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Questions tagged [linux]

NOTICE: All Linux questions must be related to programming; those that aren't will be closed. Use this tag only if your question relates to programming using Linux APIs or Linux-specific behavior, not just because you happen to run your code on Linux. If you need Linux support, you can try or the specific Linux distribution's Stack Exchange site like or

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Etcd certificate error coming in kubernetes pod logs

I am getting the rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded error in kubernetes pod I installed docker images through helm install command, and after running kuberctl get pod -n namespace I got a few pods in ...
Sharvari Mittal's user avatar
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AWS EC2 : error expanding EBS XFS partition

I need to expand the /home partition in my AWS EC2 instance. I have already added the required storage and trying to follow the article :
Prashant Nagaraj's user avatar
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Ubuntu & dotnet restore : error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source

I am struggling in restoring a .NET solution on an ubuntu VM. When I run the command dotnet restore I always get the error: error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source https://...
Otrebor's user avatar
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vs code wont run with multiple cpp files

hello i am a beginner and currently following learncpp 2.8 on how to use multiple code files which i was able to build and run manually but build and fail to run in vs code despite setting tasks.json ...
mascarad ninja's user avatar
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OpenSuse Leap Micro 6.0 error to refresh repository Problem retrieving files from 'repo-main (6.0)'

please help me to solve this issue. I installed opensuse leap micro 6.0 on my virtual machine. when I want to install git, it show error. then, I tried to refresh my repo. I got this error sudo zypper ...
Julius Tanuwijaya's user avatar
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I want to connect to my SIM card virtually so I can dial USSD code

I have a SIM that I want to connect to my server so that I can be sending some USSD to the SIM from my application without relying on third party services. All information would be highly appreciated. ...
Topman's user avatar
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How to fix Phantom process in termux while running nethunter

I was running nethunter in termux after some time it , termux got crashed. The error message was "phantom process disabled" I started it several times same thing happened is there any way I ...
Jessica Stone's user avatar
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How to avoid races with process IDs when reading /proc

As I understand it, on Linux process IDs are reused, and also the only API for a lot of process-related stuff (e.g. finding child processes of a specific process) is /proc/<pid>/.... But don't ...
Timmmm's user avatar
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When writing my own lex/yacc, my code that was cpmpiled by g++ producted a weird bug

Could you please help me identify where the issue might be in my code, or is there possibly a problem with the compiler itself?" I was writing my own lex/yacc by cpp. There is some codes for ...
Yiping Hao's user avatar
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Travian Project trying to setup

The TravianT4.6 project on GitHub is a fan-made script for creating a Travian game server. It requires PHP 7.3-7.4, along with the GeoIP, Redis PHP extensions, Nginx, and MySQL. The repository ...
andreialcaza's user avatar
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grub not detecting my hard drive on ubuntu 22.04 [closed]

I have installed Windows Ubuntu 11, from The problem is the grub is not detecting my hard drive and it started where I installed the latest drivers for Ubuntu using the code ...
SoftDev1999's user avatar
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How to give all permissions to input group for rust?

i'm using rdev = { version = "0.5.3", features = ["unstable_grab"] } crate on Debian Bookworm in VSCode, to create my first pet-project and stack with problem: Error: IoError(Os { ...
middleStackoverflower's user avatar
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mdadm RAID1 array only shows 1 drive in /proc/mdstat but --examine shows both drives as "Active" — is the array actually fine? Or has a drive failed? [closed]

I received a warning during bootup that a hard drive has failed. My first thought was it's probably one of the two older HDDs I have configured as a software RAID1 array. So as soon as the boot ...
1337ingDisorder's user avatar
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ValueError: Type names and field names must be valid identifiers: 'Content-Type'

when I use from allpairspy import AllPairs parameters = OrderedDict([('Content-Type', ['"application/json"', ' "application/xml"'])] test_cases = list(AllPairs(parameters)) it ...
Jay Xiong's user avatar
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Getting error when trying to install Pandas using pip

I am trying to install Oandas. I did: pip install pandas And I tried other versions: pip install pandas=2.2.1 Always the same error: root@thinkpad:/# pip install pandas==2.2.1 Collecting pandas==2.2....
Elyes Lounissi's user avatar
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Docker error /bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/dnf: not found

I'm working on a password manager project, and I developed on Fedora 40 in a pretty quick way, now I'm trying to make a .exe file to deploy my project on Windows, so I built the .exe file with ...
Juan Garcia's user avatar
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exit status 1: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///home/ashran-baig/.docker/desktop/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? [closed]

I was trying to run minikube in ubuntu and the this error was showing up. Run this command: export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock This should work properly, I was not able to find the ...
Ashran Baig's user avatar
-4 votes
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Kali linux dual boot installation [closed]

I don’t have the 'use the largest continuous space' option in the partition disks menu, and when I try to partition manually, the partitions are not showing up on my screen there is just the usb drive ...
Abdo Knn's user avatar
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How to setup rust LAPACK wrappers?

