Coleg Penybont | Bridgend College

Coleg Penybont | Bridgend College

Education Administration Programs

Coleg Addysg Bellach arobryn | Award-winning Further Education College

About us

We are one of the largest and leading education providers in Wales. We are a fantastic place to work and study. The College provides education for school leavers up to mature students. Estyn, Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education and Training (HMI) have judged us as double Excellent. The only College in the whole of south Wales to have had this judgement. We were recently placed 28th on The Sunday Times 100 Best NFP Organisations to work for (2017), which makes us the highest ranking FE College to work for in the whole of the UK. Check us out on Our Apprenticeship & work-based learning department have been voted best provider in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland! Visit us at and find out for yourself why you should be part of the Bridgend College success! ---- Rydym yn un o’r darparwyr addysg fwyaf a mwyaf blaenllaw yng Nghymru. Rydym yn lle gwych i weithio ac astudio ynddo. Mae'r Coleg yn darparu addysg i'r rhai sy'n gadael yr ysgol hyd at fyfyrwyr aeddfed. Mae Estyn, Arolygwyr Ei Mawrhydi dros Addysg a Hyfforddiant wedi ein barnu yn Ardderchog ddwywaith. Yr unig Goleg yn ne Cymru i gyd sydd wedi cael y farn hon. Yn ddiweddar cawsom ein gosod yn safle 28 ar y 100 Sefydliad NFP Gorau i weithio iddynt The Sunday Times (2017), sy’n golygu mai ni yw’r Coleg AB sydd â’r safle uchaf i weithio iddo yn y DU cyfan. Gwiriwch ni ar Mae ein hadran Prentisiaethau a dysgu seiliedig ar waith wedi cael ei phleidleisio fel darparwr gorau Cymru, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon! Ymwelwch â ni ar i ddarganfod drosoch eich hun pam y dylech chi fod yn rhan o lwyddiant Coleg Penybont!

Education Administration Programs
Company size
501-1,000 employees
development , pupils , learning , progress , apprenticeships, furthereducation , highereducation , esol , penybont6thform , college, bridgendcollege , colegpenybont , 6eddosbarthpenybont , education, businessengagement, Cyfleoedd, Opportunities, WorkBasedLearning, Learners, and Students


Employees at Coleg Penybont | Bridgend College


  • 🏆Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Awards | Gwobrau Llesiant yn y Gweithle ‘Mind’ We’re thrilled to announce that we've been awarded Gold in Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Awards once again. This shows we are successfully embedding mental health into our policies and practices and are demonstrating a long-term, in-depth commitment to staff mental health. To read the article in full, visit: ---- Rydyn ni’n falch iawn o gyhoeddi ein bod ni wedi ennill Aur yng Ngwobrau Llesiant yn y Gweithle ‘Mind’ unwaith eto. Mae hyn yn dangos ein bod yn ymwreiddio iechyd meddwl yn llwyddiannus yn ein polisïau a’n harferion a’n bod yn dangos ymrwymiad hirdymor, manwl i iechyd meddwl staff. I ddarllen yr erthygl yn llawn, ewch i:

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  • 🚨Fully-funded courses for TATA Steel employees | Cyrsiau a ariennir yn llawn i weithwyr TATA Steel We have a number of training opportunities available to upskill TATA Steel employees in developing in-demand knowledge and expertise, all of which are fully-funded until 31 July! Whether you’re looking to refresh your skills or want to pursue a new career, our courses can support you in taking the next step in your employment in sectors such as: 🖥️Computing, IT and Cyber 👷Construction 🛠️Engineering 🔧Motor Vehicle 💚Net Zero and Green Skills To find out more: ---- Mae gennym nifer o gyfleoedd hyfforddi ar gael i uwchsgilio gweithwyr TATA Steel i ddatblygu gwybodaeth ac arbenigedd y mae galw amdanynt, ac mae pob un ohonynt wedi’u hariannu’n llawn tan 31 Gorffennaf! P’un a ydych am adnewyddu eich sgiliau neu eisiau dilyn gyrfa newydd, gall ein cyrsiau eich cefnogi i gymryd y cam nesaf yn eich cyflogaeth mewn sectorau fel: 🖥️Cyfrifiadura, TG a Seiber 👷Adeiladu 🛠️Peirianneg 🔧Cerbyd Modur 💚Sero Net a Sgiliau Gwyrdd I ddarganfod mwy:

