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Talent Industry Insider
your 2021
talent strategy
Today's speakers
Frank Koo
Head of Asia,
Talent & Learning
Solutions, LinkedIn
Magdalene Ang
Senior Manager
Product Marketing,
Navin Manoharan
Senior Analyst
Datuk Nora Manaf
Chief Human Capital
Ros Tregurtha
Group Director
Employee Experience
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ā€¢ The recording is available on-demand
we begin:
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Submit a question in the chat box and it will be
answered either within the chat or during the Q&A
section of the presentation.
Agenda 1 We're in it together
Our vision and mission
2 Stay informed
Key trends and insights
3 Stay connected
Customer conversation: Maybank | Domain
4 Stay productive
New product updates
5 Stay curious
Live Q&A
We're in it
Create economic opportunity for
every member of the global workforce.
Connect the worldā€™s professionals
to make them more productive
and successful.
Our most important company value.
Members first
Rank 2017* 2018* 2019* 2020*
6 N/A
7 N/A N/A
8 N/A N/A N/A
9 N/A N/A N/A
Business Insider
2020 digital
trust ranking
Ranking based on overall
digital trust scores.
Source: Business Insider Intelligence Digital Trust Report 2017, 2018, 2019.
* Ranking methodology changed for 2018 onward.
Digital Trust Report
A digital representation of the global
P Present
Employees first
purpose-driven impact
Diverse talent built
based on capabilities
and potential
Shareholders first
financial success
Talent assembled
based on credentials and
past accomplishments
The culture of business is changing.
The companies
that win will make
people success
their priority.
When your people succeed,
your organization succeeds.
Why focus on
internal mobility now?
A unique challenge means
a unique opportunity.
The pandemic is driving
a renewed focus in, and
providing an opportunity for,
internal hiring strategies.
Future of recruiting.
Prediction: Recruiting will hire less, build and borrow more
Source: The Future of Recruitingā€“ APAC; LinkedIn, Oct 2020.
1. LinkedIn Global Talent Trends 2020.
15% Increase in internal mobility
since COVID-19.
talent professionals in Asia-Pacific
expect their L&D budget to
increase or stay the same.
of talent professionals state
that advising the business on
workforce planning is becoming
increasingly important.
Source: ā€œWhere Internal Mobility is Most Common Since COVID 19ā€, LinkedIn Talent Blog, Oct 28 2020.
Since COVID-19,
internal hires make
up a greater share
of all hires.
Internal mobility rates, i.e., share of
all job changes that were movements
within the same company
April ā€“ August
April ā€“ August
Source: LinkedIn data April 2020 - Oct 2020
Internal mobility rates in Asia-Pacific
Energy & Mining
Recreation & Travel
Transportation & Logistics
Hardware & Networking
Health Care
Real Estate
Corporate Services
Higher Education
Media & Communications
Software & ITServices
ellness& Fitness
2020 5 year average
Across Asia-Pacific, most industries are showing above-
average internal mobility.
the talent within.
Internal mobility happens when
an employee changes roles at your
company. This includes promotions
and function and occupation changes.
It can also happen when employees
change how they work, allocating
time to new initiatives, enabling growth
and development.
Ć¼ Time to hire
Ć¼ Cost of hire
Ć¼ Quality of hire
Ć¼ Career development
Ć¼ Employee retention
Ć¼ Motivation and morale
Internal mobility improves:
Source: ā€œWhere Internal Mobility is Most Common Since COVID 19ā€, LinkedIn Talent Blog, Oct 28 2020.
Employees at
companies with
high internal mobility
stay almost 2x longer.
Companies with
low internal mobility
2.9 years
Companies with
high internal mobility
5.4 years
Median employee tenure for
companies with high and low internal
mobility (top and bottom quartile)
of learners say theyā€™d stay at
their company if there were more
skill-building opportunities.1
of L&D professionals say they partner
with recruiting to identify skills gaps
and hard-to fill roles.2
Retain your
top talent.
