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Usage: Lock Status

Vhou edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 1 revision

Lock Status is a feature of the gag calculator found in the Calculations menu. It is off by default, but can be toggled either by pressing its button in the menu, or using its associated keybind. By default, this keybind is Ctrl+X.

The gag calculator, with the Calculations menu opened. Lock Status is highlighted, indicating that it is being hovered over.

Normally, status effects such as lure and cog defense do not carry over between calculations. When Status Lock is turned on, these status effects will persist through calculations:

  • Lure
  • Cog Defense Up
  • Cog Defense Down

Status Lock can be toggled back off by either clicking on its button in the Calculations menu, or by using its keybind.

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