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Best Practice for Broadcasting Dynamic (updating) Product Prices in Laravel 11 with Vue 3 Frontend

I am developing an e-commerce platform using Laravel 11 for the backend and Vue 3 for the frontend, which requires near real-time updates of product prices and stock levels in response to currency ...
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1 answer

PHP Websocket Client [closed]

I'm currently attempting to create a WebSocket client to connect to a wss:// URL with PHP (without using JavaScript). It's been a few days trying to program a simple function or class that can do so. ...
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1 answer

Chat with WSS on AWS Lightsail

I built chat functions with Ratchet/Laravel. It works well on local I figured out the SSL too. Websocket with laravel But after deploying on AWS/Lightsail, WSS is not working. I think there is some ...
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Can Laravel Reverb get user online/offline status in backend?

I'm building a web game based on Websocket, I need to know which user is online or offline in realtime. I googled a little, and I found out it has to be the client-side to told server-side if user is ...
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How properly show up realtime message using pusher?

I'm having trouble with my websockets. I'm trying to use Pusher and Echo to display whether a user has logged in or logged out, but I can't figure out how to display the message. According to the ...
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Pusher error 0A000438:SSL routines::tlsv1 alert internal error

I'm using Laravel Reverb on my live server. I've configured it to run with Nginx. However, I'm getting the following error whenever I try to broadcast an event using Reverb. Pusher error: cURL error ...
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0 answers

cpanel configure Apache for laravel-reverb

i can't configure Apache in cpanel for laravel reverb in production service i found nothing to try all blogs, articles and GitHub issues are about nginx and nothing about Apache or cpanel i did not ...
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Websocket Handshake at the same time makes server 504 bad gateway

Okay, here's the detail I have ubuntu VM with nginx as web server, here's all the app backend, laravel frontend, laravel websocket, socketio, expressJS (run on port 8015, reverse proxy to domain-ws....
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1 answer

How to synchronize actions between two separate frontends using Laravel and Next.js?

I'm developing a system with two separate frontends using Next.js: one for clients and one for admins. Both frontends need to be synchronized such that when a client makes a booking, it should ...
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Laravel 11 Reverb: WebSocket Connection failed

WebSocket connection to wss:// failed Its working on locally without any issue but in production it gives issue here is my .env for production REVERB_APP_ID=401132 ...
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Laravel backend and WebSocket connection with React Native

How to connect WebSocket and backend in React Native ? I have a Laravel backend and web socket and a frontend developed in React Native. I have connected the backend using adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:...
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Laravel echo TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'channel')

I'm using Laravel for backend and Vue for frontend. I'm also using Vite as my bundler and laravel echo for broadcasting. I'm trying to create a websocket to show newly added comments in real time. ...
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1 answer

Why I am not receving response ?( Details not updating in Laravel Vue js Web Sockets)

(PHP ^7.2.5 and laravel ^7.24 , beyondcode laravel:^1.12pusher/pusher-php-server 5.0.3 Library for interacting with the Pusher REST API ) Env FileThis is my env file. Id and Key values are real ...
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1 answer

I would like to use 'texttalk/websocket' in my laravel project

I would like to use 'texttalk/websocket (' ' in my laravel project. The package is currently installed using the 'composer require texttalk/websocket' ...
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0 answers

Laravel Rever and React Configurations

I want to connect my React app with Laravel Reverb. When connecting to a public channel everything works fine. but when trying to connect to a private channel I get connection refused My React Code ...

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