Stern Energy

Stern Energy

Fabbricazione di semiconduttori per il settore dell'energia rinnovabile

Parma, Parma 11.192 follower

Costruzione, Gestione, Manutenzione e Revamping di impianti fotovoltaici

Chi siamo

Stern Energy is a leading service company for utility scale and industrial photovoltaic power plants. With five subsidiaries in Europe, 200 employees, 1.5 GW on more than 400 plants under management in Italy, Germany, England, France and the Netherlands, Stern Energy is today a reference point in the european solar industry. Founded in 2008, the company offers design, construction and technical services through remote control, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance including revamping and repowering services. Stern Energy accompanies its customers along the path of energy transition through the construction of ground-mounted and roof-mounted photovoltaic systems of industrial size. EXPERTISE, RESPONSE, TRANSPARENCY AND PASSION: OUR VALUES GUIDE OUR DAILY WORK.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di semiconduttori per il settore dell'energia rinnovabile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Parma, Parma
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Photovoltaic, Extraordinay Maintenance, Commercial Management, PV Construction, Technical Services, PV Revamping, PV Repowering e Operation & Maintenance


Dipendenti presso Stern Energy


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    🌞 Excited to announce the completion of two major revamping projects by Stern Energy on Obton Italy's PV plants! 🌞 🔧 Ancona, 1 MWp: This Marche PV plant has been upgraded with new modules, inverters, LVCBs, and transformers, boosting electricity production by 12%, with the same installed power. Completed in just 30 days, preserving the existing infrastructure and involving local collaborators. 🔧 Caltanissetta, 1 MWp: This Sicily PV plant went through a complete replacement from modules to the transformer, aiming to increase the plant’s production by about 15%, with the same installed power. This revamping activity was completed in 40 days, involving local collaborators. Thanks to careful planning and proceeding with partial plant shutdowns, downtime losses were minimized. ⚡ These projects not only enhance efficiency and reduce space but also extend the technological life of the plants, ensuring long-term production beyond incentive expiration. The upgrades will save approximately 2050 tCO2/year, totaling over 42,000 tCO2 throughout the new modules' lifespan. These are the first of many revamping projects from the collaboration between Stern Energy and Obton. Currently, 14 more projects are underway, to be completed before summer holidays. Stay tuned! ~ 🌞 Siamo entusiasti di annunciare il completamento di due importanti progetti di revamping eseguiti da Stern Energy sugli impianti fotovoltaici di Obton Italy! 🌞 🔧 Ancona, 1 MWp: Questo impianto fotovoltaico nelle Marche è stato potenziato con nuovi moduli, inverter, QGBT e trasformatori, incrementando la produzione di elettricità del 12%, mantenendo la stessa potenza installata. Il progetto è stato completato in soli 30 giorni, preservando l’infrastruttura esistente e coinvolgendo collaboratori locali. 🔧 Caltanissetta, 1 MWp: Questo impianto fotovoltaico in Sicilia è stato oggetto di un rinnovamento completo, dai moduli al trasformatore, con l’obiettivo di aumentare la produzione dell’impianto di circa il 15%, mantenendo la stessa potenza installata. Questa attività di revamping è stata completata in 40 giorni, coinvolgendo collaboratori locali. Grazie a una pianificazione accurata e procedendo con chiusure parziali dell’impianto, le perdite di tempo di inattività sono state minimizzate. ⚡ Questi progetti non solo migliorano l’efficienza e riducono lo spazio, ma prolungano anche la vita tecnologica degli impianti, garantendo una produzione a lungo termine oltre la scadenza degli incentivi. Gli aggiornamenti permetteranno di risparmiare circa 2050 tCO2/anno, per un totale di oltre 42.000 tCO2 durante la vita utile dei nuovi moduli. Questi sono solo i primi di numerosi progetti di revamping frutto della collaborazione tra Stern Energy e Obton. Attualmente, sono in corso altri 14 progetti, che saranno completati prima delle vacanze estive. Rimanete sintonizzati! #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    New 1.9 MWp PV Plant: A Leap Towards Clean Energy! We have completed the construction of a new PV plant at an industrial production site for our client, Renantis, which consists of rooftop and ground mount systems for a total capacity of 1.9 MWp. This project required meticulous installation of structures, modules, inverters, and cables, completed with the construction of two delivery cabins and one reception cabin, equipped with state-of-the-art panels and transformers.   The challenge was considerable, given the variety of coverings involved - from sheds to pitched roofs, from corrugated sheet metal to sandwich panels. We managed every aspect, from site authorization to connection to the electrical grid, ensuring that each phase of the work respected the safety and integrity of business operations.   The results speak for themselves:   👉 Self-consumption: up to 67% 👉 Savings on electricity bills: up to 60% 👉 Payback period: 4 years #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    Stern Energy France will participate in the Solarplaza Summit in Paris on June 27th. A new edition that will facilitate high-level discussions on vital trends and challenges in the French solar photovoltaic market.   Our president, Aljosha Stefan Torri, and the General Manager for France, Giorgio Guidi, will be present.   Giorgio Guidi will intervene to offer his perspective on the future dynamics of maintenance and retrofit of photovoltaic plants in France, highlighting the growing importance of revamping and repowering in the sector.   📌 June 27, at 16:40, Salons Hoche, Paris   We look forward to sharing visions and strategies towards a sustainable energy future together! #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    Transizione Digitale ed Energetica: Sfide e Opportunità 📢 Scopri il nostro WebTalk “Transizione Digitale ed Energetica: Sfide e Opportunità. Il caso studio Stern/Raptech”. Non perdere l’opportunità di approfondire il futuro dell’energia. 🔗 #TransizioneEnergetica #Digitalizzazione #Innovazione

