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Usage: Gags

Vhou edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

The gag panel is the largest part of the calculator's UI, and is located on the left side of the program. It contains levels 1-7 of every gag in the Trap, Sound, Throw, Squirt, and Drop tracks.

The gag calculator, with a red rectangle around the gag panel.

To add a gag to the calculation, simply click on one of the gag buttons. There will be several indicators that you have added a gag to the calculation:

  • A number indicator below the gag's icon reflecting how many gags are currently in use
  • A notice in the History textbox that a particular gag has been used
  • The "Damage this round" indicator changing to reflect the damage dealt in the current calculation

The gag calculator, with a red rectangle around the Cupcake gag's button. It has been used once, with two more red rectangles demonstrating as such in the previously mentioned locations.

You can use as many gags in a single calculation as you want, with no real limit. To finish a calculation, click on the "Reset damage" button.

Organic gags

By default, every gag in the calculator is non-organic. You can change this by toggling organic mode, which can be done in two ways:

  • Clicking the "Toggle Organic" button above the gag panel
  • Using the organic keybind, which is the left shift button by default.

Once organic mode is turned on, the gag calculator will visually change to reflect this. In the default theme, gag buttons will change from blue to orange, and the text organic indicator above the button reading "Organic = ON". Gags clicked in organic mode will deal more damage to reflect their state, and be logged differently from regular gags in the history log.

The gag calculator, with a red rectangle around the gag panel, and the text organic indicator while organic mode is active.

You can turn organic mode off again by re-pressing either the button or the organic keybind.

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