The right mobility strategy
helps you:
ā€¢ Give employees the ability to
pursue their career goals
ā€¢ Transfer institutional knowledge
to new roles
ā€¢ Hold onto top performers, even
during department cutbacks
1. LinkedIn Global Talent Trends 2020.
2. LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report 2019.
weā€™ve seen
among LinkedIn
Grow a more agile,
able workforce.
By enabling employees to move between
teams, you can:
ā€¢ Develop a multi-talented workforce for
cross-functional projects
ā€¢ Pivot to meet changes in the market and
build resiliency
ā€¢ Create a pipeline for future leaders with
organizational understanding and multi-
faceted problem-solving abilities
Source: LinkedInā€™s Global Talent Trends 2020, survey results from 1,772 respondents
Common Barriers to internal mobility.
Percentage of talent professionals who cite the following as barriers to internal recruiting:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Insufficient resources to establish new internal recruiting processes
No effective way to advertise internal openings
Leadership does not support internal recruiting
No effective way to assess internal candidates
Hiring managers prefer to hire external candidates
No effective way to identify internal candidates
More difficult to diversify our workforce
Not enough qualified internal candidates
Managers don't want to let good talent go
Source: LinkedInā€™s Global Talent Trends 2020, survey results from 1,772 respondents globally
Consistent evaluation process for internal and external candidates
More support from talent acquisition
Executive leadership buy-in
A better way to advertise open roles internally
Incentives for managers to let their employees move
Better training to reskill employees
Connecting upskilling to internal opportunities
Encouraging more cross-functional projects
Identifying skills of existing employees
Change the way you access talent
Percentage of talent professionals who cite the following as ways to improve internal recruiting:
01 02 03
Internal mobility is
increasingly important
and should be a part of a
company-wide strategy.
Internal mobility can help
retain top talent, reduce
overall attrition and create
an agile workforce.
Empowering your
talent team to expand
their influence and impact
by engaging with partners
outside of HR and to
focus on L&D, are integral
to success.
A quick recap:
Customer conversation
Frank Koo
Head of Asia,
Talent & Learning Solutions,
Datuk Nora Manaf
Chief Human Capital Officer
Ros Tregurtha
Group Director
Employee Experience
Empower your
Recruit more
Build an informed
Weā€™ll help connect your people
and mobilize your organization
for ongoing evolution.
Smart Workforce Investments
ā€¢ Develop a pipeline for the future
Effective Hiring Strategies
ā€¢ Acquire talent and redeploy effectively
Talent Growth & Retention
ā€¢ Manage a remote hybrid workforce
ā€¢ Develop internal mobility programs
Tackle todayā€™s talent challenges.
Remote candidate
Internal mobility
Understand your internal workforce
and help employees grow.
LinkedIn Talent Insights
Understand your internal workforce.
Shape your internal mobility strategy.
LinkedIn Learning*
Help upskill your employees.+
LinkedIn Talent Insights
LinkedIn Talent Insights
See how LinkedIn Talent Insights
can help you develop a strong
internal mobility strategy.
Product updates to help you
source and connect.
1 Assess how your current workforce is distributed
2 Understand key talent pools
3 Identify and evaluate new markets
4 Optimize your sourcing strategy, right from Recruiter
Make better remote work decisions.
The information you need to tackle your top talent priorities.
LinkedIn Talent Insights
New filters for
New Recruiter & Jobs.
Now you can fine-tune your search in Recruiter to
focus only on candidates interested in remote work.
Remote filters in Recruiter
A simpler way to
post remote jobs.
Now you can automatically label your
job as ā€remoteā€ when you post jobs to LinkedIn
through LinkedIn Job Wrapping.
ā€¢ Add the word ā€œRemoteā€ or other accepted
keyword to your source job title
ā€¢ Add ā€œ#LI-Remoteā€ to your source job description
Either option will automatically label your
job as remote when it posts to LinkedIn.
Posting Remote Jobs
Target your
remote job
Reach the most relevant candidates
by adding the city,
or country where you're looking
for candidates.
