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Best Practice for Broadcasting Dynamic (updating) Product Prices in Laravel 11 with Vue 3 Frontend

I am developing an e-commerce platform using Laravel 11 for the backend and Vue 3 for the frontend, which requires near real-time updates of product prices and stock levels in response to currency ...
Skeletor's user avatar
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Can Laravel Reverb get user online/offline status in backend?

I'm building a web game based on Websocket, I need to know which user is online or offline in realtime. I googled a little, and I found out it has to be the client-side to told server-side if user is ...
Russell's user avatar
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How properly show up realtime message using pusher?

I'm having trouble with my websockets. I'm trying to use Pusher and Echo to display whether a user has logged in or logged out, but I can't figure out how to display the message. According to the ...
JayVch's user avatar
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Pusher error 0A000438:SSL routines::tlsv1 alert internal error

I'm using Laravel Reverb on my live server. I've configured it to run with Nginx. However, I'm getting the following error whenever I try to broadcast an event using Reverb. Pusher error: cURL error ...
ThatGuy24's user avatar
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cpanel configure Apache for laravel-reverb

i can't configure Apache in cpanel for laravel reverb in production service i found nothing to try all blogs, articles and GitHub issues are about nginx and nothing about Apache or cpanel i did not ...
Mahmoud Mostafa's user avatar
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Websocket Handshake at the same time makes server 504 bad gateway

Okay, here's the detail I have ubuntu VM with nginx as web server, here's all the app backend, laravel frontend, laravel websocket, socketio, expressJS (run on port 8015, reverse proxy to domain-ws....
Tuhan Kamu's user avatar
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How to synchronize actions between two separate frontends using Laravel and Next.js?

I'm developing a system with two separate frontends using Next.js: one for clients and one for admins. Both frontends need to be synchronized such that when a client makes a booking, it should ...
Ushan Sankalpa's user avatar
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Laravel 11 Reverb: WebSocket Connection failed

WebSocket connection to wss:// failed Its working on locally without any issue but in production it gives issue here is my .env for production REVERB_APP_ID=401132 ...
Muntasir Hasan's user avatar
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Laravel backend and WebSocket connection with React Native

How to connect WebSocket and backend in React Native ? I have a Laravel backend and web socket and a frontend developed in React Native. I have connected the backend using adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:...
Rishabh's user avatar
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Laravel echo TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'channel')

I'm using Laravel for backend and Vue for frontend. I'm also using Vite as my bundler and laravel echo for broadcasting. I'm trying to create a websocket to show newly added comments in real time. ...
User's user avatar
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I would like to use 'texttalk/websocket' in my laravel project

I would like to use 'texttalk/websocket (' ' in my laravel project. The package is currently installed using the 'composer require texttalk/websocket' ...
강철구's user avatar
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Laravel Rever and React Configurations

I want to connect my React app with Laravel Reverb. When connecting to a public channel everything works fine. but when trying to connect to a private channel I get connection refused My React Code ...
ERaufi's user avatar
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Flutter: Received error message "Pong reply not received in time" when using WebSockets

I'm developing a Flutter application that connects to a Laravel REVERB backend using WebSockets. I'm using the IOWebSocketChannel.connect method to establish the connection and the sink.add method to ...
Solayman Mousa's user avatar
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Preventing double serialization in Laravel 11's event broadcasting

I am dispatching the SeatUpdatedEvent through a websocket with Laravel Reverb. The "data" key of the JSON response is serialized twice. What am I missing? <?php namespace App\Events; ...
ssada's user avatar
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Implementing websockets for real-time updates in Laravel and Vue.js

I have an app in Laravel for the backend and Vue.js and Quasar for the front end. I have a view in Vue.js that sends a request every 5 seconds. I would like to know how I can implement web sockets. I ...
Orlando Correa Jiménez's user avatar
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Down Soketi docker when notification with wrong syntax

I set up Soketi on docker server and when I sent this pattern of message with postman to soketi disconnect my connection and docker container down! and show this error! ((1006 Abnormal Closure:No ...
dmbehrouz's user avatar
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Do I need a node.js server for Laravel Reverb?

Hello I've got a question, beacause I still don't understand that topic well and I'm beginner in that, I want to build web application where will be included realtime chat.For websockets I want to use ...
JayVch's user avatar
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Not receiving WebSocket messages in Postman using Laravel and beyondcode/laravel-websockets package

I'm having trouble receiving WebSocket messages in Postman when using Laravel 10 and the beyondcode/laravel-websockets package. I've followed the steps below, but I'm still not receiving the ...
Yazan's user avatar
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Listening to user disconnect events with Soketi WebSocket

I am utilizing a NextJS front-end and a Laravel back-end, with Soketi managing the WebSocket server. From my front end, using Laravel Echo, I can listen to connection events from the WebSocket server. ...
Cdescamps's user avatar
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'/api/broadcasting/auth' 403 Forbidden

I'm trying to build connection between my react.js app & laravel 10 (both are separate) channel is Private For react side import React, { useEffect } from "react"; import Pusher ...
The Dev's user avatar
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Laravel Websockets Active list

Everyone! I'm using beyondcodes/laravel-websockets. I have a webhook route: WebSocketsRouter::webSocket('/my-websocket/{appKey}', \App\WebSocketHandler::class); This will be called by users from their ...
Virat Tripathi's user avatar
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Problem connecting to the soketi on the server

I am going to setup a websocket I have used soketi package But I am facing a problem in connecting to the web socket which now i will get this error code: 4001 message: "App key ---- does not ...
Mohammadjavad Rasti's user avatar
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laravel broadcast.php pusher option not working

I am working on a realtime chatting application and I am using websocket with laravel I am using library beyoundcode/laravel-websocket I have change broadcast driver to pusher and have configured ...
etranz's user avatar
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laravel-echo and are unable to connect with laravel-echo-server

i am new to web sockets, i am using laravel echo, redis, with laravel-echo-server. But when i console.log(window.Echo.connector.socket.connected), it prints false in console. My terminal ...
mahan singh's user avatar
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Implementing WebSocket Broadcasting in Laravel for Real-Time Updates when Creating New Games

"I'm developing a multiplayer card game using Laravel, and I'm struggling to implement WebSocket broadcasting for real-time updates. Specifically, I want to notify all connected clients when a ...
Bozic Mario's user avatar
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How to use Laravel WebSockets for Realtime Data Update

I want to create application that using websocket for realtime data sync. My application has laravel base as backend and react next as frontend, which has an architecture where FE and BE are separate ...
Briansay's user avatar
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Session token keeps changing on each message sending using websocket

I'm using multi tenancy in my application with this package: Here everything is working good as per requirements. But my application is having chat functionality for ...
Virb's user avatar
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Slack API using websocket not getting events after successful connection

Using PHP/Laravel and WebSocketClient and Guzzle. I am able to auth through Guzzle to get WSS URL and further able to connect using the provided WSS URL. I can dump the hello message: {#713 +"...
ChronoFish's user avatar
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Trouble Running Laravel WebSocket on Windows Server with IIS

I'm facing challenges setting up a WebSocket for my Laravel application hosted on a Windows Server with IIS. During the development phase, I used the Laravel Ratchet WebSocket package and ran it using ...
Ali Hashir's user avatar
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Client laravel-echo does not respond to server events

I'm trying to build my docker sample to work with php8.2, laravel10, websockets and redis. I have already prepared all the necessary docker images and combined them with the Caddy proxy. I also used ...
Dambas's user avatar
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