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Questions tagged [ddev]

open source tool for setting up a local PHP development environment.

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Drupal 10 multisite using "ddev share" or Cloudflare

I need to share my local version of Drupal 10 multisite using "ddev share". When I run the command ddev share, it only shows me the "default" version of the site (path web/sites/...
Andrea's user avatar
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Running Vite dev mode on Symfony 7 application with DDEV webserver

I've been looking to run Vite in development mode (watch JS and CSS files) for my Symfony 7 app which is served with a DDEV webserver. // package.json { // ... "scripts": { &...
Nathalie's user avatar
-1 votes
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Restore drupal 6 site using ddev

My company's drupal 6 site is currently managed by a 3rd party company and is hosted in pantheon. I built a db container and a web server container running nginx. I have recreated the settings.php ...
druaplddevn00b's user avatar
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How to use self signed client certificates in ddev

I created a CA solely for issuing self signed certificates that http clients should use to communicate with several rest endpoints of our application developed in a ddev environment using apache. I ...
sclausen's user avatar
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Install postgis extension with DDEV

I have the following DDEV config file: name: whatever type: php docroot: public php_version: "8.3" webserver_type: nginx-fpm database: type: postgres version: "15" ...
Álvaro Franz's user avatar
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How can I change the name of the database in a ddev project?

Is there a way to change the default configuration for the database in a ddev project and save the changes into the project repository? I mean change the database name, the database usernames and ...
brad.bulger's user avatar
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DDEV - how to access Mailpit POP3 server

Need to access builtin POP3 server inside of Mailpit. Mailpit is mentioning adding auth to enable POP3 feature. I'm developing code for "unsubscribe" feature available in email clients (not ...
Pedja's user avatar
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Drupal 10 on Ubuntu 18.04 DDEV memory size exhausted

Suddenly received error message on drupal 10 url generated by ddev - Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /var/www/html/vendor/twig/twig/...
jeeva's user avatar
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`ddev import-db` or `ddev pull` - Error: Unknown command '\-'

I'm trying to import a zipped sql dump into ddev like this: ddev import-db --file=database.sql.gz but that gives me the following error: ERROR at line 1: Unknown command '\-'. If I try ddev import-db &...
Vince's user avatar
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4 votes
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Collation error importing a database using DDEV

I am running a site locally using DDEV, the remote site is on shared hosting (siteground). I created an SQL dump using SSH on the remote site, then imported the database using ddev import-db. The ...
Len Lamberg's user avatar
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Enabling "/server-status" (mod-status) in ddev project

How to enable /server-status endpoint (apache mod-status)? By default, mod-status is enabled in ddev projects. But if I want to use it I need to change module config file /etc/apache2/mods-available/...
Martin Ille's user avatar
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DDEV 'wp-config.php' not found when adding existing project to ddev

I'm importing an existing wordpress project into DDEV but getting the following after DDEV start: Waiting for additional project containers to become ready... All project containers are now ready. ...
jp1977's user avatar
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can't find docker-compose.yaml file in .ddev directory [closed]

I installed the latest ddev version (1.23.0) for developing my laravel project. I want to have a remote access through ssh to my vs code. For that reason, I suppose to have "docker-compose.yaml&...
Binaryvex's user avatar
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Why is wp_remote_get using the wrong port?

I'm sending a query with wp_remote_get() from within a ddev hosted wordpress that runs on port 4430. My hostname contains a port specification (https://host.example:443/bla). Now the problem is that ...
Thomas Seven's user avatar
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Define custom MariaDB configuration in DDEV

I am a DDEV and Docker newbie but have successfully setup a local web host with DDEV on MacOS. I understand that docker containers are built from scratch each time and I put my Apache configs into a ....
Daniel Watts's user avatar

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