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Questions tagged [firebase-analytics]

Google Analytics for Firebase is a free, out-of-the-box analytics solution that provides actionable insights based on app usage and user engagement. It integrates across Firebase and Google and provides you with unlimited reporting for up to 500 event types that you define using the SDK. Google Analytics reports help you understand clearly how your users behave, enabling you to make informed decisions regarding app marketing and performance optimizations.

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Firebase Console showing no data for android app

I have added Firebase analytics to my app where I log the events using analytics library. The code for same is analytics().logEvent('channel_opened'); But the problem is that the app does not shows ...
Rohit Aggarwal's user avatar
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Exception: <internal:/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/3.3.4/lib/ruby/3.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in `require'

Exception: <internal:/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/3.3.4/lib/ruby/3.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in `require': cannot load such file -- xcodeproj (LoadError) from <internal:/usr/...
user8852538's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics show data from more countries than my app is available in

I have a Flutter app that is currently available only in 15 countries. I'm using Firebase for analytics, but when I check the demographics, it shows users from more than 64 countries. What could be ...
Velicheti Sowmitri's user avatar
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Data set not created for firebase analytics and Bigquery integration,

I recently linked my Firebase project with Google Big Query. My Firebase project has an active Android and iOS app and I can successfully retrieve data. When I exported Crashlytics, Performance ...
A. Floyd's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics first_open and session_start events not sent when consent granted

In our project we switched to Consent Mode v2 and therefore set the initial consent of analytics_storage, ad_storage, ad_user_data and ad_personalization_signals to false. After this change we were no ...
AnSrwn's user avatar
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Correct user consent flow for compliance with GDPR and ATT requirements using Firebase Analytics and AdMob

My team & I have been banging our heads against the wall lately. We’re working on an app and are utilising Firebase Analytics and AdMob. We’re trying to ensure/confirm that our user consent flow ...
dsds's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics for website is not sending any data in production (https)

I have a React + React Router + Vite application working in production. Now I'm trying to integrate it with Google Analytics. This is my code: import { getAnalytics, logEvent } from 'firebase/...
Sandro Simas's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics iOS SDK signature cannot be verified error

I'm using Azure Artifacts to download third party libraries. I have uploaded firebase analytics SDK v10.22.0 and it is working fine. When trying to update SDK 10.24.0 getting an error in Xcode same ...
Sugans's user avatar
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Backfill Google Analytics (GA4) Data in Big Query [duplicate]

I enabled BigQuery export from Google Analytics GA4 yesterday, I understand that from now on I will get a daily export; which I confirm it works. However, I am interested in exporting data from before ...
user2232305's user avatar
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Firebase - RemoteConfig with custom user properties return wrong value

I am setting userProperties for custom defined property (scope user) and userId in analytics using setUserProperties and setUserId, and fetching remote config based on the setted properties. but i am ...
Zoro's user avatar
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Cannot debug Unity project with Firebase Analytics in VSC

I am having a problem when trying to use the debugger in visual studio code for my Unity project. I use Firebase Analytics in my project, and I am able to compile and run my app in the Unity Editor, ...
Fausto Bernardini's user avatar
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Print events to the terminal while debugging and attach log level to firebase analytics events?

I am using react native firebase and I was looking to accomplish 2 things with the analytics package. For each event call that I add to my codebase to also automatically print out to the terminal ...
Hamster's user avatar
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Can i use Firebase Analytics within my own SDK/library? [duplicate]

I only want to capture logs from the screens within the SDK. Is it possible? The library does not have an app module. I added the Firebase Analytics dependencies to the library. I also added the ...
monkmood's user avatar
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Flutter Firebase Analytics Android: Network upload failed (

I'm facing an issue with Firebase Analytics event logging in my Flutter app. Events are not being logged on Android devices, although they work perfectly on iOS. The following error message appears in ...
Ashim Bhadra's user avatar
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firebase 10.25 can not get google cpc conversion data

After iOS firebase is updated to 10.25, in_app_purchase has no advertising channel. Can not get conversion data in Google AD system anymore. We had try almost all mthods: Include ATT . add ADSupport....
wang michael's user avatar
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FirebaseAnalytics can't find FirebaseAnalytics.xcframework

I want to upgrade FirebaseAnalytics from version 8.15.0 to version 10.24.0, I installation FirebaseAnalytics with CocoaPods. After successful pod install, I found that the FirebaseAnalytics....
Pele Lee's user avatar
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Flutter Firebase Analytics Error: Undefined symbol: _FIRConsentStatusDenied

I am trying to implement firebase analytics and crashlytics to my flutter project but I am getting the error below when I try to run on iOS simulator and physical device: Error (Xcode): Undefined ...
t13n's user avatar
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How to set consent properly in Firabse sdk for Unity?

