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Questions tagged [forwarding]

There are myriad kinds of forwarding. Use this if you must, but try to find a more specific [tag] first.

-1 votes
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ACM email forwarding is slow? [closed]

I take advantage of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) email forwarding. I notice that the time it takes for incoming email messages to appear on the server for download seems to be ...
fred's user avatar
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How to forward function calls to function target with same name but in different context

Working: import multiprocessing from time import sleep class bar(): def __init__(self): pass def x(self, a, b): print(self, a, b) def y(self, a, b=None, c=None): print(self, c, b, a) ...
Andreas Koten's user avatar
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How to expose port of LXC container in Proxmox?

I have a proxmox server running an LXC container with radicale (a CalDav server). Everything worked fine while I only used the server in my own LAN. Now I want to expose the port 5232 to the Internet, ...
Pilonyen's user avatar
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How to use a non-template function to achieve perfect forwarding by an argument-wise manner?

template<typename T> class Group; template<typename...U> class Group<std::tuple<U...>> { public: typedef std::tuple<U...> type; void emplace_back(U&......
soyokaze's user avatar
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Dnsmasq printed out "forwarded to" correctly but tx count of network interface is not increased

I have problem about working of dnsmasq. To forward dns queries from other devices to external network, I used dnsmasq v2.86. When problem was happened, dnsmasq printed out forward log successfully ...
user3121679's user avatar
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Nginx proxying lost Tomcat's HTTP port

=========================== I am running a Tomcat on the machine at Locally, I verified the service is running normally using curl curl -v http://...
Kerwin Bryant's user avatar
-2 votes
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MIPS pipeline forwarding

Consider a 5-stage pipelined processor with Instruction Fetch (IF), Instruction Decode (ID), Execute (EX), Memory Access (MEM), and Register Writeback (WB) stages. Which of the following statements ...
Dolly Pandey's user avatar
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Twilio Number to forward an incoming call to 2+ numbers. My current build ends the call if one of the ones is off. Will conference solve this?

I've pasted my code below. I've searched through some old posts and see that the Twilio dial feature can't delineate between a voicemail and an answer. Essentially - I only need one of the numbers to ...
WhatsGoud's user avatar
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Possible to update a forwarding number by sending SMS?

Very new Twilio user and I have a really specific use case and wonder if this is possible? I am part of a team of volunteers for a water rescue charity and we have an on call Incident Commander (IC). ...
RobUK123's user avatar
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How to automatically forward class instance methods to another object's methods?

Regarding the following example code, is there any type-safe way of automatically forwarding any of the prototypal method calls, each to its related method of another object? class Foo { greet() { ...
Adam B.'s user avatar
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connection refused from other device (python)

I am trying to create a messaging one-server platform on python, and I got to the moment where i set up the firewall, port forwarding and routing. But this server-client scheme works only on one ...
UA3YSR's user avatar
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Issue with Call Forwarding to Numbers that have are a Specific Length

Im seeking assistance regarding an issue with call forwarding. I have implemented call forwarding within my TwiML code to redirect incoming calls to a different phone number. The code is working as ...
Ronnie Seiler's user avatar
-1 votes
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Need to build an extremely simple one page/script site that redirects all possible links of one domain to another site

I want to build a site where any link to my domain such as or the (/xxxxx) part will be randomly generated, always redirects to another domain. Basically, any link ...
user3283015's user avatar
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Mongoose not connecting after using Port forwarding

I get the Error: err = new ServerSelectionError(); ^ MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED **My Server IP/ PORT** at _handleConnectionErrors (C:\Users\elias\source\repos\...
Waurick's user avatar
-3 votes
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Call forwarding / Recording / Messaging not working

Hi guys. I am not understanding how to set up a call/sms forwarding and recording. I have tried whit flows. I can see the inbound call, but there is no forwarding and no recording. I am trying to ...
Tamir Perl's user avatar
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How to edit new messages before forwarding using python

I am using a Python code to forward new messages between two bot/channel telegram. I am trying to edit messages before forwarding them (I need to delete some parts of text), but I didn't find the ...
Marcello Gabrielli's user avatar
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How auto forward messages from a channel to another channel using Python

How do I auto forward messages instantly from a channel to another channel? I created an example but doesn't work. This is my example: `from telethon import TelegramClient, events api_id = ...
Marcello Gabrielli's user avatar
1 vote
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How to disable forwarding message sent by Telegram Bot in private chat?

