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Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails-7]

For Ruby on Rails 7 questions: Ruby on Rails 7 is a web app framework in Ruby. Use tags like [ruby-on-rails], [ruby], [rails-7], [activerecord], [actionview], [actioncontroller], [routing], [authentication], [authorization], [database], [testing], [deployment], [gems], [api], etc. Provide specific details and errors.

-1 votes
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Ruby (3.3.4) and Rails (7.1) - rails s Zeitwerk - uninitialized constant Utils::ScriptsUtils::Utils (NameError)

I am trying to update my ruby app from ruby 2.6.6 to ruby 3.3.4 and Rail 5.1 to Rails 7.1 I know it is not a good practice to do so, but in my case (which is a bit complicated) I felt I didn't have ...
bseido's user avatar
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Rails 7.1 Turbo stream not working on localhost, but works when deployed to Heroku

I have a very simple Rails app that is essentially a dashboard, where it uses Turbo Streams to display model attributes in real-time. When I deploy my app to Heroku, everything works as ...
dizzy33's user avatar
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localhost:3000 not working when I start a docker container for my Rails project

I was following a tutorial on how to Dockerize a brand new Rails 7 app. I made the Docker container 'distant-mirror' Setting up the Docker container took about two hours, but now I entered in my ...
Noop Noop's user avatar
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How to delete cookies in Rails 7.1?

I recently upgraded my Rails app from version to version and cookies.delete stopped working. I'm setting a cookie in JavaScript with: document.cookie = `last_guess=value; path=/`; ...
ptrlaszlo's user avatar
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Failed to resolve module specifier "application" .Unable to load the application.js file in rails engine

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "application". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../". In rails 7 while creating ...
Dev Gupta's user avatar
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ActiveRecord::NotNullViolation: RuntimeError: NOT NULL constraint failed: drives.created_at

I am using latest ruby 3.3.3 and latest rails I am new to rails and I am learning it. Sorry if my request seems dumb to some. I got this error when I run tests. It seems that ActiveRecord is ...
Ghassen Rjab's user avatar
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Rails 7: Psql trying to connect to the wrong database but trying to create correct database

In production mode, I am testing connecting a rails 7 project to a remote server for the postgresql database. However when I try to connect to it, it starts looking to connect to the postgres database ...
Ese10's user avatar
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How do you make Javascript work in rails engine?

I have added these gems in Gemfile gem "sprockets-rails" gem "importmap-rails" gem 'stimulus-rails', '~> 1.2', '>= 1.2.1' gem 'hotwire-rails', '~> 0.1.0' gem 'turbo-rails',...
Krapi Rastogi's user avatar
1 vote
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Paste multi lines in Rails console with pry

Problem: I cannot paste multi-line code as pry tries to execute every line. Expected behavior: [1] pry(main)> %w[a b c] .map(&:to_sym) => [:a, :b, :c] [2] pry(main)> Actual behavior: [1] ...
Alexey Zalyotov's user avatar
2 votes
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Why would `has_secure_password` suppress password validation on update, but only if the object is newly created?

Let's say I have a simple model like so with a presence validation on the password field. class User < ApplicationRecord validates :password, presence: true end If I try to update the password ...
Schwern's user avatar
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Debugging tailwindcss:watch in in Docker

I am trying to build a development compose.yaml to mimic what I hope to be my production deployment. Currently it looks like the following using bin/dev. services: web: build: context: ./ ...
GSP's user avatar
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Use custom fonts Rails 7 with jsbundling (esbuild)

How to properly use custom fonts in Rails 7 with jsbundling? I'm trying to use Fontawesome-Free and Font Lora, but I'm getting a loader error. 13:46:30 web.1 | ActionController::RoutingError (No ...
Dmitry Tolstosheev's user avatar
1 vote
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Rails 7.1 Stack level too deep in partials and simpleform

After upgrading our rails stack from 7.0 to 7.1 i noticed these weird errors of stack level too deep even without much of a stack trace. It happens as far as i noticed, only whenever i have a simple ...
Nicholas Ladefoged's user avatar
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Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotPrecompiledError in MyEngine::Frontend#new

Asset hero_banner.jpg was not declared to be precompiled in production. Declare links to your assets in app/assets/config/manifest.js. //= link hero_banner.jpg Rails.application.config.assets.paths &...
Krapi Rastogi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

error trying to import module pinned in import map

I have a rails 7 app and I'm trying to add hotwire functionality. I am getting an error with pinning stimulus and importing it in application.js importmap.rb pin "application" pin "@...
Fred Willmore's user avatar
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javascript_importmap_tags is creating a link to "application.js" with error

