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Questions tagged [knockout.js]

Knockout.js is an open source JavaScript library for dynamic HTML UIs using the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern.

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Bind CSS with knockout Secure Bindings

How Can I bind CSS to a div using knock out secure bindings. The following piece of code is not working. data-sbind="css:{'has-error': isNullOrWhiteSpace($root.UserID()) == true,'MandatoryFields':...
shu's user avatar
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How to re-render dropdown with search text data filtered

I am using a bootstrap selectpicker with knockout.js binding which has multiselect as well as data-live-search properties on. Here is a scenario Steps: Open dropdown, type ‘cat’ in dropdown Due to ...
Keren Caelen's user avatar
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Form validation is not working using Knockout.js SPA

I have created a Single Page Application in which create three HTML Pages names: 1. Index.html (Master Page), 2. Home.html, and 3. Contact.html and also two JavaScript Pages: 1. Index.js (for Master ...
MANISH SHARMA's user avatar
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Conditional html heading tag based on variable in knockout.js

Is it possible to set the html element in knockout.js programmatically? For example, the user can choose the heading level (from h1 - h6 and p if it's no heading). And in frontend I then have a ...
Alex Berger's user avatar
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Cast a string name to model name which already exists in knockout JS

I am working on a dynamic validation setting in Knockout JS. I blocked by one scenario, I am getting viewmodel name as string from db with control id. This model name is a string name like “testModel....
Remya's user avatar
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magento 2.4.6 knockout.js:3753 Uncaught TypeError: Unable to process binding "visible: function(){return isVisible() }"

in magento 2.4.6 getting bellow error. i can not found solution so if anyone can help me then it will be great. knockout.js:3753 Uncaught TypeError: Unable to process binding "visible: function(){...
mike cole's user avatar
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Force Magento 2's checkout accordion to be open on first step, closed on second step

This is my Magento_Checkout/web/template/summary/cart-items.html <!-- /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ --> <div class="...
D.D.'s user avatar
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Unable to process binding "value: function() {return myVar }"

I am using knockout.js and am trying to get a <select> tag to populate with options from on of the view model's properties. I think I did everything right but it breaks. The console error is ...
drethedevjs's user avatar
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I am getting Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) - intermittently in Knocout/MVC app

Getting intermittent 500 internal server error while laoding page. Client Side code to load Dropdown on Page whenever error occoured it is not hitting server side controller. // Perform initial ...
user23605580's user avatar
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Knockout Computed field never updates UI

I have some computed fields that I setup as get the model from JSon. The event is triggered on the related fields change and the calculation is correct but the value is never presented on the UI. ...
Sergio Sarabando's user avatar
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Add values in form input in Javascript (Chrome)

I am trying to learn how to automate the input values in some forms when they get repetitive (asking for age, gender, location). I have investigated the HTML and noticed there are also a few hidden ...
Datacrawler's user avatar
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Magento 2: wrong shipping method saved in order

We have 2 delivery methods enabled on Magento 2.4.6: home delivery and a custom store pickup. If the home delivery method is selected and correctly saved in the order, the customer's address is ...
Fano Avotiana's user avatar
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How to add multiple method titles to KnockoutJS ifnot statement in Magento2

I am looking to add multiple shipping method titles to some knockout JS ifnot statement in Magento2. I currently have the following code which works for the method title listed. <!-- ko ifnot: ...
user86226's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError error in Chrome for multiple file upload

On one of the pages I allow user to upload multiple images to upload. Script works fine in Firefox however for sometime it doesn't work on chrome as it give following error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot ...
Learning's user avatar
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Apexcharts <svg> attribute height: Expected length, "NaN" when loading other page

I have a simple chart generated with ApexCharts v3.45.1. This is on a single page application where when I fetch another page via an AJAX call, the original chart in the DOM is removed on purpose (...
Jack's user avatar
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