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Questions tagged [symfony7]

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Running Vite dev mode on Symfony 7 application with DDEV webserver

I've been looking to run Vite in development mode (watch JS and CSS files) for my Symfony 7 app which is served with a DDEV webserver. // package.json { // ... "scripts": { &...
Nathalie's user avatar
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Usage or alternative for oro/doctrine-extensions in Symfony7

my Symfony7 project need some SQL Functions especially dayofyear. I added oro/doctrine-extensions to my composer.json file and added the doctrine:orm:dql: functions accordingly. However I receive ...
Oliver Koehler's user avatar
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Symfony 7.0 AssetMapper: JS Files Only Load on Initial Page Load or After F5 Refresh

I'm working on a project using Symfony 7.1 and PHP 8.3. I've encountered an issue with the AssetMapper where my JavaScript files only load on the initial page load or after an F5 refresh. When ...
Dimitri G's user avatar
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How to get the connected user in a handler with Scheduler in Symfony

I Have tried to get the connected user by injecting the security dependancy but it return null all time.I have used Docker for mercure Hub server, it's working well (get above this question to get the ...
Cassius's user avatar
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Error in Symfony with Overblog: Could not find type with alias "Query"

I have using symfony with overblog/graphql-bundle. While creating simple project with sample query and resolver, Got an error "Could not find type with alias "Query". Did you forget to ...
Sivaranjani C's user avatar
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Symfony 7.0 - Can't get user details in Event Listener

I use Symfony 7.0 framework. I got stuck with this for a few days. Googled, used AI chat, read documentation, but nothing helped. I can't get use details inside of my Event Listener class from ...
Aleksandar Zivanovic's user avatar
-1 votes
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Symfony 7 -DoctrineExtensions softdeleteable

I installed Gedmo in order to use soft delete, but now I can't make entity via CLI. I am getting following error when I try php bin/console make:entity : Compile Error: Declaration of Gedmo\...
Sasha's user avatar
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Trying to configure Gedmo soft delete

I am trying to make doctrine.yaml include Gedmo soft delete. This is my configuration: doctrine: dbal: url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%' # IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your ...
Sasha's user avatar
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How to Automatically Add ID Parameter to Route Generation in Symfony 7?

In my Symfony 7 project, I aim to automatically add the ID parameter to route generation if it is present in the current request parameters, whether generating the route via Twig or from a controller. ...
user25572171's user avatar
2 votes
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symfony 7, Twig, AssetMapper: assets are served fine on dev, but 404 in prod

I am naively trying to learn AssetMapper and follow the instructions but I must be doing something wrong. In my local development environment, it's working flawlessly. In the prod environment on the ...
David's user avatar
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Easy admin collection field add item

I got an issue with my CollectionField. I'm a collections of items just inserted. But when i try to add a new item the id of the new form is the same of the last just inserted. So the last element is ...
Madmax's user avatar
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Symfony 7 How to transform FormType all fields into concatenated string

I have a custom FormType called EffectType created as below and this FormType is used in another FormType as a ->add('effect', EffectType::class) and I would like to transform all the data from the ...
Julien Gidel's user avatar
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Why is my Voter being called multiple times and without the subject when securing properties in API Platform?

I am working on a Symfony 7 application where I need to implement fine-grained access control using security voters. Specifically, I want to grant access to an entire resource based on one set of ...
Narvalhaut's user avatar
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Symfony 7 assets are loaded with wrong context path

I am developing a web application with Symfony 7.0. I have a given UI template (Velzon). There is a public/assets folder as well as a assets on top. No I have created a simple Controller with the path ...
user3296316's user avatar
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Install Bootstrap on Symfony 7, Error message after "package.json" add, and command "npm start"

Error message screencapture Good morning, I am installing Boostrap v 5.3.3 in Symfony following the Bootstrap documentation. But I encounter an error when launching the "npm start" command (...
TheLands's user avatar

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