable and verify each item from the carousel list

I want to test whether the carousel on my website contains the correct items that are represented as company logos. Each carousel item has an <img> element with the 'alt' attribute which is ...
bazzinga's user avatar
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How to slowMo a single test

I would like to slow down the test execution of test step. I´m testing a container which has two tabs and each tab has different table with data. When I click on a tab, it takes time until data is ...
Klim Bim's user avatar
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Selector for a button with no unique ID

I was writing test selectors for selenium in python for a website like For one example I had to automate selecting a button from a list of buttons. The format for the button is as under: &...
Dark Geek's user avatar
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Runing WebDriverIo Test on Electron Application in Dev Mode

I am trying to use wdio for my electron project, its working very well when running it on the build (release/win-unpacked/) but when I set the configuration file to use it directly in dev mode ...
khaldoun kassem's user avatar
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To find X path of the capital city of country but by using countries X path

Hi guys I want to find the X path of the capital city of the country by using the country.Help me in finding the X path. I have used independent and dependent X path but not able to find it. Link of ...
Anish Kumar's user avatar
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[Unreal 5.4]Gauntlet Test Unable to find "MyTest" test in assemblies

I am trying to use Gauntlet for a simple test like a helloworld kind of approach, i have setup a C++ testcontroller .cpp and .h and a HelloworldTest.cs also added Gauntlet in Build.cs file of my ...
Zevahc's user avatar
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Cypress - Page Load Fails despite loading correct JSON

I'm trying to learn Cypress. And I'm trying to intercept an API call and return a fixed JSOn response. It works correctly with all responses being sent, and the page loads in the IDE too but Cypress ...
Ariha's user avatar
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PixiJS - I have to double click to open the Pause screen. Why is that?

In trying to find out why the pause menu opens when the pause button is double clicked instead of being clicked once. It’s a web application which I haven’t made and I’ve never worked with PixiJS. I’...
user25148622's user avatar
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How to create warning assertions in Playwright TypeScript tests for non-critical failures?

How to create warning assertions in Playwright TypeScript tests for non-critical failures? I'm working on Playwright tests using TypeScript, and I need a way to handle assertions that throw warnings ...
Barış Can Ateş's user avatar
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Cypress - cannot select option in dropdown inside the iframe

I have a dropdown like below: The panel with the options is displayed only when the user starts typing. The DOM input element is defined as below: <input _ngcontent-ng-c3697127439="" ...
bartleo's user avatar
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Assert a specific element is PRESENT within a specific div

Using a Playwright/Javascript framework, I am trying to validate a specific element "Draft project brief" card IS PRESENT within the specific "To Do" column. Screenshot of webpage ...
marsknows's user avatar
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Weird issues running tests parallely with Selenium, Java, TestNG

When i run my test (not parallel) everything works fine. But when i tried running same test twice there is alot of weird stuff going on. Either blank page or if one of them closes they both close and ...
dexter's user avatar
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Getting error highlighted in yellow in eclipse while automating post API through rest assured

[Getting error highlighted in yellow in eclipse while automating post API through rest assured] package com.testautomation.apitesting; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.testng.annotations....
Garima Yadav's user avatar
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Cannot loop all rows in cucumber.js examples table

In my automated test, I intend to automatically answer quiz and click the "next" button to proceed to the next page after each question is done in each page (questionNum). However, only the ...
Shirley's user avatar
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Codeception: Acceptance test is running as the first test in the test group, where API test is defined as the first test in the group: How to resolve?

