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Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails-7]

For Ruby on Rails 7 questions: Ruby on Rails 7 is a web app framework in Ruby. Use tags like [ruby-on-rails], [ruby], [rails-7], [activerecord], [actionview], [actioncontroller], [routing], [authentication], [authorization], [database], [testing], [deployment], [gems], [api], etc. Provide specific details and errors.

422 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Rails 7 import map with javascript package from cdn throwing CORS error

I'm trying to import a JS package hosted on a CDN using the new Rails 7 import maps feature. However, whenever my Rails project loads I get a CORS related error in this form: Access to script at '...
James's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

has_many :through association cannot find a valid model

I am creating association pretty much identical with the Rails Guides Patient-Appointment-Physician data model. A user has many prospects through prospect_subscription. However, when trying to access ...
Mike S's user avatar
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7 votes
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Import Maps not using precompiled JavaScript assets in pipeline in production environment only (Rails 7)

Anyone managed to wrap their head around importmaps in Rails 7? I have a headscratcher. If I run ./bin/importmap json in development, I get this (as expected): { "imports": { "...
g_t_m's user avatar
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Rails 7 & Active Record - ArgumentError: Unknown key: :source

I am working on a Rails 7 upgrade from Rails 6 and I constantly get an error regarding the source key on active record relationships. I have multiple places like: has_many :custom_accounts, through: :...
Victor Motogna's user avatar
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Can't access Rails app in production after Kamal deploy

I'm using Kamal (old MRSK) with Rails and I'm able to run kamal deploy with success. However, I'm having issues accessing the website in production after deployment: when I access the website URL www....
user502052's user avatar
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Activeadmin Rails 7 Tailwind Issue

Just install active_admin in rails 7 and ruby 3.1.0 gem 'activeadmin', github: 'activeadmin/activeadmin', branch: 'master' It add two style files. One is active_admin_old.scss and other is ...
Haseeb Ahmad's user avatar
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`FrozenError: can't modify frozen Array` in Rails 7 Engine when running `rspec`

I just upgraded an Engine from Rails 5 to Rails 7. This error started appearing at Rails, but I thought perhaps it might've been fixed in Rails 7. Here's the error I get when I run rspec An ...
John's user avatar
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How to scroll to anchor after navigation with Hotwire Turbo Frame?

I would like to have a link inside a turbo frame that works as usual (i.e. by default, when the link is clicked then the frame targets itself to load content provided at the given link url) but with ...
Backo's user avatar
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Rails 7 No loader is configured for ".coffee" files:

I have an older app I am transitioning to Rails 7. I created a new app and Im essentially putting the gemfiles, controllers, models, and views that I used on the previous app. I keep seeing this error ...
SupremeA's user avatar
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How to register service-worker in rails 7 used importmap?

Updated on 1/18/2023 to reflect the answer from Bijan Facing problem I want to convert a web application created with Rails 7 that uses importmap into a PWA. However, I'm having trouble registering ...
mojaomi's user avatar
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Rails 7 using custom js in specific pages

Having adapted the hotwire mechanism for rails 7, problems arise for custom JS that are dependency-less. in this case, a JS that is not mapped to a given source. Added to importmap.rb: pin_all_from &...
Jerome's user avatar
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Active Storage _blob partial not being respected or loaded

I am trying to edit app/views/active_storage/blobs/_blob.html.erb, the partial file created when installing active_storage which allows you to customise how blobs appear inside action_text output. On ...
Toby's user avatar
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Using webpack with js_bundling and rails 7

I'm currently building an application using new rails 7 and js_bundling gem with webpack (not webpacker). But I'm having trouble making the javascript work. I am currently packing all my sources into ...
Lukáš Rynt's user avatar
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Rails 7/Production - Are you trying to open an SSL connection to a non-SSL Puma?

I keep getting this error in production mode HTTP parse error, malformed request: #<Puma::HttpParserError: Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails. Are you trying to open an SSL connection to a non-SSL ...
corasan's user avatar
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Sass built app/builds/application.css not making it into header

I am using the ruby Gem cssbundling-rails and dart-sass to process Sass in a Rails 7 app (and I am fairly new to Rails). In the package.json file I define the build:css script: "build:css": &...
dumbledad's user avatar
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