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Building: MacOS Executable

Lia edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 2 revisions


In order to build the MacOS executable for the Toontown Damage Calculator, you must install a couple prerequisites:

  1. The Python 3 Programming Language. Install from
  2. The Rust Programming Language. Install by following the instructions at

Once these are downloaded and installed, you are able to create an executable for MacOS!

Creating the Executable

First, you need to clone the repository for TT-Damage-Calculator. You can do this by opening for favorite command terminal and inputting the following command:

git clone

Once the repository is cloned, navigate to the repository's root directory. Inside this directory, you can run the following commands in your terminal:

pip install pyinstaller
cargo rustc --release -- -C link-arg=-undefined -C link-arg=dynamic_lookup
mv ./target/release/libtt_damage_calculator.dylib ./src/tt_damage_calculator/
pyinstaller "Toontown Damage Calculator.spec"
cp -R ./src/tt_damage_calculator/assets ./dist/assets
cp -R ./LICENSE ./dist

This will perform a set of several instructions, and create an executable in the dist directory. This directory should also include a LICENSE file, and the assets directory, which contains all the needed assets for the executable to run.


With the executable created, you should be able to open it just as you would any other application: Double click the file, or right click it and select Open.


In the event you run into a catastrophic bug on the MacOS executable version of the Toontown Damage Calculator, compiling the program manually is a great way to figure out exactly what went wrong! This will require slightly different instructions from normally compiling the calculator.

After cloning the repository, you will need to open the Toontown Damage Calculator.spec file in your favorite text editor. This is the configuration file for how the program compiles.

Next, scroll down to line 38 of the file. Right now, the line should say console=False. Change this to console=True and save the file. This will cause a command terminal to open with the rest of the program. With this done, compile the executable as you normally would.

Open the gag calculator and perform the actions needed to cause the catastrophic bug. The command terminal that opens alongside the calculator should output an error- be sure to add this to your bug report!