I am working on adding javascript handling to a rails 7 app. I want to use import maps to import external libraries for turbo and stimulus. The current issue I'm having trouble with is that ...
Fred Willmore's user avatar
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JS file is blocked due to bad MIME in production

In my Rails 7 project I have been using importmap for importing JS modules. here is the config: # config/importmap pin "application", preload: true pin "@hotwired/turbo-rails", to:...
rony36's user avatar
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Rails controller doesn’t render any templates

I have a question about a rails 7 project I’m starting. I have a controller HomeController with one action home. class HomeController < ApplicationController def home render end end I have ...
Fred Willmore's user avatar
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Is there any way to set individual session timeouts using cookie_store in Rails 7 + Devise, or do I have to use a active_record_store approach?

I'm using Devise with Rails 7.1.3. I'm trying to implement a user configurable timeout value for session expiration, so for example Alice could set her expiration time to 12 hours and Bob could set ...
sampenguin's user avatar
2 votes
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Rails: Validation-errors on object are gone after render :new

I have implemented following validation on my model-class: class Department < ApplicationRecord has_many :employees, dependent: :destroy validates :name, presence: true, length: { minimum: 3, ...
cluster1's user avatar
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DEVISE NoMethodError in Admin::Shop#index (rails 7)

my apologies for all the pictures I am following a tutorial by Conner Jensen(youtube) on creating an ecommerce platform using rails 7. I have run into a couple of problems whilst following this ...
Mambo Zulu's user avatar
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Rails app not updating page when in responsive mode

I have an app built using Ruby 3.3, Rails 7 with import map and dart-sass for my asset-pipeline, the application uses bootstrap for css and coreui\coreui-admin as FE template. Saying that my error is ...
Guilherme Caixeta's user avatar
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Adding new files in Rails engine's lookup context

I am making a rails engine which has a themes folder , in app/apps/themes . When you install the gem in a host application , the user should have the ability to add a new theme depending on their ...
Krapi Rastogi's user avatar
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Unicorn 500 code app error: undefined method `=~' for [...]:Array (NoMethodError)

Once again production deploying a rails app which is exciting. This time a Rails 7.1 app following the same guide I have before by Ralf Ebert Ruby on Rails – Deployment Tutorial. My setup is all good ...
KleinerWarden's user avatar
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Ruby On Rails - Turn If Else Statement Wiith Match? To Case Statement

How do I turn the following if / else statement: if /_?town$/.match? name ['Springfield', 'Shelbyville', 'Kent', 'Carter', 'Benson'].sample elsif /_?state$/.match? name ['TX'].sample ...
Lloyd Banks's user avatar
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Error loading .rb file in /lib after migration from rails 3 to rails 7

I have a very old application written with rails 3 and need to update it to current rails 7. I am stuck with a strange problem: in lib/assets there is a file tools.rb full of functions used across ...
kranz's user avatar
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Rails Associated Child Model

I am trying to follow the rails getting started guide to set up my project, but am running into an issue with setting up the nested models/controllers/views. I have Activity model and Refusal model, ...
baed's user avatar
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MyEngine::FrontendController#index is missing a template for request formats: text/html render different layout from controller

Layouts are present in app/apps/themes/default_theme/views/layouts I have a frontend controller that renders layouts of different themes based on params. For now , lets assume it renders default_theme....
Krapi Rastogi's user avatar
0 votes
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Rails 7 deploy failing on during assets:precompile - ActionView::Template::Error (The asset __ is not present in the asset pipeline.)

This bug is suddenly affecting all of our 3 Rails applications on The codebase wasn't changed but the deployment suddenly stopped being successful. During the build on, ...
Darme's user avatar
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DEVISE localhost:3000/admins/sign_in link always redirects to localhost:3000 (rails 7)

I am building an app in Ruby on Rails 7 that has Admin and User side. after configuring Devise, all of my Devise routes redirect to "home#index". how can I fix this? I inititially thought it ...
Mambo Zulu's user avatar
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Rails Exception No Such Table Exists

I used rails generate to scaffold a ProjectType table and a ProjectGroup table that references project type. I created a project type successfully through the browser, but when trying to create the ...
baed's user avatar
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Pagy gem: best practice to paginate a collection that comes from the model's has_many association

In my Rails 7.1 app I have two models: Movie and Director coupled together with the many-to-many association, so I can call e.g. Director.all[index].movies to get all movies associated with this ...
mate's user avatar
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Search Rails 7 ActiveStorage filename with Ransack

I have a Rails 7.1.3 app that has ActiveStorage and Ransack installed. I have a model called Upload that has_one_attached :file. I would like to search by filename, using Ransack, in the uploads/index ...
hashrocket's user avatar
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Rails 7: Downloadable files in folders outside project folder

I am working on a project in which users can create PDF files and then download them. Currently, I am creating these PDFs inside "public/" folder in the project. But, I want to change the ...
Akanksha's user avatar
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Javascript error running Rails 7 app on IOS iPhone/iPad

We have an app build in Rails 7 with a Postgres database and uses Bootstrap 5 for the UI components. Pretty basic but effective app. The app works fine on Windows and Mac browsers and on most Android ...
Daniel Grenier's user avatar
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Rails JavaScript works fine only with direct URL

In my application I use javascript to manage the fields in the form. When I visit the website by entering the address directly in the browser eg http://IP:3000/admin/systems/new, the javascript ...
mila002's user avatar
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How to create records via FactoryBot with microservice app

I'm new to microservices, always worked with monoliths. I have an application with microservice architecture. The database is located in the part of app in a gem and is accessed through: ...
Procy's user avatar
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Getting "No loader is configured for ".svg" files" while adding custom plugins in ckeditor5

I am using @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic in my Rails 7 application without webpack configuration. the Classic Editor is working fine, but when I use the plugins (like: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-source-...
Sushant Kumar's user avatar
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Blocking the possibility of logging in if the user is not in the database - Rails Devise

I'm using Devise and devise_ldap_authenticatable to allow users to login. I'm using only session controller class Users::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController layout 'landing' ...
mila002's user avatar
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default session expiry issue on Rails

I have an application running in production mode. After a while, the session data seems to clear out. Currently I am using vanilla Rails 7.1.1. What could be causing this? I want session data to stick ...
Michael Ding's user avatar
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Rails 7: How to include a nested assosiation in a jsonapi-serializer

I have an author that has many books and a book that belongs to an author in an rails 7 api. I am using "jsonapi-serializer", "~> 2.2" to try and get the author and their books. ...
Ese10's user avatar
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Getting bootsnap error when using 3.3.1 ruby versions

I am updating ruby version from 3.0.6 to 3.3.1 and bundle run successfully but when try to run rails server or rails c ,getting this error **"**ArgumentError: comparison of String with nil failed ...
Ashish Bhagore's user avatar
-1 votes
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Rspec on Docker with database_cleaner causes remote URL error: RemoteDatabaseUrl

I'm working in Docker, trying to run bundle exec rspec ./spec/services/something/something_spec.rb and I am getting this error DatabaseCleaner::Safeguard::Error::RemoteDatabaseUrl: ENV['DATABASE_URL'] ...
Jose Paez's user avatar
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rollback database in local doesn't update postgres in server Rails 7

I'm running Rails 7 on my server, even though when I add a new table, it does migrate and I can see it in the server database. But when I made changes by rolling back in development environment, and ...
John Sall's user avatar
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Getting randomly PG::Error: can't open large object with rails application

I have a rails application using postgresql 16, i am using latest version 1.5.6 of pg gem. I have the below method:- def file_length transaction do lo = active_connection.lo_open(self.oid, ...
Sachin Singh's user avatar
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Rails Gems that use JS not loading when navigating with Turbo in Production

I have a Rails 7 app using Turbo and ESBuild. Some of my Gems (Recaptcha, Chartkick etc) also have a JS component. While on my localhost everything works fine, after uploading to Heroku the charts and ...
almo's user avatar
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Rails: nested namespace produces a weird path to a partial, resulting a MissingTemplate error

I have an ActiveRecord model named Book, and a model named Book::Author. An author has many books through the Book::Authorship model (one-to-many association). Off-topic: In my app only ...
mate's user avatar
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Understanding StimulusJS connect() vs initialize() in context of turbo/hotwire

The Stimulus handbook describes the difference between connect/initialize as: initialize(): Invoked only once, when the controller is first instantiated connect(): Invoked anytime the controller is ...
APysnack's user avatar
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Configuring flatpickr in Rails7 using simple_form

I'm trying to add to my app date-time picker using flatpickr and simple_form. I tried configure it according to but with no efect. It seems that simple_form ...
mila002's user avatar
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Rails: When adding a new enum column to my Postgres DB, why do I have to use change_table (not add_column) in my migration? And is it equally safe?

All the examples of adding a new enum column, which Rails 7 supports, require a change_table to add the column, like: def up create_enum :status, ["draft", "published", "...
melanie's user avatar
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