Use this feature when:
ā€¢ manually posting jobs
ā€¢ posting jobs through Job Wrapping
Learn more about posting remote jobs
in the Recruiter Help Center.
Posting Remote Jobs
Strategic hiring
New ways to help you hire
top talent faster.
Empower your
hiring managers.
Now itā€™s easy to help hiring
managers make open roles more visible
to their networks.
ā€¢ Attach job posts to the top of
LinkedIn profiles
ā€¢ Notify networks using the #Hiring
hashtag and LinkedIn photo frame.
Activate the support of your hiring
managers with job promotion updates.
Share that youā€™re hiring
Quickly alert
top candidates.
Within three minutes of posting a job,
weā€™ll use smart AI to alert ~500 of
our most relevant candidates.
Start reviewing applicants in an hour.
Available globally.
Applicants that receive
Instant Job Notifications are
more likely to be hired
than all other applicants.
Instant Job Push Notifications
More details
ensure the
best matches.
Make the most of Instant Job Notifications
by getting specific.
ā€¢ Fill in all fields (Industry, Function, Skills).
ā€¢ Where possible, use standardized
locations and titles.
ā€¢ Create a Company page on LinkedIn,
and add your logo.
Instant Job Push Notifications
Streamline your
hiring process.
ā€¢ Save time by evaluating a
candidateā€™s soft skills before a
live interview.
ā€¢ Identify candidates who may not
have the education or experience
you were looking for, but may have
the right soft skills to succeed.
Video Intro is being used
to hire across functions,
industries, and seniorities.
Job posters who use Video
Intro are nearly 2x more likely
to find a hire.
Video Intro
How it works:
1. Enable Video Intro when manually
posting a job on LinkedIn.
2. Once you receive applications, select
candidates in New Recruiter & Jobs who
will be asked to answer up to two
3. When candidates receive a request,
they can record a short video, or provide
a written response.
4. Click on the link to review submissions
directly on a candidate's profile, and
use InMail to message them back.
Tip: Decide ahead of time what qualities you are looking
for, and evaluate all intros with the same criteria.
Video Intro
of candidates
opt for video
of job posters that use
Video Intro reuse it in
their subsequent jobs.80% 70%
Share real-time data
with your team.
Hereā€™s how it works:
ā€¢ Select what you'd like to share from the Company
or Talent Pool Report in LTI
ā€¢ Generate a link and share it with anyone in your
organization ā€“ no license required!
ā€¢ Showcase your insights with rich data visualization
ā€¢ Report data that updates itself in real-time
LinkedIn Talent Insights
Y O U S P O K E ,
*Only available for customers with both Talent Insights and Recruiter.
Improved metrics
reporting across
talent products.
Weā€™ve made changes to keep reports
more clear and consistent. Now youā€™ll
have the data you need to make more
informed decisions.
Y O U S P O K E ,
Talent metrics
Talent metrics
Metrics are split into two categories:
Job impressions. Weā€™ve made improvements to how impressions are detected.
So, expect decreases if you receive this data.
Job Views and Apply-Clicks. Now we can track actions from users not logged
into LinkedIn, which means an increase in these metrics.
Job reporting UI. The UI has been updated so you can filter by total actions,
unique member actions, and jobs in specific projects.
Career Pages. Career Page metrics inside Company Page Analytics have
been replaced by "Life" and "Jobs" tab metrics.
Other things to keep in mind:
Job Apply-Clicks
Total times members have
clicked to apply for your jobs.
Completed Applications
The total number of
completed applications.More consistency
means greater
Y O U S P O K E ,
Now your recruiting can reflect
your values and commitment
to equality.
Recruit equitably.
Gender Ranking in Recruiter ensures
each candidate search is fair and
Search results are programmed to
reflect the gender mix of the industry
and available talent pool.
to learn more.
1. LinkedIn, Global Recruiting Trends, 2018.
2. McKinsey, Why Diversity Matters, 2015.
of talent professionals report that
achieving gender parity at their
company is a top priority.1
71% boost in performance among companies
with a diverse workforce compared to
those with no diversity initiatives.2
Gender ranking in Recruiter
Understand the
gender representation
of your workforce.
