Can I create a ArcGIS web application without ArcGIS server, using only ArcGIS online services?

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    – GavinR
    Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 15:27

3 Answers 3



The only thing that ArcGIS server would be supplying to a web application is map services or geoprocessing services. These can be hosted on ArcGIS Online (AGOL) instead. For examples, look at the ArcGIS JavaScript API samples, almost all of which use AGOL map services in their implementation.

The application itself, if built in JavaScript, can be hosted on any web server and does not require an ArcGIS Server install.

  • Thanks Erica, that's helpful Commented Jan 20, 2017 at 5:57

Absolutely! You can easily upload your data to ArcGIS Online and create Hosted Feature Services, then add those to a web map, and then create an app based on that web map (no coding is even required unless you need something customized for your workflow). Good luck!


Yes, although currently MapServer service is not listed under supported types of hosted layers:


MapServer allows for delivering just map images for an individual service to the client and provides the feature data by request. Hosting it doesn't seem to be a option in ArcGIS Online in current implementation.

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