  • 🚨Fully-funded opportunity | Cyfle wedi'i ariannu'n llawn! Led by expert instructors, our Domestic Gas Managed Learning Programme combines practical and theoretical training to become a certified Gas Engineer. Whether you have relevant qualifications or experience, or you're just starting out, this month’s programme is now fully-funded! To take advantage of this funding, sign up today: ---- Dan arweiniad hyfforddwyr arbenigol, mae ein Rhaglen Ddysgu Reoledig Nwy yn cyfuno hyfforddiant ymarferol a damcaniaethol i ddod yn Beiriannydd Nwy ardystiedig. P’un a oes gennych gymwysterau neu brofiad perthnasol, neu os ydych newydd ddechrau, mae rhaglen y mis hwn bellach wedi’i hariannu’n llawn! I fanteisio ar y cyllid hwn, cofrestrwch heddiw::

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  • 🏆Award | Gwobr We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve received the College of the Year award at the Google for Education Schools and Colleges Awards 2024! This award celebrates and shares best practices that inspire positive change and transformation in education. We believe that our implementation of innovative teaching and learning methods by integrating Google for Education has enhanced experiences across the whole College. Read more: (link in bio) ---- Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi ein bod wedi derbyn gwobr Coleg y Flwyddyn yng ngwobrau Google for Education Schools and Colleges 2024! Mae'r wobr hon yn dathlu ac yn rhannu arferion gorau sy'n ysbrydoli newid cadarnhaol a thrawsnewid addysg. Credwn fod ein gweithrediad o ddulliau addysgu a dysgu arloesol trwy integreiddio Google for Education wedi cyfoethogi profiadau ar draws y Coleg cyfan. Darllenwch mwy: (dolen yn ein proffil)

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  • STEAM Academy | Academi STEAM Andrew Baker of Rio Architects recently looked at how further education providers are calling for adaptability in their buildings, and used our state-of-the-art STEAM Academy as an example of this. Our STEAM Academy has transformed the learning experience of our students, ensuring they are taught in classrooms and workshops with the technologies and facilities needed to deliver a 21st Century curriculum. The Academy is more than just an educational establishment, offering many benefits to the local community. These include evening and weekend adult learning as well as café facilities for public use. A multi-purpose lecture hall and conference facilities too, available for hire in a bid to support businesses in the local and wider community. To read the article in full, visit: ---- Edrychodd Andrew Baker o Rio Architects yn ddiweddar ar sut mae darparwyr addysg bellach yn galw am allu i addasu yn eu hadeiladau, a defnyddiodd ein Hacademi STEAM o’r radd flaenaf fel enghraifft o hyn. Mae ein Hacademi STEAM wedi trawsnewid profiad dysgu ein myfyrwyr, gan sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu haddysgu mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth a gweithdai gyda’r technolegau a’r cyfleusterau sydd eu hangen i gyflwyno cwricwlwm yr 21ain Ganrif. Mae’r Academi yn fwy na dim ond sefydliad addysgol, gan gynnig llawer o fanteision i’r gymuned leol. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys dysgu oedolion gyda'r nos ac ar benwythnosau yn ogystal â chyfleusterau caffi at ddefnydd y cyhoedd. Neuadd ddarlithio amlbwrpas a chyfleusterau cynadledda hefyd, ar gael i'w llogi mewn ymgais i gefnogi busnesau yn y gymuned leol ac ehangach. I ddarllen yr erthygl yn llawn, ewch i:

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  • Andrew Baker of Rio Architects recently looked at how further education providers are calling for adaptability in their buildings, and used our state-of-the-art STEAM Academy as an example of this. Our STEAM Academy has transformed the learning experience of our students, ensuring they are taught in classrooms and workshops with the technologies and facilities needed to deliver a 21st Century curriculum. The Academy is more than just an educational establishment, offering many benefits to the local community. These include evening and weekend adult learning as well as café facilities for public use. A multi-purpose lecture hall and conference facilities too, available for hire in a bid to support businesses in the local and wider community. To read the article in full, visit: ---- Edrychodd Andrew Baker o Rio Architects yn ddiweddar ar sut mae darparwyr addysg bellach yn galw am allu i addasu yn eu hadeiladau, a defnyddiodd ein Hacademi STEAM o’r radd flaenaf fel enghraifft o hyn. Mae ein Hacademi STEAM wedi trawsnewid profiad dysgu ein myfyrwyr, gan sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu haddysgu mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth a gweithdai gyda’r technolegau a’r cyfleusterau sydd eu hangen i gyflwyno cwricwlwm yr 21ain Ganrif. Mae’r Academi yn fwy na dim ond sefydliad addysgol, gan gynnig llawer o fanteision i’r gymuned leol. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys dysgu oedolion gyda'r nos ac ar benwythnosau yn ogystal â chyfleusterau caffi at ddefnydd y cyhoedd. Neuadd ddarlithio amlbwrpas a chyfleusterau cynadledda hefyd, ar gael i'w llogi mewn ymgais i gefnogi busnesau yn y gymuned leol ac ehangach. I ddarllen yr erthygl yn llawn, ewch i:

    • Students walking into our STEAM Academy | Myfyrwyr yn cerdded mewn i'n Hacademi STEAM
  • 📊Action Research Programme | Rhaglen Ymchwil Weithredu In collaboration with Coleg Sir Gar | Coleg Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire College and Coleg Gwent, our PLF Action Research Programme has seen 10 fantastic members of our teaching staff undertake a project focusing on developing their teaching to ensure that our learners can be all that they can be. With bespoke workshops and one-to-one support, many have secured opportunities to share their project through the partnership with other organisations, or in conferences and journals. This week, our researchers welcomed our wider teaching staff to hear more about their projects and their findings. -— Mewn cydweithrediad â Choleg Sir Gâr, Coleg Sir Benfro a Choleg Gwent, mae ein Rhaglen Ymchwil Weithredol GDP wedi gweld 10 aelod gwych o’n staff addysgu yn ymgymryd â phrosiect sy’n canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu eu haddysgu i sicrhau bod ein dysgwyr yn gallu bod yn bopeth y gallant. fod. Gyda gweithdai pwrpasol a chefnogaeth un-i-un, mae llawer wedi sicrhau cyfleoedd i rannu eu prosiect trwy bartneriaeth gyda sefydliadau eraill, neu mewn cynadleddau a chyfnodolion. Wythnos hon, croesawodd ein hymchwilwyr eu cydweithwyr i glywed mwy am eu prosiectau a’u canfyddiadau

  • ✍️Professional Learning day | Diwrnod Dysgu Proffesiynol We’d like to thank our inspirational keynote speakers, Dan Fitzpatrick and Amjad Ali, for delivering such insightful and thought provoking sessions during today’s Professional Learning Development day. ---- Hoffem ddiolch i’n prif siaradwyr ysbrydoledig, Dan Fitzpatrick ac Amjad Ali, am gyflwyno sesiynau craff sy’n ysgogi’r meddwl yn ystod diwrnod Dysgu Proffesiynol heddiw.

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  • 📋Counselling Course | Cwrs Cwnsela Are you a qualified counsellor and looking to develop your skills and understanding for senior and independent practice? Our Level 5 CPCAB Psychotherapeutic Counselling course is led by industry experienced tutors who are active practitioners, bringing expert knowledge and teaching to every session. ✍️The embedding of Level 4 work, with the growth of experience alongside theories, will allow for development of the practitioner in line with ethical and professional counselling practice. To find out more, visit: ---- 📋Ydych chi'n gwnselydd cymwys ac yn awyddus i ddatblygu eich sgiliau a'ch dealltwriaeth ar gyfer ymarfer uwch ac annibynnol? Mae ein cwrs Cwnsela Seicotherapiwtig Lefel 5 trwy CPCAB yn cael ei arwain gan diwtoriaid profiadol yn y diwydiant sy’n ymarferwyr gweithgar, gan ddod â gwybodaeth ac addysgu arbenigol i bob sesiwn. ✍️ Bydd gwreiddio gwaith Lefel 4, gyda thwf profiad ochr yn ochr â damcaniaethau, yn caniatáu ar gyfer datblygu’r ymarferwr yn unol ag ymarfer cwnsela moesegol a phroffesiynol. I wybod mwy:

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  • So proud to have been shortlisted. We are in some seriously good company and we are the only College in the UK shortlisted. Congratulations to each individual and organisation whose work and contribution in this space has been recognised within the shortlist 🎉 #NDA24

    🏆Award | Gwobr We’re thrilled to have been shortlisted in the Diverse Company Award category at The National Diversity Awards 2024, which celebrates the incredible achievements of individuals, organisations and communities who strive to promote the importance of diversity and inclusion in all its forms. This is in recognition of our hard work and dedication to our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda, and is a testament to our lived values as an organisation. #NDA24. ---- Rydym wrth ein bodd ein bod wedi cyrraedd y rhestr fer yn y categori Gwobr Cwmni Amrywiol yng Ngwobrau Amrywiaeth Cenedlaethol 2024, sy’n dathlu llwyddiannau anhygoel unigolion, sefydliadau a chymunedau sy’n ymdrechu i hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant yn ei holl ffurfiau. Mae hyn i gydnabod ein gwaith caled a'n hymroddiad i'n hagenda Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant, ac mae'n dyst i'n gwerthoedd byw fel sefydliad. #GAC24

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