I'm using Firebase analytics and crashlytics in Unity. Anyone got an example of how to properly implement the consent flow? If I'm using cmp (google ump), can I use it for firabase consent? Tried to ...
Moti Monsonego's user avatar
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Issue adding custom Definition in google analytics

How to resolve this issue 'Parameter name is not allowed for this scope.' while creating a custom dimension for google analytics. steps: open firebase console select Analytics on the left side menu ...
Hira Shrestha's user avatar
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Getting 'not set'/garbage value for Google Ad Id (GAID) in Firebase analytics when set as custom user property

I fetch and send GAID from Splash activity of my application. I found the GAID alright in debug mode on my physical device. I also tested using Firebase debugging tool and got proper GAID value as a ...
M. Arabi Hasan Sakib's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics not functioning after switching from CocoaPods to SPM

I recently switched my project from CocoaPods to Swift Package Manager (SPM), and since then, Firebase Analytics has stopped functioning properly. While I can track events in debug mode (by adding &...
Doogie's user avatar
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Firebase Log Event not showing up in console

I am trying to create a custom firebase log event to check how many players completed a single level in a unity game, but the event I created is not showing up in the console. Here is the log event ...
Dinesh R's user avatar
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Int and Long paramters show as "not set" in firebase analytics console

I have an event with three parameters, a String a Long, and another one is Int. The event triggered successfully and the value of the String parameter is showing in Firebase Analytics Console, but Int ...
saman shahsavari's user avatar
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expo react native , @react-native-firebase/app I got this error Error: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call firebase.initializeApp()

i was using expo react native ive install the firebase package using npm install --save @react-native-firebase/app i also install the package im using @react-native-firebase/analytics the issue is ...
shabas 001's user avatar
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EAS local build for iOS failing after adding react-native-firebase/analytics?

I am trying to run @react-native-firebase/analytics in my Expo-managed app. I've followed the official guide and installed required packages, and added the necessary configuration to my app.json. But ...
Rwzr Q's user avatar
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Firebase Remote Config randomizationId In Server Environment

I am trying to use randomizationId for firebase remote config server environment. I created the condition in the image. Here is my example code below but I am always included either first percentage ...
berkaycelebi's user avatar
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Keep the same remote config even if the user changes device - firebase a/b

I don't quite understand if it's something that just occurred to me or if it's really hard to find the answer. The problem is simple and basic, I have a firebase experiment that assigns variants of ...
LcsGrz's user avatar
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Why firebase Sign In showing error in next.js?

I am trying to sign in with email and password in firebase. I made a sign up page where I am able to successfully store the credential in firebase auth but sign in is not happening. 'use client' ...
Ajay Satpati's user avatar
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How to fix Firebase Analytics purple error: This code path does I/O on the main thread underneath that can lead to UI responsiveness issues

Recently Xcode started showing a purple error on Firebase Analytics, please take a look: In text: {"message":"This code path does I/O on the main thread underneath that can lead to UI ...
Stan's user avatar
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Can I set two different Google Analytics in a Firebase Project?

so we have already built our app using Firebase. We use some services like FCM, Crashlytics, App Distribution etc and we also use Firebase Google Analytics. but recently our company have branch office ...
Agung Laksana's user avatar
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Disable Automatically Tracked Events on Firebase Analytics

On Firebase Analytics for Android, certain events like screen_view or session_start are automatically tracked. Since I wanted to send additional parameters with screen_view, I added the following line ...
notGeek's user avatar
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Flutter Firebase: Missing google_app_id

Recently I have added firebase to my flutter project. I used the dart, flutter fire and firebase CLI to initialize the project by following the steps below. $ dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli $...
Nishuthan S's user avatar
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How to setup analytics of total number of documents in subcollections with Firebase

I have what is essentially an advanced note-taking app where users create different types of notes. I would love to setup some analytics in Firebase analytics so I can view graphs of total counts for ...
bf8's user avatar
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Firebase Analytics condition operator for user properties

When creating an audience in Firebase, and selecting a custom user property (which is a string), do the filter condition operators <> > = etc compare lexographically? Or do they work only on ...
Alfons's user avatar
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Google Ads Conversion not tracking for flutter ios app

I am developing an application with Flutter. I use firebase and google ads. I want to track conversions for iOS on Google ads, but the conversions do not appear campaign specific. What do you think ...
bluej4ker's user avatar
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How to see total unique users on FB Analytics?