How to disable forwarding message of Telegram Bot in private chat? Some individuals are receiving messages from the bot and subsequently distributing them to others. I want to prevent this activity I ...
DotNetStar A's user avatar
-2 votes
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CENTOS LINUX cannot access without hostname or www [closed]

I've configure a DNS Server on ROCKY linux. But It does not work like what I wanted. I can ping to and But what I want is, I want to ping to without ...
AI Faro's user avatar
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Number of clock cycles required with and without forwarding

Consider the following sequence of MIPS instructions lw $4, 0($1) addi $5, $4, 10 add $2, $2, $3 lw $1, 20($2) add $1, $1, $5 (a) How many clock cycles will it take to fully execute these ...
eswcs's user avatar
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How to forward messages from one channel to another in telegram using user accounts? I tried but it doesn't work, nor I get any errors

I want to forward messages from one channel to another using my user account itself, and not bot account. Online there are many codes available for this but they all only work for bots, none works ...
Pragyan's user avatar
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How to handle buffer size for unknown data sizes in network operations (socks proxy)?

I am writing a socks4 proxy in C and everything works well, like I tested the data forwarding with a simple echo server as the remote peer. But now I am not sure how to handle the data if the other ...
mortytheshorty's user avatar
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UDP port forwarding to linux bridge depending on TCP connection

I'm observing a routing behavior on a proxmox server (at its Debian 11 host level) that I can't explain. Maybe somebody can help me to better understand or had already observed the same and has a ...
HelpBox's user avatar
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Editing and forwarding email (from different sender) Outlook VBA

i'm new in VBA so i need help to understand how can i: taking an email from my inbox, edit the body (deleting the last two rows and the first five rows). Forwarding that modified mail from another ...
Lidia Frizzi's user avatar
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If I pass an rvalue into a function with T&&, in some cases I can change the value, in other cases I can't, why? [duplicate]

#include <iostream> void g(int&) { std::cout << "int&" << std::endl; } void g(int&&) { std::cout << "int&&" << std::...
OHtuzh's user avatar
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How do I route a domain name to specific page on a different domain name? Both domains are registered on the same account

My client recently purchased a new domain name and wants it to link to an interior page on the current website. Both domains are registered on the same account. The main site is currently hosted on a ...
Brandon Barish's user avatar
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Calculating clock cycles when forwarding

I don't quite get the principle of forwarding, so I need some help. I have this file and need to calculate how many processor clocks are required to finish the program. Program completion occurs when ...
ivanka georgieva's user avatar
1 vote
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JWT token forwading between services

I have a problematic and a potential solution and i'm wondering if it's a good solution or if a better way of doing things exists. I have an API A called by a frontend with a JWT token. If the service ...
Platypus's user avatar
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java error connecting two devices with socket (public ip)

i'm almost a new java programmer (started at 5 month ago) and i want to connect two program over internet but i get some error that's i can't fix. i've tried alot. i told to my friend to ping my ...
MASEH's user avatar
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Terraform Cluster Logging Forwarder, from ARO to Azure

Is there a way to use Cluster Logging Forwarder to send audit log data from an ARO cluster to a Log Analytics Workspace in Azure using Terraform please. So far I tried following these guides https://...
eliew's user avatar
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How do I redirect to

I need to redirect several URLs to a new site that will have pages that replace the old sites. I don't care if the URL is masked or not. I just need the URL's to go to the new pages on the new ...
samoht's user avatar
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Forward Twilio MMS Messages Using Twilio Resources

I am trying to use Twilio to forward SMS and MMS messages to multiple phone numbers using Twilio recourses. I followed the online documentations and got SMS forwarding up easily. But I did not find ...
MSieg's user avatar
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Can't remote access on docker mariadb

i'm facing a huge problem after updating my docker version from 17.10.0-ee-preview-3 to 20.10.20. After putting back my mariadb docker, i cannot access it from outside anymore, even with the maridb ...
0pah's user avatar
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Azure DNS Forwarding

New to DevOps I've been assigned the transfer of Our GoDaddy DNS to Azure I cannot find any ressource that allows me to setup DNS Forwarding in Azure Is it possible? Thank you
Flexible Plants's user avatar
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Redirecting the url entered with htaccess to a different location in the same way

When I enter my url I want to redirect to but when I enter I want to redirect to The word demo here is just variable. how can I do ...
Arda Osman's user avatar
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Is it possible to relay/forward messages from contact A to contact B using Twilio on WhatsApp?