I use Codeception framework and Netbeans IDE for my test automation using PHP. I would like to run 2 tests one after another in a group, where the API test will run first and after the successful run ...
Summa11's user avatar
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Flutter version 3.22.0 or above the aria-label attribute is not displayed

I am having an issue with my automated tests because when I compile my web application I can't find the aria-label attribute that was present in version 3.19.6 or earlier. Flutter 3.22.0 or above ...
Elkin Mercado's user avatar
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RestSharp || Rest API Automation Testing || ExecuteAsync returning null

I am developing RestAPI automation test case using RestSharp. I am trying sample code to test the API response. Below is my code: var _client = new RestClient(""); var ...
Shyam's user avatar
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Reuse results of random generation function as "const" [duplicate]

Newbie question here, For Cypress test of a web project, I generated a random name for an item creation. I want to "store" the resultat as "const" in order to check that folder is ...
thomas diana's user avatar
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How to run Looker assertion for data quality tests? on non-imuable data

I'm currently working on a project where I need to validate data quality assertions in Looker. The data is mirrored in a PostgreSQL database, and it changes frequently (at least once a day), which can ...
Aurelien ROBLIN's user avatar
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Selenium clean POM project structure

I am doing refactoring of my old Selenium project. I am implementing POM and other best practices. I work for insurance company and we are selling our insurance products online. Some of them have 5-6 ...
shokerrr's user avatar
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ATF step configurations in ServiceNow (Reports and Responsive Dashboards)

I am facing an issue like while I am adding the test step for reporting testcase or for dashboard testcase I am unable to open, the page was stuck and is showing like this. What can I try next? ...
mrudula rudrapaka's user avatar
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Gitlab CI pipeline for Cypress test fails

I have tried a hundred different ways but still can't get the Cypress test to run successfully on Gitlab CI. Below is my basic setup/config. I'm not sure what is wrong with my setup. .gitlab-ci.yaml ...
Rsln's user avatar
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.net Maui - how to tell Test Explorer use emulated tablet for its tests?

running .net8 and maui, have the emulator working just fine, and it works in debug mode, too. I also have a physical tablet plugged in and that works just fine as well. What I don't know how to do ...
NovaDev's user avatar
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Shopware 6.5 - Transactional mail testing - Workflow + Tools?

What is a preferably automated way to create transactional mails and test them with different sets of data? Speaking of the admin panel UI (Settings -> Email templates), I have some trouble ...
TheRemoteCoder's user avatar
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Is it possible to run VsTest in azure pipelines against pre-installed test project

We have an azure pipeline that deploys candidate releases to a staging server. When the server update is complete a series of automated tests are then run, this is the current layout. Now the ...
Kev's user avatar
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Playwright is not locating data-testId

I'm using data-testid to locate a title entry field on a page. The input field has the tag "createTitle", however when I use the getByTestId method to locate it, the element cant be found ...
sam evans's user avatar
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Testcafe how to test dynamic url popup window that is dependat on previous tab still being opened

I am testing a payment checkout. The normal flow is that you press a button with a dynamic url (href="javascript;:"), a popup window opens up, you enter the payment details and accept, when ...
Nermin's user avatar
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How to include smart assertion details in ready api reports

I have included smart assertions for my request.but while taking the report i'm not seeing the smart assertions details that i have placed in report.please help me! I need to see all the smart ...
Vasanth's user avatar
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how do I launch a VS Code extension during automated test, without a command?

how do I launch a VS Code extension during automated test, without a command? framework: @vscode/test-electron as a user it is launched by clicking the icon in the VS Code Extensions sidebar I could ...
Ziv Shapira's user avatar
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Postman validation_error

I have some interesting problem with my postman test. At one point, an error with code 400 ruins everything, namely, with the requirement of variables - first_par and sec_par, but the system does not ...
ARGaming's user avatar
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How do I call a function in for E2E test automation?

I am in a QA bootcamp (Coding Temple) and I am working on an assignment where we take pseudo code and turn it into an automated test using javaScript functions in cypress. However, I just cannot get ...
Immaculate Leila's user avatar
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Hooks for specific scenario

My SpecFlow automation scripts perform test on web applications. Web browser will be launched and user name and password will be entered to login and then the test continues. In my hooks class, The [...
captain jack's user avatar
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How to restart Electron application for each test case in WebDriverIO?

I'm working on a test suite using WebDriverIO for testing an Electron application. In my spec file, I have multiple test cases (it blocks) that need to run independently, but I need to restart the ...
user25536480's user avatar

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