Inform your strategy by comparing the
gender representation of your company to
industry benchmarks.
1. Go to Company Report for your Company
and select ā€œGenderā€ Tab
2. Use filters like Function and/or Location to
understand gender representation and
benchmarks for key talent pools and locations.
This data will only be available for your company. You will not
be able to see data for other companies, and no one else can
see your companyā€™s gender diversity data.
LinkedIn Talent Insights
Identify gender
diverse talent.
Identify more opportunities to
find gender balanced talent.
1. Understand gender diversity
breakdown for key talent pools.
2. Access information across location,
industry, and education.
3. Compare granular data to ensure
fairer gender diversity dynamics.
Location tab
LinkedIn Talent Insights
Donā€™t forget!
Your feedback helps us make updates with you in
mind. So please click the survey icon in your
console and share your thoughts.
Three resources to takeaway:
Virtual Event: Deliver People
Success | On-Demand
Hear from talent leaders on how they
are thriving beyond 2020 as they discuss
topics from internal mobility and hybrid
workforce to people success.
Download The Future of Recruiting:
Asia-Pacific Report
We make six bold predictions about the
future of recruiting, distilled from a survey of
over 1,500 talent professionals, exclusive
data points from the LinkedIn platform, and
in-depth interviews with talent leaders
around the world.
Free Learning Path | Diversity, Inclusion
and Belonging for All
This transformative learning path reviews
current thinking and best practices on
essential topics such as bias in all of its forms,
cultural competence, communication,
allyship, and accountability.
For more information and resources,
Thank you
Share feedback about our products:

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LinkedIn Talent Solutions
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Shaping Your 2021 Talent Strategy: Asia Pacific Event

  • 2. Today's speakers Frank Koo Head of Asia, Talent & Learning Solutions, LinkedIn Magdalene Ang Senior Manager Product Marketing, LinkedIn Navin Manoharan Senior Analyst Insights, LinkedIn Datuk Nora Manaf Chief Human Capital Officer Maybank Ros Tregurtha Group Director Employee Experience Domain
  • 3. ā€¢ Your mic is muted ā€¢ Please ask questions in the chat box ā€¢ Please fill out the survey after the event ā€¢ The recording is available on-demand Before we begin: Type your question here Submit a question in the chat box and it will be answered either within the chat or during the Q&A section of the presentation.
  • 4. Agenda 1 We're in it together Our vision and mission 2 Stay informed Key trends and insights 3 Stay connected Customer conversation: Maybank | Domain 4 Stay productive New product updates 5 Stay curious Live Q&A
  • 6. Vision Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. Mission Connect the worldā€™s professionals to make them more productive and successful.
  • 7. Our most important company value. Members first
  • 8. Rank 2017* 2018* 2019* 2020* 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A 7 N/A N/A 8 N/A N/A N/A 9 N/A N/A N/A Business Insider Intelligence 2020 digital trust ranking Ranking based on overall digital trust scores. Source: Business Insider Intelligence Digital Trust Report 2017, 2018, 2019. * Ranking methodology changed for 2018 onward. Digital Trust Report
  • 9. A digital representation of the global workforce.
  • 10. P Present Employees first Long-term purpose-driven impact Diverse talent built based on capabilities and potential Past Shareholders first Near-term financial success Talent assembled based on credentials and past accomplishments The culture of business is changing.
  • 11. The companies that win will make people success their priority. When your people succeed, your organization succeeds.
  • 13. Why focus on internal mobility now? A unique challenge means a unique opportunity. The pandemic is driving a renewed focus in, and providing an opportunity for, internal hiring strategies. unique challenge unique opportunity
  • 14. Future of recruiting. Prediction: Recruiting will hire less, build and borrow more Visit: Source: The Future of Recruitingā€“ APAC; LinkedIn, Oct 2020. 1. LinkedIn Global Talent Trends 2020. 15% Increase in internal mobility since COVID-19. 2outof3 talent professionals in Asia-Pacific expect their L&D budget to increase or stay the same. 69% of talent professionals state that advising the business on workforce planning is becoming increasingly important.
