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Questions tagged [knockout.js]

Knockout.js is an open source JavaScript library for dynamic HTML UIs using the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern.

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1 answer

Knockout and ko.utils.postJson issue

I was using some old example for MVC2, that used a [fromJson] attribute when posting json to a controller action, it worked fine except that it did not catch model errors, so ModelState.IsValid is ...
rafn's user avatar
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how can one create a master detail cascading dropdowns with json and knockoutjs?

A simple master details scenario: list of servers int id string Name List<Driver> Drivers where Driver also has an Id and Name. returned as JSON from MVC Action on server. Now i have a ...
Alexander Taran's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

How to force an observable to read the value from the DOM Element

I have a hidden input and bind the value to an observable property of my model. I'm using another plugin that internally updates the value of that hidden input, however the observable doesn't update ...
Hugo Zapata's user avatar
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Textarea loses value when css binding updates

I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 view using Razor and Knockout.js that is not behaving the way I expect it to. I have a pair of <a> tags that are basically 'agree'/'disagree' links and a text area for ...
Hamman359's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Can't get the most simple knockout.js sample to work?

This really bothers me. Please have a look at the Hello World example of knockout.js. Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <...
Sandro's user avatar
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5 answers

Backbone.js with ASP.NET MVC

In the last few days I've been reading about Backbone.js and how it simplifies JS code interaction with View elements, basically within HTML. I've also read about the differences between KnockoutJS ...
mare's user avatar
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populate dropdowns using Knockout.js

I am new to Knockout.js can anyone let me know how can we populate b dropdowns using Knockout.js. I have two dropdowns : Employee and Course. <select id="Employee"> <...
Srinivas's user avatar
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Check and radio button not binding in Knockoutjs

I have a function which builds html controls dynamically with jQuery and Knockout, but check and radio buttons don't work, they are not binding. function createControls(id, ctrl) { var obj = $....
Freddy Jose Chirinos Moròn's user avatar
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The difference between the methods in knockoutjs

The difference between getFullName1 and getFullName2 exists ? ViewModel: var viewModel = { firstName: ko.observable("Vasya"), lastName: ko.observable("Petrov"), getFullName1: function() {...
satels's user avatar
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3 votes
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Knockout does not sync manual set of option's selected attribute

I'm using this jQuery plugin for a multi select list box, and it's all bound to a view model using knockoutjs. The plugin sets the option's selected attribute ...
adriaanp's user avatar
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KnockJS and JQuery Tutorial assitance needed I've worked to Round 2 – Creating a View, using the code as published on the site, I'm returned an error by FF FB 1.7....
Wasabi's user avatar
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Knockout JS initializing observable array from server data using a javascript type

I'm looking for the best way to initialize a knockout observable array from some server data (ViewBag), and I want the array contents to be of a javascript type I have defined. Without the requirement ...
Simon Fox's user avatar
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knockout binding to array element without template works only one-way

Can someone please please help me better understand binding to observable array elements without using templates? I have a table that contains more than the data that I am attempting to present from ...
Todd Winfrey's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I display a select list (dropdown) for a Model property in BackboneJS?

I am trying to build a simple contact editor application in Backbone.js and I have run into a bit of an issue that I don't know how to solve because I'm not familiar with Backbone.js yet. I have a ...
samandmoore's user avatar
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Getting a concrete element from an observableArray

This seems easy but after two hours my head hurts. I have a categoryIndex (from a select) and I want to get the category from an observableArray who have that Id. How I do that? I tried with indexOf ...
Jesus Rodriguez's user avatar

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