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Questions tagged [sass]

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions. This enables developers to write structured, manageable and reusable CSS. Sass is compiled into standard CSS. It is primarily a CSS pre-processor language that accepts both the CSS and its personalised syntax of writing visual design codes.

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My VScode does not watch when I use "-w" flag in my package.json

I'm working on a SASS and Bootstrap project in VScode and facing an issue where SASS doesn't watch or compile when I use the "-w" flag. It compiles without the "-w" flag but doesn'...
Amin's user avatar
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SASS throwing errors when using @use with mixins

I just started using SASS with Jekyll and I am encountering a strange issue when I started using @use. I have a mixin in another file, located in common/_theme-colors.scss: $logo-color-0: rgb(78, 184, ...
insertnamehere807434's user avatar
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How to fix my SCSS so it's applying the text color?

might be best explain with an example this is the HTML snippet of my breadcrumb. This comes with its own breadcrumbs.scss. <div class="container"> <div class="cmp-container&...
mrjayviper's user avatar
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migrating node-sass to dart sass in react app and getting compilation error from react-dates package (da)

I am trying to migrate from node-sass to dart sass. I am also using react-dates package and including datePicker css file. color: darken(#cacccd,10%); function is being used in datePicker and I am ...
Komal Kanpariya's user avatar
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CSS animations just stopped working on React

My css animations just stopped working and i have no idea why, this is a react project i'm working on to learn more about the framework, if someone knows why this happens it would help a lot, thanks. ...
ericericeri_'s user avatar
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Media Queries Max-Width is not applied even though I am on mobile view (Browser)

I have a website in Astro and using SCSS. I have a weird bug with the media queries. I have this styling @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .p-content { &_inner { ...
Haidepzai's user avatar
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How to prevent toggling an accordion in bootstrap when the user clicks on specific part of a button thats used to toggle an accordion

I am using bootstrap. Here, you can see this is a standard accordion. However, I want non-standard behaviour from it. When a user clicks on elements with the class 'option', it selects the 'suboptions'...
Haseeb Adnan's user avatar
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The responsivity of an application that already have too much screens and components

enter image description hereI'm dying of anxious, its been 1 month since I joined a new project, and started developing the front in the place of a software house. The problem is, the developer of the ...
Regis Freitas's user avatar
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how to get vite to compile scss/sass

I have a scss file i need compiled into a css file to be included on a blade template. I have installed sass as a dependence. I have the scss file listed in the scss additional data. But during the ...
Michael LaPan's user avatar
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"Error: Expected identifier" when trying to add utilities with Bootstrap 5

I want to add a new class for a background-color. Thus, I followed this step of Bootstrap documentation and I wrote that: @import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/functions"; @import "./BOOTSTRAP-...
Yvialga's user avatar
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How do I keep sticky buttons aligned to left and right inside a Scrollable Div?

I have a product page that is horizontally scrollable, I trying to keep the buttons to the right and left to scroll, however, I am not able to set the Top position to those. Here is the code <div ...
Sam K's user avatar
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Flexbox with column is not providing the desired output in CSS

I have an HTML layout styled with flexbox, but the current CSS isn't achieving the desired layout. I want the second row of the second column to begin immediately after the first columns second row. ...
Someshver Thakur's user avatar
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sass mixin - variable hint

lets say I have a mixin with a couple of variables: @mixin heading($fow: 900, $mb: 1.6rem) { font-size: clamp(2rem, 1.3077rem + 3.4615vw, 3.125rem); font-weight: $fow; margin-bottom: $mb; font-...
Timmy's user avatar
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Scss - How to add suffix and select as direct child element

Here is my code: .a { > .b { > .c { & > &__content { background: black; } } } } What I want: .a > .b > .c > .c__content { background: black;...
Jin's user avatar
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how to resize image (background) only for width (height is static)?

I have to get the result: the background image should shrink to fill the entire screen without changing height; so depends on the device width: image width = device width and image height is always ...
Danil Diachenko's user avatar
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Why is there an error when compiling scss to css with npm

Hope you experts can help me, I want to use scripts to convert scss into css but I get an error, it doesn't automatically convert nor sync with the browser and I can't access my html files (it says ...
Đạt. Phan Đình's user avatar
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Create CSS background similar to one image [closed]

I'm sorry to write this here but I'm looking to create an header and footer for my application and as background color I want to use the same effect (not need to be an animation) of pokemon start ...
Sonn's user avatar
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Is there any way that I export my styles from a package I write to use in my other projects?

