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Building: Github Actions

Vhou edited this page May 10, 2024 · 5 revisions

Github Actions is a Continuous Integration tool that ensures there is a build for every commit made to the calculator. You can find builds made with Github Actions under "Actions" in the navigation menu for the repository.

Image of the repository's navigation menu with a red box around the "Actions" link.

On the Actions page, you will find a list of builds that correspond to each commit made to the calculator. Successful runs will have a green checkmark next to them, and failed runs will have a red x.

These builds are sorted in reverse chronological order: the most recent builds are at the top, and the oldest are at the bottom. To download a build, click on one of the entries in the list, and scroll to the bottom of the page. Under the section "Artifacts," you will find a list of zip files:

  • executable-macos-x86_64
  • executable-ubuntu-x86_64
  • executable-windows-x64
  • wheels-platform-architecture (platform agnostic; this contains several files and you will need to download the version corresponding to your operating system and architecture. If you aren't sure which specific file works for your architecture, x64 or x86_64 will probably be fine.)

To download your desired version of the program, you can click on either its name, or the download button on the far right.

Please note that a majority of these builds are development builds, and not considered stable. You may run into serious issues using these versions of the gag calculator.

It is highly recommended to only use builds from either the main or dev branches, as these are the versions of the calculator that are "supported".

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