This has been asked before with no good answer. As an MVE one can try this: use lapack::*; fn main() { let n = 3; let mut a = vec![3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0]; let mut w =...
Makogan's user avatar
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How can I declare a pointer to a constant struct literal that uses a flexible array in C if possible? [duplicate]

So I wanted to store some constant text and data for parts of a level in a game in a struct, then put pointers for all those structs in a struct for each level, and pointers for all the level structs ...
nathanael grix's user avatar
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Best practise / How to ? securly execute linux commands from web dashboard [closed]

project details: hosted on a most of the time ~ 90% offline raspberry pi. Maybe sometimes connect to the internet for updates. It gives a seperate section for a wifi hotspot. To share files and data ...
al-naba project's user avatar
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asio::stream_descriptor for async read from stdin in raw mode crashes

I want to poll stdin asynchronously for terminal keyboard events, hence the following /* class tui contains a member 'stdin_' of type 'asio::stream_descriptor', initialized as such : stdin_{...
kmft3kte's user avatar
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Fail to hook argv of execve with kretprobe

I tried to hook syscall __x64_sys_execve with kretprobe. So in the entry handler, I tried to get its params, and use strncpy_from_user to get the char* filename, (char**)argv.But after I compiled the ...
sena's user avatar
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Why is the color of .sh files still green even though I changed it? [closed]

As you can see in the dircolors, I changed the color in .sh, but somehow it is not implemented. However, if I do "dir", for example, then it is implemented. Why? What should I do to fix this?...
max alk's user avatar
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I cant execute a binary file as other user [closed]

So basically i made a simple script in c that prints out environmental user variable, i compiled it and it worked just fine, i tried to do "su -l user2(account i made) /home/user1/Projects/envvar&...
typhrenn's user avatar
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certificate validation keeps failing because crls are not found in docker

I have a few self-signed certificates that are accompanied with crl files. In my docker file I copy those certificates like this: COPY Certificates /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ RUN update-ca-...
Philip Stuyck's user avatar
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HTTP persistent connection with poll()

On successfully creating the listening socket, I try to run a block of code on it that should maintain a persistent connection. Here is what I have done so far: while(1) { struct pollfd pfds[1]; ...
Artyom Gevorgyan's user avatar
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What Can I Do if the "npm run build" command causes the linux server to freeze? [closed]

build screenshot The "npm run build" command causes the linux server to jam. The stuck situation is shown in the figure. My server is configured with 2 cores and 2G memory. Every time I run ...
ZGG's user avatar
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hardware performance counters showing walk_completed_1G when I'n not using any 1GB pages [closed]

I’m running a program that reads a lot of allocated memory. I have transparent huge pages turned on. Moreover, I’m not using regular huge pages which even if I did, they are set to 2MB, as can be seen ...
rkg125's user avatar
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Socat child processes not terminating after client disconnect

I'm using socat to forward traffic from a local port to a remote server over SSL. My command is as follows: socat -d -d TCP-LISTEN:1234,fork,reuseaddr OPENSSL:,verify=0 However, I'm ...
David Sýkora's user avatar
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Is there a Linux window manager written in Node.js? [closed]

I'm trying to build a distro that uses modern JS for the UI, so I can design my own OS. I have found a fair number of modules that manage windows, but I haven't found a native one. I'm expecting ...
Taylor Evanson's user avatar
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Create an alias in bashrc file [duplicate]

In Linux terminal, normally I can copy files from another unix server using: scp -r [email protected]:/data/filename ./ which secure copies the remote file to my current directory. I've made sure ...
Leo's user avatar
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Missing pcre(Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) object files while building TWRP custom recovery

Actually I am getting these errors while building TWRP custom recovery. I allso tried clean build make clean && make -j$(nproc --all) recoveryimage again and again but it always get stuck here....
Random Guy's user avatar
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Can't find .so file in nuget package when deployed via Docker

