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Usage: History

Vhou edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 1 revision

The calculator has a textbox labeled "History" on the right side, and a button labeled "Clear History" directly below it. Together, these two elements are defined as the Calculation History section.

The gag calculator, with a red rectangle around the Calculation History section.

When the user clicks on any gag button, a line of text will be sent to the history textbox to log it. For example, if you click on the cupcake button, the calculator will output Gag used: Cupcake (6). If the gag clicked is organic, the calculator's output in the textbox will reflect this as well. Using an organic cupcake will output Gag used: Organic Cupcake (7).

Once the "Reset damage" button is pressed, the textbox will output several lines to reflect the previous calculation:

  • Damage dealt
  • Level of cog this amount of damage will defeat
  • Boolean value reflecting lure state at start of calculation
  • Cog defense value (positive and negative)

Over time, the history textbox can become cluttered with older calculations. You can clear the textbox with the "Clear History" button. This button will not automatically reset the current calculation.

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