I would like to be able to have a single phone number that holds a list of contacts. And then for contact A to be able to send a message to that phone number that looks like this: "Fred: Hi fred!&...
Marco Olariu's user avatar
2 votes
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Bash script to send commands to remote ssh session

Is it possible to write a bash script that opens a remote node (i.e. through ssh and/or slurm) and starts an interactive session there after running some commands? I'm trying to automate the process ...
Empiromancer's user avatar
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How to set up traffic forwarding so my origin IP address remains the same when calling an external API from Azure or my laptop

I have an Azure App Service and multiple Azure Functions that need to call into a specific external API - let's call it I also frequently run the App Service and Azure Functions ...
Calum Peebles's user avatar
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Cut-through behaviour for the INET WirelessHost

The INET WirelessHost inherits from the StandardHost which has store-and-forward as its default forwarding behaviour. Is there a way to change that behaviour to cut-through? I did not find any fitting ...
konstantinM's user avatar
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Redirect URL to different IP address

I have 3 HTTPS IIS web servers at home all with different URLs configured. My WAN is a single dynamic IP address provided by my ISP. I would like to somehow redirect to the correct web server and IP ...
Danny's user avatar
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Vault port forwarding with Vagrant on Macos

I have a vagrant machine (almalinux/8) on my MacOS (Big Sur). I have configured my Vagrantfile to forward Vautl port config.vm.define "vault" do |s| s.vm.hostname = "vault&...
samuelj's user avatar
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PHP redirection with parameter forwarding

I am using the following PHP script in order to create redirects : <?php $id = isset( $_GET['id'] ) ? rtrim( trim( $_GET['id'] ), '/' ) : 'default'; $f = fopen( 'redirects.txt', 'r' ); $urls ...
Fabien's user avatar
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Authentication in email forwarding between SMTP servers

I am writing a Mail Relay Server in PHP for Newsletter mailings. This server encodes all links in the e-mails so that they point to an accompanying website for tracking (click count only) and ...
Spider IT's user avatar
3 votes
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Managing ssh keys

Suppose that I have a remote server and GitLab private repository. I do not want to add key from my server to ssh keys in GitLab account, so I make ssh key forwarding. However, when I try to run my ...
Alex Rozhnov's user avatar
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How to forward specific file to syslogserver

I have a service application which write its logs at /home/my_app/logs.txt I'm trying to forward this logs to a centralized syslog server but it seems that logs are not forwarded. -What I have done so ...
Nakos Kotsanis's user avatar
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rsyslog forwarding to different port

I am receiving syslog logs over port 513 that I am trying to forward to port 514 (where I have a service listening for them). So far, all my attempts have been unsuccessful. I've tried making a file ...
yitzik's user avatar
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Forwarding traffic from port ttyS3 to ttyUSB0 - input/output error

I am attempting to set up a basic pipe that'll transfer all data written to ttyS3 to ttyUSB0. I found a few solutions to the problem such as this, but they don't seem to help much. The issue seems to ...
Jebussy's user avatar
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How to configure ingress rule for redirecting to IP based url rather than service name

i have ingress file where i am forwarding request to pods using service name but i have a scenario where few requests with path /abc* needs to be forwarded to ip based url say ...
Abhishek's user avatar
-1 votes
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Forward custom path logs via rsyslog

I have a mountpoint on my server where logs are getting pushed via application in a log file. I have created a custom file in /etc/rsyslog.d/xyz.conf. Below is the configuration of the file. $...
Ashish Raina's user avatar
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Pass URL parameters with URL forwarding

I am a novice developer, started coding a few months back, only familiar with : HTML/JS/CSS & NODE/Express.js for server side.. PROJECT DETAILS I'm working on --- Developing a social platform just ...
Pranav Raghaw's user avatar

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