  • 15. Source: ā€œWhere Internal Mobility is Most Common Since COVID 19ā€, LinkedIn Talent Blog, Oct 28 2020. Since COVID-19, internal hires make up a greater share of all hires. Internal mobility rates, i.e., share of all job changes that were movements within the same company 16.5% 19.6% April ā€“ August 2019 April ā€“ August 2020
  • 16. Source: LinkedIn data April 2020 - Oct 2020 Internal mobility rates in Asia-Pacific
  • 17. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Legal ConsumerGoods Energy & Mining Recreation & Travel Retail Manufacturing Nonprofit PublicSector Finance Transportation & Logistics Hardware & Networking Health Care Real Estate Corporate Services Higher Education Media & Communications Construction Software & ITServices E-learning EducationManagement Entertainment W ellness& Fitness Design 2020 5 year average Across Asia-Pacific, most industries are showing above- average internal mobility.
  • 18. Empowering the talent within. Internal mobility happens when an employee changes roles at your company. This includes promotions and function and occupation changes. It can also happen when employees change how they work, allocating time to new initiatives, enabling growth and development. Ć¼ Time to hire Ć¼ Cost of hire Ć¼ Quality of hire Ć¼ Career development Ć¼ Employee retention Ć¼ Motivation and morale Internal mobility improves:
  • 19. Source: ā€œWhere Internal Mobility is Most Common Since COVID 19ā€, LinkedIn Talent Blog, Oct 28 2020. Employees at companies with high internal mobility stay almost 2x longer. Companies with low internal mobility 2.9 years Companies with high internal mobility 5.4 years Median employee tenure for companies with high and low internal mobility (top and bottom quartile)
  • 20. of learners say theyā€™d stay at their company if there were more skill-building opportunities.1 of L&D professionals say they partner with recruiting to identify skills gaps and hard-to fill roles.2 Retain your top talent. The right mobility strategy helps you: ā€¢ Give employees the ability to pursue their career goals ā€¢ Transfer institutional knowledge to new roles ā€¢ Hold onto top performers, even during department cutbacks 1. LinkedIn Global Talent Trends 2020. 2. LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report 2019. 73% 23%
  • 21. Interesting pathways weā€™ve seen among LinkedIn Learners: Grow a more agile, able workforce. By enabling employees to move between teams, you can: ā€¢ Develop a multi-talented workforce for cross-functional projects ā€¢ Pivot to meet changes in the market and build resiliency ā€¢ Create a pipeline for future leaders with organizational understanding and multi- faceted problem-solving abilities Project Engineer Project Manager IT Solutions Specialist Solutions Architect Business Analyst Product Owner
  • 22. Source: LinkedInā€™s Global Talent Trends 2020, survey results from 1,772 respondents globally Common Barriers to internal mobility. Percentage of talent professionals who cite the following as barriers to internal recruiting: 16% 17% 19% 21% 28% 29% 38% 56% 70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Insufficient resources to establish new internal recruiting processes No effective way to advertise internal openings Leadership does not support internal recruiting No effective way to assess internal candidates Hiring managers prefer to hire external candidates No effective way to identify internal candidates More difficult to diversify our workforce Not enough qualified internal candidates Managers don't want to let good talent go
  • 23. Source: LinkedInā€™s Global Talent Trends 2020, survey results from 1,772 respondents globally 22% 27% 33% 35% 39% 53% 56% 60% 60% Consistent evaluation process for internal and external candidates More support from talent acquisition Executive leadership buy-in A better way to advertise open roles internally Incentives for managers to let their employees move Better training to reskill employees Connecting upskilling to internal opportunities Encouraging more cross-functional projects Identifying skills of existing employees Change the way you access talent Percentage of talent professionals who cite the following as ways to improve internal recruiting:
  • 24. 01 02 03 Internal mobility is increasingly important and should be a part of a company-wide strategy. Internal mobility can help retain top talent, reduce overall attrition and create an agile workforce. Empowering your talent team to expand their influence and impact by engaging with partners outside of HR and to focus on L&D, are integral to success. A quick recap:
  • 26. Talk shop Customer conversation Frank Koo Head of Asia, Talent & Learning Solutions, LinkedIn Datuk Nora Manaf Chief Human Capital Officer Maybank Ros Tregurtha Group Director Employee Experience Domain
  • 28. Develop Empower your employees Hire Recruit more efficiently Plan Build an informed strategy Weā€™ll help connect your people and mobilize your organization for ongoing evolution. Smart Workforce Investments ā€¢ Develop a pipeline for the future Effective Hiring Strategies ā€¢ Acquire talent and redeploy effectively Talent Growth & Retention ā€¢ Manage a remote hybrid workforce ā€¢ Develop internal mobility programs
  • 29. Tackle todayā€™s talent challenges. Internal mobility Strategic hiring Gender diversity Remote candidate engagement
  • 30. Internal mobility Understand your internal workforce and help employees grow.
