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Questions tagged [performance]

For questions pertaining to the measurement or improvement of code and application efficiency.

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Scaling user feed (Posts) from many sources

I have a scaling issue we are running into. I have a social media app - the user feed has posts from them, posts from the groups they are part of and posts where their groups are tagged in the ...
Zoro Goro's user avatar
-2 votes
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Linking a page with a page [closed]

I have a page with 31 questions inside. In each question there are multiple options .When you finish answering the questions, these answers go to another page where there are 31 previous questions and ...
Mohammed Obaida Al-Helou 's user avatar
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image performance optimization in the Shopify Theme

I am trying to write img HTML tag which should optimized for performance and responsive for all devices. I applied the sizes, widths property to the img tag. Below is my liquid code {%- assign widths =...
Osama Abdullah's user avatar
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How to send large data to the renderer process with low latency in electron?

I'm working on a video-related project where I've disabled nodeIntegration and enabled contextIsolation for security reasons. My task involves processing business logic in the utility process and then ...
li wakin's user avatar
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Strategies for optimising performance in large Unity open-world games

I'm currently developing an open-world game in Unity and facing a big problem in performance. It is with large, detailed maps. As the player works in the environment, the frame rate drops, mostly in ...
kiruthikpurpose's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Do Python Coders Have a Bias towards List Over Tuple? [closed]

Basic Facts Lists are mutable (supporting inserts, appending etc.), Tuples are not Tuples are more memory efficient, and faster to iterate over So it would seem their use-cases are clear. ...
Della's user avatar
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How big of a difference does moving around functions in your code make?

Recently, I was working on making a scrabble game point tracker and started to wonder how much of a difference moving small things like a function makes to the performance of code. I have an example ...
Rougejupiter 's user avatar
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Keras training speed with PyTorch backend is a lot slower than with TensorFlow

I am on native Windows and I used old Keras with TensorFlow 2.10 (GPU accelerated) before. I wanted to try Keras 3 with PyTorch backend. Can someone please help me why this model trains 10x slower ...
aabyssx's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fastest way to generate numbers up to a range in Python

I want to create a list of numbers that contains three consecutive 1s in its binary representation. To do this, I make set of number up to 2**n, and subtract it with a set of numbers that contains NO ...
Kim Dong's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How does useSelector hook impact performance when selecting individual properties vs. destructuring the state in Redux?

I am using Redux in my React application and I often need to extract values from the Redux store using useSelector. Here are the two approaches I have considered: Approach 1: Selecting individual ...
Ishu Modanwal's user avatar
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Why does Scheme use the procedural representation of pairs?

I am reading SICP. It says in 2.1.3: That is, the operations satisfy the condition that, for any objects x and y, if z is (cons x y) then (car z) is x and (cdr z) is y. ... Here are the definitions: ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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How to reduce cache miss in SPSC queue pop function?

I am working on optimizing a Single Producer Single Consumer (SPSC) queue in C++. The following is the miniman reproducible example for my implementation: #include <atomic> #include <cstddef&...
Rishi Jain's user avatar
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Command getppid() takes 1 second each execution

I am trying to solve the high CPU issue, when tracing one of lsphp process, I see the command getppid() take more than 1 second each execution. See trace log below: strace: Process 21945 attached ...
Phuc Pham's user avatar
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