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Questions tagged [ios13]

The iOS13 tag should be used for questions specific to Apple's iOS 13 operating system. General iOS questions should use the iOS tag.

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1 answer

Why the view.safeAreaInset is same for Opaque and Transparent UINavigationBarAppearance?

When we use the old way of making the navigation bar translucent or opaque using isTranslucent property on the navigation bar, the view's safeAreaInset returns some value other than 0 for the ...
the monk's user avatar
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How to get SubscribeOn flatMap operator for iOS 13?

This code does not compile on iOS 13 because flatMap is available only in iOS 14. How to extend SubscribeOn to have flatMap operator? func f1(_ value: Int) -> Future<Int, Error> { Future {...
John Tracid's user avatar
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IOS 13 webview keyboard messes up with webview display

I am displaying this contact form inside my webview but when I click on the bottom most text area it focuses on it and moves the point of view into the center ( I think this is a normal / desirable ...
Johji's user avatar
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When will scene(openURLContexts) or scene(willConnectTo) have multiple urlContexts?

Both scene(_:openURLContexts) and scene(_:willConnectTo:options:) (through UIScene.ConnectionOptions) are given a Set of UIOpenURLContext's. I was wondering in what situations would there be more than ...
Gannon Prudhomme's user avatar
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It is possible to share content to specific social network without UIActivityViewController in iOS 13 and opens directly needed extension?

Our design team decided to use a custom layout for social sharing. For example, it will have 2 buttons on social networks (Telegram and Twitter for example). After deprecating a Social framework (iOS ...
Alexander Nikolaychuk's user avatar
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Unable to check DeviceMotionEvent permission state

Is it possible to check if DeviceMotionEvent permission has already been granted or not? And how we can change the request alert text from "localhost would like to access motion and orientation&...
archana parmar's user avatar
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Objective c: iOS 13+ programmatically setting initially root view controller

I am trying to set an initial root view controller programmatically using SceneDelegate in iOS 14 (no storyboard at all). I have followed
Beck's user avatar
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How to create two section arrange by horizontal at UICollectionView

I want to arrange UICollectionView cell like this: picture1 but, i really got like this: picture2 What should I do to arrange cell layout as shown in picture 1? private func twoRowLayout() -> ...
Sabrina Cloud's user avatar
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Application starts from Home Screen if app remains in the background for more than 30 seconds instead of showing the screen when it went to background

My iOS application is kind of messaging app, so user can send audio, video, images, etc. When user typing the message and app went background for more than 30 seconds then app launches from Home ...
Kolluru Nagalakshmi's user avatar
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IOS13 Swift Facebook Login

I am using Facebook Swift Package. Completed all configuration, but couldnot find where i should put this code. Because there is no UIViewController anymore // Swift // // Add this to the header of ...
Musti's user avatar
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Still receives INStartAudioCallIntent when drop support for iOS 12(INStartCallIntent)

I've meet a strange issue when dropping the support for iOS 12. When handle the user activity from AppDelegate continue userActivity, Although we drop INStartAudioCallIntent and INStartVideoCallIntent ...
Frog_Walking's user avatar
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Xcode 12 project with iOS 13 SwiftUI support: SceneDelegate functions not invoked

I had created a project in Xcode 12 with iOS 14 as deployment target (bigger project). After some time I realized that I had to also be able to support iOS 13 devices. My project uses SwiftUI. It is ...
gosr's user avatar
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Error unarchiving NSAttributedString on iOS13 with NSKeyedUnarchiver when NSTextAttachment is used

I archive an NSAttributedString, which contains an image with NSTextAttachment on iOS14 and noticed, that unarchiving it on iOS13 fail. On iOS14 the unarchive is successful. The error logged is this: ...
Rainer Schwarze's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to obtain Firebase Installation ID to test Firebase In-App Messaging in iOS 13+?

I'm trying to implement Firebase In-App Messaging SDK within my iOS Project. I already added by project in Firebase console and created a new Campaign. I want to test if the campaign is being ...
Josh Byanec McFergan's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

System Image for UIButton appears in iOS14, but not in iOS13

I set system images for UIButtons and also in the tab bar. This works for iOS 14, but on iOS 13 the images are missing. What could be the reason, for the system images to be missing on iOS 13? Details:...
Rainer Schwarze's user avatar

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