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I need an excel formula that if a number in cell A1 is 1,2 or 3 then put number 8 in cell A2. If not leave blank

I need an excel formula that if a number in cell A1 is 1,2 or 3 then put number 8 in cell A2. If not leave blank. I tried a bunch of formulas but I don't know what this one would be called. Sounds ...
Craig Charron's user avatar
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How to set time interval between automatic calculations in Excel

I have a spreadsheet which source data from external sources and many formulas depends on these source data. The source data are updating frequently (sub-second), but my spreadsheet is too heavy to ...
xymzh's user avatar
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How to Automatically Filter a Table Based on a Dropdown Selection in Excel? [closed]

I am working with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and need some help with automating a filter based on a dropdown selection. Here's the scenario: I have a table called SchoolDatabase that includes the ...
Sun's user avatar
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REF error in libreoffice calc, when trying to get address from another book

I need to get address from anoter book in LO calc. I do that in excell with success, but calc return me a ref error. I use 3 functions: match, index and cell. calc =CELL("address";INDEX('...
Vladimir Kalinin's user avatar
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How to find the three largest values among cells in different columns in Excel in Portuguese?

I'm trying to calculate the three largest values among cells that are distributed across different columns in Excel, using the Portuguese version of the software. The cells I want to compare are in ...
czargab18's user avatar
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IF V16 is greater than 0, does S5=D17? True do nothing, False highlight

I want to get a cell to highlight is the value in cell V16 is greater than 0. I then want it to check if S5=D17. If this is True, no action is required. But if it is False, I want it to highlight. =IF(...
Brittany Sproat MissBrissy's user avatar
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Weird hidden character in Excel that counts up in COUNTIF

I have an Excel sheet which is automatically created by an export of a time scheduler system. I want to count some columns content (to filter out all rows with no content). But weird: some cells ...
Robbit's user avatar
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VBA - change cell formatting based on another cell's format

How to change cell formatting based on another cell's format? I tried the following code: Range("A9:A9").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Selection.FormatConditions.Add ...
Ye Lwin's user avatar
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Can VBA be used to set print area as a formula in a sheet?

I am using VBA to create sheets from a template and then creating named ranges scoped for each sheet created. Each named range corresponds to the print area that would be a page when printed. I also ...
Gimmetime's user avatar
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Excel Formula Combine MATCH , INDEX, COUNT

I have 2 sheets. the first one called 'Employee' the second 'Database' In 'Employee' sheet in cell 'AO3' I want to bring the sum of comment ' Meet Expectation' how much declared for 'x' employee based ...
New User With you's user avatar
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excel get sheet name from address

i am trying to get the full sheetname dynamically from the address with the below formula in another sheet. is there a better way ? address : '[Airport - Daily Burn Rate_2024.05.08.xlsx]HQ 2024'!$A$1 ...
Umut K's user avatar
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Excel: Lookup '1' and return multiple values

This seems rather simple be cannot currently find a solve for this. I am currently in a spreadsheet, which has a column that is returning a binary value on the basis of random sampling. I need to ...
pycharge's user avatar
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Excel: Countif with multiple criteria

Sheets("Create Summary").Range("B3").Value2 = _ Excel.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs( _ wsSourceData.[P:P], "Airports", wsSourceData.[AQ:AQ], "Not completed&...
Anshu's user avatar
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In Excel, I use a dropdown list which populates cells. I have enabled multiple select in the ddlist, but now the cells do not populate?

I have a dropdown list on excel. When an item is selected it prepopulates cells using VLOOKUP from the table/dropdown list. Now I have modified the VBA to enable multiple selection in the dropdown ...
JMyhill's user avatar
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Excel compute of time duration based on criteria

I want to fill a formula in Column D that computes the status duration based on the agent on Column B. Example: I need a formula that computes On Call duration on Cell D2 for Agent John from 8AM until ...
Harvey's user avatar
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