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    Stern Energy 🤝 Education   Last weekend, we had the great opportunity to present ourselves at the "Company Mile" of the "Information Day" at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Köthen, Saxony-Anhalt. We met lots of interested students and were able to talk to them about a dual study programme at Stern Energy Germany. We look forward to perhaps welcoming some of them as part of our team soon. 🎓🔧☀️   Many thanks to everyone who came by and spoke to us! ~ Stern Energy 🤝 Studium   Letztes Wochenende hatten wir die großartige Gelegenheit, uns auf der Unternehmensmeile des Hochschulinformationstages der Hochschule Anhalt in Köthen präsentieren zu dürfen. Dabei haben wir viele interessierte Studierende getroffen und über ein duales Studium bei der Stern Energy GmbH sprechen können. Wir freuen uns darauf, schon bald den einen oder anderen von ihnen als Teil unseres Teams begrüßen zu dürfen. 🎓🔧☀️   Vielen Dank an alle, die vorbeigekommen sind und mit uns gesprochen haben!   #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    In the month of May, we had the pleasure of hosting at our headquarters two third-year classes with an electrical focus from the IPSIA 'Primo Levi' of Parma. The students had the opportunity to better understand our reality, visit our offices, and discover the characteristics and peculiarities of our work, particularly the activities that our Control Room carries out daily. They were two beautiful days in which we appreciated the active participation and interest of the students! We believe that the relationship between schools and companies is of fundamental importance and should be cultivated with initiatives like this one! A special thanks goes to Professor Massimo Barezzi for his invaluable contribution to this initiative. #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    📅 Save the Date: 13 giugno, ore 17:00 - Non perdete il nostro WebTalk gratuito! La trasformazione digitale del sistema energetico rappresenta un fattore significativo che modifica profondamente il processo di produzione, distribuzione, accumulo e gestione dell’energia. Ma cosa si intende esattamente con questo binomio e come può la digitalizzazione aiutare concretamente le aziende del settore? Ne parliamo insieme in questo WebTalk gratuito con la presentazione del caso di successo Stern / Raptech. Partecipanti: Paolo Gullotta: Head of Asset Management Stern Energy Lutfi Lika: Head of Control Room Stern Energy Marco Berliocchi: CEO e cofounder Raptech srl Moderazione: Gian Maria Brega, CWO Mammamia Agency

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    La crescente attenzione verso i cambiamenti climatici e l'esaurimento delle risorse fossili sta portando il mondo verso una nuova era, in cui la digitalizzazione gioca un ruolo fondamentale. La trasformazione digitale del sistema energetico rappresenta un fattore significativo che modifica profondamente il processo di produzione, distribuzione, accumulo e gestione dell’energia. Ma cosa significa esattamente questa transizione energetica e come può la digitalizzazione aiutare le aziende a superare le sfide e a sfruttare le opportunità che essa offre? Ne parliamo insieme in questo nuovo WebTalk gratuito con la presentazione del caso di successo Stern / Raptech. Partecipanti: Paolo Gullotta: Head of Asset Management Stern Energy Lutfi Lika: Head of Control Room Stern Energy Marco Berliocchi, CEO e cofounder Raptech srl Moderazione: Gian Maria Brega, CWO Mammamia Agency

    Transizione digitale ed energetica: Il caso studio Stern/Raptech

    Transizione digitale ed energetica: Il caso studio Stern/Raptech

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    We don't just keep our solar parks up to date. 💪   The photovoltaic industry is a very innovative and future-orientated field of activity. That's why we keep up with the times and provide our team with the latest measuring equipment, tools and fully equipped service vehicles. Modern personal protective equipment is a basic requirement for us. This means that we are not only on site quickly, but also always equipped with the best equipment. You can see from afar that we are working on the energy transition. 🔧☀️ ~ Nicht nur unsere Solarparks halten wir up-to-date. 💪   Die Photovoltaik-Branche ist ein sehr innovativer und zukunftsorientierter Tätigkeitsbereich. Deshalb gehen wir mit der Zeit und statten unser Team mit aktuellen Messgeräten, Werkzeugen und ausgebauten Servicefahrzeugen aus. Eine moderne persönliche Schutzausrüstung gehört für uns zur Grundvoraussetzung. Somit sind wir nicht nur schnell am Einsatzort, sondern auch immer mit dem besten Equipment ausgerüstet. Dabei sieht man bei uns schon aus der Ferne: Hier wird an der Energiewende gearbeitet. 🔧☀️   #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    Two unforgettable days of training at Azienda Agricola Bergamina! Our Management team and department heads explored fundamental themes related to managerial management and business organization. A warm thank you goes to the consultant Gianmarco Falzi for his stimulating contributions and the sharing of strategic ideas. These new insights will be invaluable in supporting the continuous evolution of Stern Energy. ~ Due giorni di formazione indimenticabili presso l’Azienda Agricola Bergamina!   Il nostro Management team e i responsabili di reparto hanno esplorato temi fondamentali legati alla gestione manageriale e all’organizzazione aziendale. Un caloroso ringraziamento va al consulente Gianmarco Falzi per i suoi stimolanti contributi e la condivisione di idee strategiche. Queste nuove intuizioni saranno preziose nel sostenere l’evoluzione continua di Stern Energy. #wemakeithappen #renewables

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