I've written a nuget package that uses some compiled rust code and want to be able to use this package on both linux and windows. I've compiled the rust code to a .dll and .so, and included both in ...
Tyler Wanta's user avatar
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Group's users cannot modify groups files. Ubuntu [closed]

I've a group (group1) witch contains users user1 and user2. I have a folder (/datafolder) that is owned by user1 but the group is setted to group1 and it has permissions of read and write, also its ...
MagoLione's user avatar
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Pass multiple arguments to single command in custom position xargs

I want execute a command where I have the args as single string but they need to be in a custom position. E.g. in the following example I want the args to be positioned before any fixed args that I ...
David Nguyen's user avatar
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Can I compile on Linux and target Windows?

Yes, in principle the present question is a duplicate of this one, but that's been asked and answered 12 years ago. The answer might have changed in the meanwhile. And indeed the material I linked to ...
Enlico's user avatar
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ExecStart in systemd service does not support file names containing * [closed]

sage-server.service [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/jdk-21.0.2+13/bin/java -jar /home/freedom/local/sage-app*.jar When I run systemctl start sage-server, it fails. Error: Unable to access jarfile /...
SageJustus's user avatar
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How to configure an external formatter in DBeaver Snap Linux?

I'm trying to configure an external formatter for SQL queries in DBeaver, but I'm encountering a "permission denied" error. I'm not very experienced with the command line and just started ...
Breno Pimentel da Silva's user avatar
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Linux console not outputing the expected amount of characters [duplicate]

I am trying to fill the entire visable screen, with characters, in this case 0-9. Yet, when I compile and run it with gcc. The output of the console is diffrent sized blocks of text. Yet the ...
cum-bria's user avatar
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libdecor-gtk-WARNING: Failed to initialize GTK. Occurs when using glfwinit

I have a testing project set up for bgfx, which I was trying to learn. Problem is, i can't get GLFW to initialize properly. The code snippet currently existing is this: #include <bgfx/bgfx.h> #...
Entropy's user avatar
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How can I force a call to read(2) to return EINVAL?

Context I'm writing code that emulates one aspect of pidfds on platforms that don't support them (old Linux, other Unix). I'm doing this a) in order to test some pidfd-related code on very old ...
Zac B's user avatar
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How to remove manifest files in Ollama? [closed]

I was trying to get dolphin-llama3 to work for a chat model in a linux based server. But, I couldn't make it work. So, wish to remove all traces of trying this process. Can you please suggest, based ...
layman's user avatar
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Why does my xampp server download index.php instead of accessing the local website?

I downloaded xampp on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS I configured the vhost correctly I configured the Linux hosts file and also the httpd.conf file I adjusted the permissions of the htdocs folder but when I ...
user278003's user avatar
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When a user process swaps out a page, is the virtual address of the page in user space or kernel space?

I am a beginner in Linux and have always been confused about the difference between kernel space and user space. I am currently researching memory management and would like to know if the virtual ...
Mia8Cew's user avatar
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Error "/bin/sh: 1: bzip2: not found tar: videos.tar.bz2: Wrote only 4096 of 10240 bytes" [closed]

I'm using ubuntu inside virtual machine (3GB RAM/ 10GB ROM / 4 processor) I am trying to create a compressed tar archive named 'videos.tar.bz2' of all the mp4 video in the current directory '~/Desktop/...
yunzhe tion's user avatar
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Issues Installing CUDA and NVIDIA Drivers on Debian GNU/Linux 12 (Bookworm) with NVIDIA L4 GPU on GCP [closed]

I was trying to run a machine learning algorithm which uses gpu in a GCP VM with a GPU. I choosed NVIDIA L4 as the GPU, and after creating VM I followed cuda instructions and driver instructions. ...
Damika's user avatar
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Valgrind complain after modifing reference return variable from a vector in c++

I am trying to modify an std::vector through the use of references, the vector lifetime is designed in such a way modifications through the reference always are valid, in other words the the reference'...
user1006274's user avatar
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Vite application produces different localhost url on different systems

I'm QA and building pipeline script to run some UI tests against a web application. App is made with react & vite. My task is to write script which launches the app & tests. I got commands ...
tunomatic's user avatar
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Spring boot war failed to deploy in tomcat on linux environment while its work fine on windows

I have multiple spring boot based wars deployed in tomcat9. One specific application war file failed to deploy in Linux environment. The same war works in windows environment. Any one can help explain ...
Sajid Hussain's user avatar

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