I am struggling to navigate Firebase Analytics and would greatly appreciate any assistance or direction to relevant documentation. My goal is to leverage Firebase Analytics or Google Analytics 4 (GA4) ...
jake42's user avatar
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firebase_core : "Found duplicate classes", "No package ID 7a found for ID 0x7a0b0007", "Missing google_app_id"

I've been trying to insert firebase_auth, firebase_core, firebase_crashlytics, google_sign_in in a flutter project with Android Studio running on a windows PC. While the app appears to "work"...
pjpac's user avatar
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Should I use the same firebase project for 2 different but similar android apps

I have 2 different but similar apps one is for mathematics the other is for biology so I want to integrate Firebase for viewing analytics in this case should I use separate Firebase projects all I ...
Xamsoft Solutions's user avatar
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Firebase Event parameters missing in console

Here is my (Swift) code to log a particular event: Analytics.logEvent("Category", parameters: [ "id": as NSObject, "title": cat.title as NSObject ]) The &...
soleil's user avatar
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Missing google_app_id. Firebase Analytics disabled After Migrate Deprecated imperative apply of Flutter's Gradle plugins

I've just migrated Flutter's Gradle plugins by following this official link. However, I got the error says Missing google_app_id. Firebase Analytics disabled. I tried looking for solutions from here ...
Settasit7's user avatar
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Missing google_app_id. Firebase Analytics disabled

I have created a new Flutter project and created Firebase apps using flutterfire configure, Analytics works perfectly fine in iOS, but the android app didin't trigger analytics even a single time. It'...
SwamiJi's user avatar
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Data Transfer From Table to Table in BigQuery

I have a question about BigQuery data. In my events dataset, there is a table for each date, like 20240301, 20240302, and so on. For example, for the table for 20240305, the timestamps are recorded ...
GUOYUEYANG HUANG's user avatar
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Firebase Messaging works, but Analytics does not

I have empty analytics in firebase dashboard. Firebase Messaging is working fine though. This is my dependency : implementation platform('') implementation 'com....
Futeko TV's user avatar
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Bug: Google Analytics 4 UI first_open Android datastreams

Problem Event first_open missing from Android platform in Google Analytics 4 UI. Reproduction Mobile App released on 26.2.2024 We wanted to check first_open events and they were missing in GA4 report ...
michalnovacek's user avatar
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How to manage page_views in different languages and with custom URL parameters?

I have a nextjs app with firebase-analytics. I'm using some dynamic routes, for example /object/{OBJECT_ID}/details In ga4, in the Pages and screens section, if I filter by Page path, I get a bunch of ...
Simon Tran's user avatar
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Google Analytics 4 x Flutter change/ override device category

I am now setting up analytics on my mobile flutter app and I would like to see the different device types that are being used by my users. The device types I have configured within flutter are Mobile, ...
RishV's user avatar
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Use single firebase project for different Android App Stores

I want to use Firebase Crashlytics and Analytics an Android app that is deployed on multiple app stores (Google Play, Amazon, ...) According to this documentation those services do not rely on google ...
McFarlane's user avatar
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Firebase warning: consent indicators not collected for ad personalization

Premise I have already Google UMP configured for Admob and I have already added the manifest values reported here for Firebase Analytics In the past week now I have seen this warning in the Firebase ...
AndreaF's user avatar
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Flutter Firebase - Use of undeclared identifier 'FIRAnalytics'

I am working on a flutter project on my M3 Macbook and trying to implement FirebaseAnalytics (not first time btw). I followed th guide completely and I got the error; I tried to clean cache of pub, ...
t13n's user avatar
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Type 'Analytics' has no member 'logEvent' Xcode

Had a problem, when tried to implement Analytics into my project on Xcode: Analytics.logEvent(AnalyticsEventSelectContent, parameters: [ AnalyticsParameterItemID: "id-\(testTitle)", ...
Mr.Schtelbe's user avatar

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