I have a package made up by ReactJs, rollup. I used TS in my structure and use .module.scss files to add styles to my components. but when I build the package in /dist directory, it doesn't have any ...
kosar mohammadi's user avatar
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How to apply style to nested custom Mui-classes in a separate .module.scss file (using react.js)

What is currently possible: Giving style to whole Mui component <SimpleTreeView sx={{ backgroundColor: '#000000' }} </SimpleTreeView> Segregate styling to a separate class in .module....
Aman Jain's user avatar
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Avoid url resolution in scss files in Angular

I did a css -> scss migration on an existing Angular project using schematics-scss-migrate. Everything works fine except the URL's, if any, in scss files. So I found out that in scss files the URL'...
Urooj's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 not compiling gray color into utility classes with custom sass

I have the following code in my styles.scss file. $all-colors: map-merge-multiple($grays, $blues, $indigos, $purples, $pinks, $reds, $oranges, $yellows, $greens, $teals, $cyans); $utilities: map-...
Mark Hill's user avatar
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Extends or Mixins in Sass?

I use scss in my application. I use these rules quite often. display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; I want to reuse these styles with mixins or extends. I want to understand ...
Leo's user avatar
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CSS Modules with PostCSS vs SCSS Modules in 2024 [closed]

I'm starting a new project from scratch in 2024, and I'm at a crossroads regarding my styling approach. I’m debating between using CSS Modules with PostCSS or just sticking with SCSS Modules. For ...
Kirill's user avatar
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How to prevent a # href scroll down to a section/id of the page, but still use :target to do other things

I'm new to HTML/CSS/SCSS, but I'm trying to create a single page, that looks like it's changing pages, but really is just using display: none, and display: block. I got this working with the following ...
user26332401's user avatar
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Styles from an scss file are applied to an element, but not the child elements of it

This probably has something to do with Angular Material Chips, but I can't figure out how or why. The actual thing I'm trying to accomplish is different, but here's an illustration. Style gets applied ...
Kristaps Baumanis's user avatar
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Icons in React not centered vertically

I have this simple template: <div className="wrapper"> <div className="block one"> <GoSearch /> 15 </div> <div ...
Dani's user avatar
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How do I apply color to Angular mat-sidenav?

I'm starting to learn Angular and learned how to apply color to a toolbar component using the following code snippet: <mat-toolbar color="primary"> <span>My Application</span&...
Riquelmy Arcanjo de Araújo's user avatar
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How to override prime-ng icon style in disabled state at icon input field

:host { ::ng-deep .p-inputtext { padding-top: 0.625rem; padding-bottom: 0.625rem; border: 0.063rem solid var(--neutral-medium-400); border-radius: $text-feild-...
Muhammad Essam's user avatar
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Hide copy to clipboard button in markdown

I have a button copy to clipboard. All code boxes in markdown are displayed with the copy to clipboard button. But if I have a code box with text only, then the button is not needed. .text copy-code-...
Aaron's user avatar
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about scss variable references?

I have three files: a.scss,b.scss,c.scss; The relationship between these three files: c @use b as * b @use a as * "a.scss" have variable color Can I reference "color" in a in c....
yu hao's user avatar
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Nav Bar Not Showing

Navbar.js import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import './navbar.scss'; import Logo from '../../image/Logo.png'; import Admin from '../../image/eye.png'; export default ...
Shayan Hore's user avatar
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Next JS 14 styles take 1s to load when using SCSS

I checked on the internet and all the solutions I found were when you use styled components. But I'm just using regular scss with .modules.scss files but it still taking 1s to load my styles. I sthere ...
Anomaly's user avatar
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multiple modifiers in BEM

I have component button <button type="button" className="button button_size_large button_color_primary button_type_fill"> <Icon className="button__icon" type=...
Garo Gabrielyan's user avatar
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Saving changes to .scss and .js project files doesn't trigger Parcel's HMR [duplicate]

