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Usage: Keybinds

Vhou edited this page May 9, 2024 · 3 revisions

The gag calculator has a number of default keybinds to expedite certain functions:

Keybind Description
shift Toggle Organic
ctrl+l Toggle Lure
ctrl+r Reset Calculation
ctrl+d Cycle Defense
alt+d Cycle Negative Defense
ctrl+x Lock/Unlock statuses
alt+up Toggle Pinned Window

Editing a Keybind

If you want to edit a keybind to something different, you will need to edit the settings.toml file. It can be found in the assets folder bundled with the program, but you can also open the file directly in the calculator on some operating systems:

  1. Select the "Program" menu in the upper navigation bar.
  2. Click on the "Settings" option.

A demonstration of the above instructions. "Settings" is highlighted, suggesting it has been selected by the cursor.

You may be asked for a program to open the file in. You should choose a text editor program such as Notepad++ or Kate. With the file opened, you should be presented with a file that looks somewhat similar to the image below:

The settings.toml file as of V4.3.0-dev.2

You can edit the keybinds by changing the values after the equal sign on each line under the [keybinds] section. Once you're done, make sure to save the file! Note that the edited keybind must still be a valid tkinter keysym, or else the calculator will crash on launch. To use your new keybinds, you will need to restart the calculator.

If your settings.toml file causes your calculator to crash and you are unable to fix it, you can redownload the latest version of this file from the repository here:

Replace your old settings.toml with the new file, and the calculator should function normally again!

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