  • 31. LinkedIn Talent Insights Understand your internal workforce. Shape your internal mobility strategy. LinkedIn Learning* Help upskill your employees.+ LinkedIn Talent Insights
  • 32. LinkedIn Talent Insights Demo See how LinkedIn Talent Insights can help you develop a strong internal mobility strategy.
  • 33. Remote candidate engagement Product updates to help you source and connect.
  • 34. 1 Assess how your current workforce is distributed 2 Understand key talent pools 3 Identify and evaluate new markets 4 Optimize your sourcing strategy, right from Recruiter Make better remote work decisions. The information you need to tackle your top talent priorities. LinkedIn Talent Insights
  • 35. New filters for New Recruiter & Jobs. Now you can fine-tune your search in Recruiter to focus only on candidates interested in remote work. Remote filters in Recruiter
  • 36. A simpler way to post remote jobs. Now you can automatically label your job as ā€remoteā€ when you post jobs to LinkedIn through LinkedIn Job Wrapping. ā€¢ Add the word ā€œRemoteā€ or other accepted keyword to your source job title OR ā€¢ Add ā€œ#LI-Remoteā€ to your source job description Either option will automatically label your job as remote when it posts to LinkedIn. Posting Remote Jobs
  • 37. Target your remote job posts. Reach the most relevant candidates by adding the city, state/province/county, or country where you're looking for candidates. Use this feature when: ā€¢ manually posting jobs ā€¢ posting jobs through Job Wrapping Learn more about posting remote jobs in the Recruiter Help Center. Posting Remote Jobs
  • 38. Strategic hiring New ways to help you hire top talent faster.
  • 39. Empower your hiring managers. Now itā€™s easy to help hiring managers make open roles more visible to their networks. ā€¢ Attach job posts to the top of LinkedIn profiles ā€¢ Notify networks using the #Hiring hashtag and LinkedIn photo frame. Activate the support of your hiring managers with job promotion updates. Share that youā€™re hiring
  • 40. Quickly alert top candidates. Within three minutes of posting a job, weā€™ll use smart AI to alert ~500 of our most relevant candidates. Start reviewing applicants in an hour. Available globally. Applicants that receive Instant Job Notifications are more likely to be hired than all other applicants. 30% Instant Job Push Notifications
  • 41. More details ensure the best matches. Make the most of Instant Job Notifications by getting specific. ā€¢ Fill in all fields (Industry, Function, Skills). ā€¢ Where possible, use standardized locations and titles. ā€¢ Create a Company page on LinkedIn, and add your logo. Instant Job Push Notifications
  • 42. Streamline your hiring process. ā€¢ Save time by evaluating a candidateā€™s soft skills before a live interview. ā€¢ Identify candidates who may not have the education or experience you were looking for, but may have the right soft skills to succeed. Video Intro is being used to hire across functions, industries, and seniorities. Job posters who use Video Intro are nearly 2x more likely to find a hire. 2x Video Intro
  • 43. How it works: 1. Enable Video Intro when manually posting a job on LinkedIn. 2. Once you receive applications, select candidates in New Recruiter & Jobs who will be asked to answer up to two questions. 3. When candidates receive a request, they can record a short video, or provide a written response. 4. Click on the link to review submissions directly on a candidate's profile, and use InMail to message them back. Tip: Decide ahead of time what qualities you are looking for, and evaluate all intros with the same criteria. Video Intro of candidates opt for video responses. of job posters that use Video Intro reuse it in their subsequent jobs.80% 70%
  • 44. Share real-time data with your team. Hereā€™s how it works: ā€¢ Select what you'd like to share from the Company or Talent Pool Report in LTI ā€¢ Generate a link and share it with anyone in your organization ā€“ no license required! ā€¢ Showcase your insights with rich data visualization ā€¢ Report data that updates itself in real-time LinkedIn Talent Insights Y O U S P O K E , W E L I S T E N E D *Only available for customers with both Talent Insights and Recruiter.