I'm running a simple test project to learn bundling with Parcel. OS: Windows 11 Environment: WSL2 Text editor: VS Code Browser: Google Chrome This is the file structure I'm running with: /mnt/d/dev/...
echp's user avatar
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angular v17 esbuild sass url resolve

I have different base-href-s per localizations (/de; /en; /nl ...). In scss files I have background-image: url('assets/picture.png');, what cannot be resolved by builer. If I use path '/assets/...' ...
thelex's user avatar
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scss sass variable not working in file for background

$enable-grid-classes: false; $enable-cssgrid:true; $deepBlue: #032f3e; body { --bs-body-bg: orange ; } @import "[email protected]&...
cloudp7's user avatar
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can I set letter-spacing globally for an angular material project

Disclaimer: I'm not very good with Angular at all but am tasked with maintaining a leftover project. After an update from angular 13 to angular 18 (with the big hump being 14>15), I find a lot of ...
bluppfisk's user avatar
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How to make a condition in ExtJS7 theme depending on JS logic

I have hundreds of ExtJS theme (Classic toolkit) global variables placed in ./theme/sass/var/Component.scss Is there some way to create a condition depending on my JavaScript or Http query string ...
Sergey Bogdanov's user avatar
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Highlight.js: Can't get the styling added to my webpage

I'm trying to get a styled block of code on my website. Highlight.js seems to be what I'm looking for. However when I run my website it doesn't show the layout. What I've done so far: 1 install it by ...
user24127089's user avatar
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Setting a transparent background on bulma hero?

How to set the background colour of a hero element in Bulma to transparent? Version 1 of Bulma Set the $primary variable? This doesn't work. $primary: transparent; @use "../../../../libraries/...
Interlated's user avatar
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Angular/CSS: How to style a component based on a built-in component's styling?

I am developing an Angular table library, and I have several components that can be used in place of the standard td or th elements. Currently, I am applying a style that applies to multiple of these ...
Alexander's user avatar
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How to overwrite SCSS module's variable with new value using previous/default value

I am trying to overwrite Bulma's $breakpoints variable by introducing another breakpoints. My issue is that I do not know how reference previous/default values defined by Bulma. My current attempt is: ...
Filip Jakab's user avatar
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How to override mui default style for TextField component

I have a sass style for my mui TextField component: @import url(';400;500;600;700&display=swap'); .input { input { font-family:...
Lunev's user avatar
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Why are Angular Material default styles loaded in such a way as to override custom themes?

I am trying to learn Angular Material, but I'm finding the documentation inaccurate or incomplete. Based on the documentation for version 17, my main toolbar should have a yellow background: styles....
Daniel Arant's user avatar
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PrimeNG Angular Table

I want to do some changes in my , like: Change the fontsize Change the button's collors and sizes Change the size of modal How can I do that? I'm currently using :host ::ng-deep to these elements ...
fabiobragato1's user avatar
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using scss in Expo project -- imported styles object is always empty

I'm using react-native-sass-transformer to use scss in my react native expo project. To get set up, I ran npm install --save-dev react-native-sass-transformer sass, configured my .metro.config.js and ...
kat's user avatar
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How to get scrollbars on container when syntax in code tag is longer than the view

When displaying syntax in a code element, how can I apply scrollbars if a line of syntax is longer than the view? I've tried overflow: scroll, but it doesn't seem to work how I want it. As you can see ...
Stein Lundbeck Tech's user avatar
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ViTest | Cannot import `.css` files that are compiled from `.scss`

I use some .scss files as part of a re-usable ES6 module (ESM). As part of the build process I am running yarn sass -I node_modules src:dist to compile all of these files to .css and they are output ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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Icomoon - switching from node-sass to sass - good way

at the moment I have hundred websites using icomoon. The system builds styles using node-sass - we want to switch to the sass package. And here comes the problem: Sometimes, to insert an icon, we use ...
Kuci's user avatar
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Simple Form is rendering duplicate input field in rails 7

Guys I am trying to render a partial form using a simple_form but I am getting a duplicate input field of same attribute. This is my form <%= simple_form_for post, html: { class: "post form&...
JW Gim's user avatar
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