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Questions tagged [ios13]

The iOS13 tag should be used for questions specific to Apple's iOS 13 operating system. General iOS questions should use the iOS tag.

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How to change TurpleView<_VariadicView.Children> to Custom View?

Several Views were received as 'TurpleView<_VariadicView.Children>'. struct View1: View { var body: some View { VStack { Text("page!") } } } struct ...
OlderPeo's user avatar
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Google Maps shows "Sorry, we have no imagery here" on iOS13

When running on an iPhone SE with iOS 13, Google Maps briefly displays images for about 1 second and then shows the error: "Sorry, we have no imagery here". It happens on all places, and on ...
pupuza's user avatar
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JavaScriptCore crash during JSObjectCallAsFunction on IOS 13 IOS14 AND IOS 17

The entry function calls of the crash stack are all JSObjectCallAsFunction, but the subsequent crash location is different on each system. We have suspected a memory problem, but the device still has ...
冯浩臻's user avatar
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Trying to use Custom URL for opening my app, APP Delegate is not working

I am using custom url, minimum iOS version is 10, so I am using App delegate. I declared the required thing is info.plist app, is opening fine but, I am not getting callback in logs through app ...
Nishtha Verma's user avatar
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iOS 13 ObservedObject is not updating the UI while StateObject doing same in iOS 14

"Resolving UI Update Issues with iOS 13 ObservedObject: Exploring Alternatives to StateObject" "I've explored several alternatives for StateObject, which is only available in iOS 14. ...
Chaudharyyagh's user avatar
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how to get statusBar in iOS 13+?

UIStatusBarManager *statusBarManager = [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate.window.windowScene.statusBarManager; if ([statusBarManager respondsToSelector:@selector(createLocalStatusBar)]...
maybe's user avatar
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iOS 13 setting content inset on collection view with compositional layout causes jump

I'm working with compositional layout collection views and need to support back to iOS 13, but I'm running into a strange issue when I update the content inset of the collection view. I'm using ...
Mr.P's user avatar
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SwiftUI equivalent of UIStackView.Distribution.fillEqually

I'm trying to make a simple VStack in SwiftUI where each view in the stack has the same height. The heights should be equal to the least amount of space required for the biggest view in the stack. My ...
Cameron Porter's user avatar
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How to update variable in Singleton pattern

I have singleton class has lan variable .it is simple like this class Settings{ // singelton static let shared = Settings() var lan:String? = "ar" private init(){ ...
Mahmoud Arafat's user avatar
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MongoDB installation with macOS 13 (Ventura) (command line errors)

Has anyone with macOS 13 (Ventura) managed to install MongoDB? Getting the following error: ==> Installing [email protected] from mongodb/brew Error: Your Command Line Tools (CLT) does not ...
user20240773's user avatar
-1 votes
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Swift: How can I change backgroundFetchIntervalMinimum with BGAppRefreshTask

I am changing my deprecated function setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval() to new one BGAppRefreshTask() but every example is using actual-time like this: request.earliestBeginDate = Date(...
Youngmin Park's user avatar
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How to show the same object in different sections by using Diffable data sources?

How to show the same object in different sections by using Diffable data sources? Here is the Model :- // MARK: - RecentUsers struct RecentUsersModel: Codable, Hashable { let errorCode: Int? let ...
Shivam Garg's user avatar
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Search Bar Left Image Tint Change iOS for Dark Mode

Trying to get the left most image icon within the search bar to change color for Dark Mode in iOS 13 Ive tried making a call directly to the searchBar and changing its background color, changing the ...
hawaiiansurfer4's user avatar
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Insecure.MD5 in iOS13.0 get incorrect result

When I use Insecure.MD5.hash(data: data) to get a md5 result of a data, I found in iOS 13.0 the result is incorrected, this is my code: if let data = "helloworld".data(using: .utf8) { ...
Yosmative's user avatar
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How to make a shadow on iOS13

I set shadow on NSMutableAttributedString, it works on other version of iOS but not iOS 13, the next is my code let shadow = NSShadow.init() shadow.shadowColor = ...
danfei91's user avatar
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WKURLSchemeHandler crashed on ios13,but ios12 or ios13 later it's works fine

I reference resources enter image description here This is my crash stack * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x18) frame #0: 0x00000001bbb513c4 ...
luca's user avatar
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using SwiftUI, when scrolling, VStack inside Section shrinks and expands

I'm trying to make simple testing app with Buttons and Options for Button action. target is iOS 13.0 for backward compatibility. expected smooth scroll just like other iOS app does, but it stutters. ...
Ggumdori's user avatar
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React Native 0.68 upgrade issue in iOS

I have recently upgraded my react native project from 0.62 to 0.68. New Architecture set up has be implemented in android and the code is working fine. But when i try to upgrade the new architectural ...
Madhu's user avatar
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What's wrong with my uitableviewcontroller under iOS13?

I am dropping iOS 12 support in order to take advantage of SwiftUI in the future version releases —though the new version I am working on (that drops the rewarded ads business model) does not use ...
Stéphane de Luca's user avatar
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App crashed with dyld`__abort_with_payload when using scollviewproxy and @available in iOS 13 SwiftUI

I am developing a new UI for my app and I am going from UIKit to SwiftUI. I want to be able to use a scrollViewProxy to manage my automatic scrolling when for example my view expands beyond the ...
NoosaMaan's user avatar
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SwiftUI different behavior on different iOS versions

I have been developing an app with minimum iOS 13, but whole development process was done on iOS 15. Now when testing the iOS 13 devices, I noticed some problems. Minimalistic example: You have a list ...
Robert Sudec's user avatar
-1 votes
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Calculating Wi-Fi strength problematically [duplicate]

I want to get the device Wi-Fi strength, but found no straightforward way to accomplish this Right now I have this which used to work before iOS 13 however now I get this crash. func wifiStrength() -&...
Ferdinand Loesch's user avatar
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How do I change the statusBarStyle using the statusBarManager in iOS 13.0+

I am trying to change the status bar style in my iOS 13.0 app but when I use the code; UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent I get the warning in Xcode; 'statusBarStyle' was ...
Stephen501's user avatar
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PDFPage thumbnail (UIImage) does not respect PDFPage orientation in iOS 13 (Xcode 13.1)

Description I am having issue with UIImage "generated" from PDFPage via method .thumbnail(of:for). UIImage, which I later display in UIImageView, does not respect rotation of the PDF page, ...
peetadelic's user avatar
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Manually invoke context menu in collectionView for cell

I implemented methods for context menu with delegate methods like this: func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, contextMenuConfigurationForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath, point: CGPoint) -...
Libor Zapletal's user avatar
-1 votes
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SwiftUI: Create a list of mx2 column grid of images on iOS 13 with single selection

I'm new to SwiftUI and I'm trying to display a list of images from API as mx2 grids on iOS 13. I was able to create the grid and also able to download the images. Now I have 2 issues, all cells are ...
Francis F's user avatar
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iOS 13 UIToolBar Style

I am trying to create a tool bar for the number pad I am using in swift, but am getting this warning with the following code: 'blackTranslucent' was deprecated in iOS 13.0: Use UIBarStyleBlack and set ...
aFella's user avatar
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How to resolve 'scanLocation' was deprecated in iOS 13.0?

When trying to use a Scanner I am getting the warning that 'scanLocation' was deprecated in iOS 13.0.Apple's documentation for Scanner does not even mention the deprecation, let alone suggest what has ...
zehye's user avatar
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Detecting subscription details when restoring in-app purchase

Normally I sort out and investigate my coding issues, however, this one has stumped me and I have spent a day trawling through stackoverflow, github, youtube, apple developer documentation to no avail....
James Leitch's user avatar
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Disable Tab Bar storyboard appearance setting programmatically

My app is required to be iOS 12.0 compatible and has a tab bar. Since iOS 13.0, the UITabBarAppearance() can be used to change its appearance. In the storyboard, I have Standard selected as ...
geohei's user avatar
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