  • 45. Improved metrics reporting across talent products. Weā€™ve made changes to keep reports more clear and consistent. Now youā€™ll have the data you need to make more informed decisions. Y O U S P O K E , W E L I S T E N E D Talent metrics
  • 46. Talent metrics Metrics are split into two categories: Job impressions. Weā€™ve made improvements to how impressions are detected. So, expect decreases if you receive this data. Job Views and Apply-Clicks. Now we can track actions from users not logged into LinkedIn, which means an increase in these metrics. Job reporting UI. The UI has been updated so you can filter by total actions, unique member actions, and jobs in specific projects. Career Pages. Career Page metrics inside Company Page Analytics have been replaced by "Life" and "Jobs" tab metrics. Other things to keep in mind: Job Apply-Clicks Total times members have clicked to apply for your jobs. Completed Applications The total number of completed applications.More consistency means greater efficiency. Y O U S P O K E , W E L I S T E N E D
  • 47. Gender diversity Now your recruiting can reflect your values and commitment to equality.
  • 48. Recruit equitably. Automatically. Gender Ranking in Recruiter ensures each candidate search is fair and balanced. Search results are programmed to reflect the gender mix of the industry and available talent pool. Visit to learn more. 1. LinkedIn, Global Recruiting Trends, 2018. 2. McKinsey, Why Diversity Matters, 2015. of talent professionals report that achieving gender parity at their company is a top priority.1 71% boost in performance among companies with a diverse workforce compared to those with no diversity initiatives.2 35% Gender ranking in Recruiter
  • 49. Understand the gender representation of your workforce. Inform your strategy by comparing the gender representation of your company to industry benchmarks. 1. Go to Company Report for your Company and select ā€œGenderā€ Tab 2. Use filters like Function and/or Location to understand gender representation and benchmarks for key talent pools and locations. This data will only be available for your company. You will not be able to see data for other companies, and no one else can see your companyā€™s gender diversity data. 2 1 LinkedIn Talent Insights
  • 50. Identify gender diverse talent. Identify more opportunities to find gender balanced talent. 1. Understand gender diversity breakdown for key talent pools. 2. Access information across location, industry, and education. 3. Compare granular data to ensure fairer gender diversity dynamics. 1 2 3 Location tab LinkedIn Talent Insights
  • 52. Donā€™t forget! Your feedback helps us make updates with you in mind. So please click the survey icon in your console and share your thoughts.
  • 53. Three resources to takeaway: Virtual Event: Deliver People Success | On-Demand Hear from talent leaders on how they are thriving beyond 2020 as they discuss topics from internal mobility and hybrid workforce to people success. Download The Future of Recruiting: Asia-Pacific Report We make six bold predictions about the future of recruiting, distilled from a survey of over 1,500 talent professionals, exclusive data points from the LinkedIn platform, and in-depth interviews with talent leaders around the world. Free Learning Path | Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging for All This transformative learning path reviews current thinking and best practices on essential topics such as bias in all of its forms, cultural competence, communication, allyship, and accountability.
  • 54. For more information and resources, visit Thank you Share feedback about our products: