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Questions tagged [ios13]

The iOS13 tag should be used for questions specific to Apple's iOS 13 operating system. General iOS questions should use the iOS tag.

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1 answer

How can I use Core Data value from picker? #SwiftUI #CoreData

struct PickerView: View { var items0 : [PageName] @State var selectedPage: PageName? init(items0: [PageName]) { self.items0 = items0 self._selectedPage = State(initialValue: items0.first) } ...
Taeeun Kim's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

iOS13: Universal Links not opening if the app was not running

We have implemented handling of universal links in our app and I am struggling with the following issues: Universal Links opens when the app is running in the background (working fine) When running ...
Danish Farooq's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

ITMS 90433 Error for uploading app: Xcode 12.4

When I submit my app to App Store as TestFlight, my app goes invalid binary. Error message is give as follows: .... ITMS-90433: Invalid Swift Support - The file libswiftAVFoundation.dylib doesn’t ...
Jeff Bootsholz's user avatar
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2 answers

iOS App Development: Background Image on entire screen including the top time row

I am looking for documentation on how to set a background image on specific parts of the app. More specifically: I have not yet found a way how to add a background image that covers the entire screen ...
Andrea Anderheggen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to reconnect a URLSessionWebSocketTask once its cancelled?

I am cancelling or disconnecting an active WebSocket task using the following code socket.cancel(with: .goingAway, reason: nil) Is there any way to reconnect back or should we create a new ...
subin272's user avatar
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iOS 13 Transparent Toolbar

I'm trying to recreate the iOS13 Reminders toolbar appearance but am struggling with the translucent transition. If I change the backgroundImage and shadowImage to an empty image I can recreate the ...
Ingmar van Hulzen's user avatar
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iOS 13 - In-App Purchase doesn't work anymore?

Since some days, on my apps, the ratio in-app sales/users dropped completely on iOS 13 (8% users and <2% sales, probably renewals). At the same time, I noticed on my iOS 13.7 iPhone that the IAPs ...
Mickanside's user avatar
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How to get the configurations of current running XC Test plan programmatically?

Problem Statement: My Test flow will depend on the type of configuration that is currently running for a test plan. I want to get the configuration name and environment variable entries of the ...
Samarth Kejriwal's user avatar
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CSS infinite animation stops moving when the component is toggled

Reproduction link Code root/ ├── src/ │   ├── styles.css │  └── index.js └─╴index....
Jeong Ho Nam's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Swift UI: UIHostingController.view is not fit to content view size at iOS 13

I want to update Swift UI View according to the communication result. But UIHostingController.view is not fit rootView size at iOS 13. The same thing happens when I try with the sample code below. I ...
野瀬田 裕樹's user avatar
1 vote
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Distinguish between iPad and mac on iPad with iOS 13+

Since iOS 13 iPads identify themselves as Macs in the user agent. Unfortunately I have a web service that DOES NOT WORK on an iPad. It is not my service, not my code, and I can't have any detection or ...
Jay2001's user avatar
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HTML text with underline has unexpected appearance with attributed string in version iOS 14

I am trying to use the HTML as the content of UILabel but getting a weird issue in iOS 14 that the underline color is getting changed as per the text color. I am using the following code ViewDidLoad ...
Ayush MISHRA's user avatar
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UIControl tracking and iOS 13 presentation style cards not working together

I am using AORangeSlider which is a subclass of UIControl that overrides the beginTracking, continueTracking and endTracking methods. When this control is added to a viewController, which is presented ...
Nic Hubbard's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Get Font.Weight in iOS 14

In iOS 13 and low I got Font.Weight using this extension for UIFont var weight: UIFont.Weight { guard let traits = fontDescriptor.object(forKey: .traits) as? [UIFontDescriptor.TraitKey: Any], let ...
Artem's user avatar
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